Greg Hudson Current Address Home Address 3 Ames St. 4535 Manzanita Cambridge, MA 02142 Eugene, OR 97405 EDUCATION Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA Will graduate in February with a Masters of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Cumulative GPA 4.9 out of a possible 5.0. Was among the top ten students in three out of four introductory computer science and electrical engineering subjects. Notable course work includes graduate classes in programming languages, distributed algorithms, cryptography and cryptanalysis, and theory of computation. South Eugene High School Eugene, OR Sept `88 to June `92. Ranked first in a class of 350 students. GPA 4.0 out of 4.0 on unweighted scales. National Merit Scholar, Rensselear Polytechnic Institute medalist. EXPERIENCE MIT Information Systems Cambridge, MA Spring `94 to current: Student developer for the MIT Athena environment. Developed extensions to the Willow database interface and developed performance improvements to the INN 1.4 Usenet server and to the Zephyr messaging system. Currently operating an experimental NetBSD/i386 time-sharing service and maintaining a locker of Gnu project software. MIT Media Lab Cambridge, MA Fall `92 and Spring `93: Developed a Macintosh application to provide a user-friendly interface to network interactive text-based virtual reality services. Worked in C with Think C Object Extensions (similar to C++) and the Think Class Library. MIT Student Information Processing Board Cambridge, MA Spring `93 to current: a maintainer of MIT's primary news server, the FTP site, and several other network services. A maintainer of several lockers of free software. A principal developer and maintainer of ports of the Athena environment to Linux and NetBSD. Have held three officer positions including Chairman. Personal Programming Projects Completed several free software projects on the order of 10,000-15,000 lines of C source code and comparable amounts of documentation. Designed and implemented two C-like interpreted languages as part of a network client and a network server. Contributed significantly to the development, testing, and debugging of Chris Provenzano's portable POSIX-compliant threads library for Unix systems. Currently developing a news server in multithreaded C++. SKILLS Languages: C, C++, Objective C, Perl, csh, sh, TeX, others Programming: Language and compiler design, multithreaded programming Operating systems: BSD kernel and user-space internals; AFS internals Network systems: Usenet, Kerberos, Zephyr, others Project management: RCS, CVS, autoconf, imake, make Applications: Xess, FrameMaker, Matlab, gnuplot, emacs, many others