Installation Procedure

This document offers a general overview of installing the SASL library.

Quick and Dirty

  cd (directory it was untarred into)
  make install
  ln -s /usr/local/lib/sasl2 /usr/lib/sasl2

If you're checking this directly out of CVS, you'll need to run "sh ./SMakefile" to build the configure script first.

Read the System Administrator's Guide to learn how to configure libsasl in depth. There is also a document that covers migrating from libsasl v1 to libsasl v2 applications.


Note that the library looks for plugins in /usr/lib/sasl2, but installs them into ${prefix}/lib/sasl2, where ${prefix} is usually something like /usr/local. This is intentional - we want the plugins installed with the rest of the package (wherever things get installed at your site), but we want the library to always be able to find its plugins under /usr/lib/sasl2, no matter where you install things, so that the SASL plugin ABI on all platforms is roughly the same.

If you don't want to do this for some reason, you can set the location where the library will look for plugins by setting the environment variable SASL_PATH to the path the library should use.


You'll probably need the GNU make program, available as of this writing here.

libsasl2 can use gdbm, Berkeley db, or ndbm to implement its user/password lookup. Most systems come with ndbm these days; as of this writing, gdbm is available as this file. Berkeley DB is available from: here

For Kerberos support, you'll need the kerberos libraries. At CMU, the version we use comes from here.

For GSSAPI support you will need either MIT Kerberos 5 or the Heimdal implementation.

You may want to play with your CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS a little if you're using vendor compilers. We use gcc extensively, but you'll probably have more luck if you use the same compiler for the library as you do for your applications. You can see what compilers we use on our platforms by looking at the "SMakefile".

Support platforms

This has been tested under Linux 2.2, Linux 2.4, Solaris 2.7 and Solaris 2.8. It should work under any platform where dynamic objects can be linked against other dynamic objects, and where the dynamic library file extension is ".so", or where libtool creates the .la files correctly.

Installation under Win32:

If you are using SASL under Win32 or have compiled it, please let us know!
Note: The Win32 port of SASLv2 is Incomplete. At this time, there are no installers available. To install by hand: This has been tested under Windows 2000, using Visual Studio 6 SP1.

More notes

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