o INFO: Aero the AcroBat 2 might wait until a bit in $420B (h-dma enable) clears - does reading that register indicate H-DMA channels in progress? o INFO: Alien vs Predator uses colour subtraction on sprites but only on palettes 6-7? (Collect cloaking device, second object). o INFO: pacman and Jim Power intro seem to rely on maximum number of sprites on a scanline at once to hide unwanted sprites. o INFO: PilotWings uses a DSP. o INFO: Actraiser2 uses mode 7 fixed colour palette mode - "32K" mode. o INFO:Battle Toads: Double Dragon needs the -h parameter set to 100. o INFO: Batman Forever uses sub-screen addition with bg's being on both the main screen and sub-screen. o INFO: Intro of Beavis and Butthead uses sub-screen addition with bg's being on both the main screen and sub-screen. o INFO: ebreaker.smc bg's on both main and sub-screen. o INFO: DKC3 crashes itself if V-RAM isn't filled with zeros! o INFO: TOKIMEKI MEMORIAL (tokmemor.smc) uses hi-res., mosasic effect and fixed colour addition. o INFO: Tetris Attack uses screen screen height of 64 on offset-per-tile mode 2. o INFO: Mario Kart has odd graphic windows settings when first started. o INFO: Kirby Superstar - SA-1 game? YEP! o INFO: Clay Fighter 2 writes to $3007-8 and reads from $3211-4. o INFO: Batman forever might show that if OBJs are on both the main and sub-screens and colour addition is enabled, then only OBjs with palette numbers 4 or greater take part in colour addition and are not displayed on the sub-screen. o INFO: Speedy Gonzales starts a long DMA to $2180 at v-line 1 with the screen not blanked. o FIXED: Terranigma - during intro mode 7 swoop across landscape - graphics 'bleed' outside colour window. o FIXED: All Japan Pro Wrestling doesn't highlight menu options - similar problem to Battletoads. o FIXED: Super Formation Soccer 94 - as above. o FIXED: Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest crashes with a STP instruction. - Requires that IRQ triggeres immediately after a WAI instruction. o DONE: Jap version of Tetris Attack might have a scrolling bug on the title screen. - doesn't seem to. o FIXED: Mighty Max uses colour window on main screen to clip background colour palette changes - except its not working on Snes9x. o FIXED: Batman - revenge of the joker locks at start - waiting for SPC700 which has hit a stop instruction. - has its ROM header information in the wrong memory location, fooling Snes9x into thinking its a HiROM; it isn't. o DONE: T2: Arcade Game displays multi-coloured blocks of tiles when a mode 3 screen is being displayed. Screen shown when game-over. - Corrupt ROM. o DONE: WWF-Super Wrestlemania and WWF-Raw both seem to display junk background layers - the ROM enables the layers but does not set up any background data. - not a problem. o DONE: Ardy Lightfoot and Oblix both flash the sprite of the main character on and off every other frame, should they do this or is it a bug? - Corrupt ROM. o DONE: The Great Circus Mystery (circusmystery.smc) doesn't work. - Corrupt ROM. o DONE: Theme Park starts a rather crummy tune then crashes. Hacker intro? - Corrupt ROM o DONE: WWF-Super Wrestlemania crashes just before the game starts. Memory map bug? - Corrupt ROM. o DONE: Lost Vikings locks or resets on all versions. - check for newer ROM image and/or zsnes. - Corrupt ROM. o FIXED: Jim Power has a one pixel wide bright line down one side of screen on the level map screen. o DONE: NMI might need to be delayed to end of line. - no, but it did need delaying for a few microseconds. o FIXED: Pilot Wings tries to set up a V-IRQ to happen on the line its already on, uses IRQ to switch to mode 7. -h 120 fixes problem. Cycle timing must be off. o FIXED: Jim Power (jimp.smc) has scrolling/H-DMA problems on the intro. - missing mode 2, offset-per-emulation and then offset data for first tile was being ignored. o FIXED: Captain America has single pixel high line corruption through some of its tiles. o FIXED: Winter Gold causes ZSNES Super FX code to overwrite the static data after its allocation - was causing the X library to crash since that was the .o after linked after zsnes.o. o FIXED: Bugs Bunny has sound repeat problems when Bugs kicks a dog. - not a problem, just needs -envx. o FIXED: WWF-Arcade crashes - calls a subroutine at address $EE758D which only contains zeros at that address. Memory map bug? - Corrupt ROM o FIXED: -frametime option is broken. o FIXED: Start screen on Chase HQ is corrupt. v0.24 has same problem. - needs CentreX & 1023 on mode 7 when screen repeat is on. o FIXED: Uniracers enables sub-screen addition on bg # 2 but with nothing on the the sub-screen. Should it be either the fixed colour or back-drop colour get added instead? - fixed colour should be added. o FIXED: Killer Instinct has a one-pixel wide bright line part way down screen on orcid practice level - colour window invert bug? o FIXED: Killer Instinct bg #1 is hidding some transparency effects and the fighter's sprite shadows on some levels. o FIXED: Mario All stars - Super Mario 2 uses mode 2 (offset per tile) but with height 64 on bg #2. Black screen. - real problem was that horizontal offset per tile wasn't implemented. o FIXED: James Pond 2 gets stuck waiting for SPC700 to respond after first title screen. works on v0.24. o FIXED: Multiple colour add/sub and clip window bugs with Killer Instinct. o INFO: Williams Arcade Classics plays sound samples by varying the volume level using the gain control... o FIXED: Bomberman 5 flickers on title screen when H-DMA is enabled. o DONE: Exhaust Heat might require scanline drawing just before H-DMA rather than at end of h-blank. - looks like the game just needs -h 110. Cycles per scanline count might be too small for all games. o FIXED: The Magical Quest (smmouse.smc) has an intro with bad raster glitches - uses exact CPU timing! o FIXED: Big Sky Trooper's music is very slow. - must have been a CPU shutdown problem. o FIXED: Micromachines 2 has continuing engine noise problem when race is over - sound channel 7 is in sustain mode with time period set to infinite. - must have updated ADSR parameters as the it was in progress. o DONE: Check Micromachines on real SNES - does the Ocean logo shear at the start? If it doesn't it could be a bug in the mode 7 code - the same problem that affects battle racers. - Does the same thing on a real SNES. o FIXED: LAMBORGHINI AMERICAN has lots of missing music notes - uses bent-line inc with attack rate of infinite? - S9xSetEnvRate thought that the channel was silent and hence the number of volume steps was 0 so erate was always being set to 0. o FIXED: Ninja Warriors has missing graphics on the title screen - V-IRQ problem? Problem appears after v1.16. Didn't like H-IRQ triggering on the same line if the H-IRQ position register was updated. o FIXED:Pac-in-time title music sounds a lot worse with new envelope sound code in 1.17. The game requires samples to be keyed on without being keyed off first. o FIXED: Aladdin: Mode 7 tile 0 corruption. bug in my delay-by-one-word read V-RAM code. o FIXED: Missing sprites on Captain Commando (all negative x coords) - only on asm version, but now... o FIXED: Flashing screen on Captain Commando. o FIXED: Super Street Fighter 2 won't respond to joy-pad controls. o FIXED: Final Fantasy V - text windows are partially hidden - background priority-per tile problem. - needed dual-windowing AND/OR logic mode. o FIXED: Tinytoons uses Mode 7 priority per pixel. o FIXED: Formation Soccer seems to need transparent mode 7 graphics and sprites behind background. o FIXED: Super Aleste has corrupted sprites on title screen. o FIXED: Junk on backgrounds of Battle Clash. sub-screen subtract. o FIXED: Total Carnage scrolling text is off by a couple of lines, h-dma problem. o FIXED: Puzzle Bobble says "this ROM is not designed for you snes". o FIXED: Sensible Soccer Mode 0 problems (colours). o FIXED: Cannon Fodder shows signs of H-DMA problems when showing mission title screen. o FIXED: Alien vs Predator: sprites messed up and screen flashing (screen flashing done on purpose). o FIXED: ffmq might require MVN/MVP to always use a 16-bit accumulator. o FIXED: Battle Toads crashes after player selection. o FIXED: snestest.smc locked up on Electronics test - IRQ never cleared. o FIXED: Formation Soccer is doing DMA from a bad area of RAM to V-RAM - needed SPC700 emulation. o FIXED: Pacman crashes and problems with sprites on title screen - v-ram reading problem. o FIXED: New FF5 graphics problems on title screen. o FIXED: MS-DOS machine with single joystick doesn't work. o FIXED: Seiken 3 locks up - first in a IRQ loop (its never cleared) then waiting for sound CPU. o FIXED: Metriod 3 has a corrupted screen and locks up. o FIXED: Mechawarrior 3050 has major problems - corrupt screen, extreamly slow frame time, etc., etc. - needs SetByte and GetByte CPU push code. - So does Weapon Lord! o FIXED: **Weapon Lord uses PCALL and TCALL in SPC-700 code ** o FIXED: Another World is transfering a lot of data using DAM to VRAM and $2180. o FIXED: Soulblazer has minor h-dma glitches on vertical background scrolling. o FIXED: Secret of the Stars no go - Sound cpu wait problem. o FIXED: With reseting IRQ in place in v-line != h-irq-line Battle Toads: Double Dragon works, but Spawn doesn't. o FIXED: Memory map problem with Donald Duck (corrupt ROM image). o FIXED: Comsmo Puzzle and Yuu Yuu all show "V-RAM increment" type problems (problem was with reading V-RAM). o FIXED: Some games rewrite the sprite registers during a frame. o FIXED: ILLUSION has horrible sound... (sample decode routine had a bug). o FIXED: Find out why graphics are all squashed up on sensi soccer/ bman with old old tile drawing code... o FIXED: IRQ wobble on Aladdin at top of screen - causes occational palette flash. o FIXED: 7th Saga, Actraiser2 and Addams Family causes a core dump on exit. o FIXED: aleste.smc has sprite display problems on title screen on tile-based redraw code. o FIXED:Tazmania has stopped working - missing IRQ. Adding a field to Settings moved a variable being used in asm code. o FIXED: Castleviana 5 and Sparkster use DMA address decrement to update sprites. o FIXED: X-Men has some sprite glitches - but only on tile based redraw code - it blanks the screen early and then DMAs new spite tile data before the usual end of frame. o FIXED: Super Punchout shows corrupt knockout timer when H-DMA is enabled. (was triggering H-DMA during a frame) - only trigger H-DMA during v-blank or h-blank, otherwise write to register is ignored. o FIXED: ASM version bug: SOUND: Super Punchout has lots of sound repeat problems. o FIXED: DMA? problems on background 3 in SMW. o FIXED: Weapon Lord hangs on player selection screen (waiting for SPC700?). o FIXED: Killer Instinct shows BG3 on title screen when it shouldn't. o FIXED: Blank screen on Rock 'n' Roll Racing - DMA problem. o FIXED: SFC Bastard has offset problems on Mode 7 graphics on title screen. o FIXED: SOUND: SFC Bastard (bastardy.smc) locks with sound enabled. o FIXED: GANBARE GOEMON 2 (sf16232a.078) requires SavedOAMAddr to be set in OAMAddr after end of frame (at max v_counter?). o FIXED: SuperOffroad: The Baj has screen flash/timing problems during game - skipping IRQs ? - It was reseting the H-IRQ position so another IRQ would occur on the scanline it was already on. o FIXED: R-TYPE 3 has missing scrolling "space" background during game. (location $54 contains $10, needs to contain $11) - not a bug, when run on a real SNES the background is missing as well. o FIXED: Toy Story plays sample that walks off end of memory - was causing emulator crashes. o FIXED: Bubsy has corrupt graphics - it required register $4210 bit 7 to trigger at the end of h-blank of line 224, not at the start. o FIXED: Jurrassic Park locks with sound enabled. (Corrupt ROM image). o FIXED: Q*Bert 3 has major graphics problems after 3rd level or locks. With -h 120 and VAR_CYCLES game has corrupt graphics, otherwise it crashes. - ROM image is corrupt as same thing happens on a real SNES. o FIXED: Evo - Chapter 1 title page shown on two backgrounds at same time - not bug just sub-screen addition being used. o FIXED: Ghosts and Ghouls needs H-DMA to be enabled if register is written after start of frame - Super Punchout needs the opposite... - only start H-DMA if enable register written to during v-blank or h-blank. o FIXED: Exhaust Heat has mode 7 offset problems. v0.24 accidentally fixed the problem but now its back again. o FIXED: Goal locks at start with sound enabled. - The SPC700 seems to need to start executing instructions before the 65c816 so it has initialised $2140 to $BBAA before the '816 checks for that value. o FIXED: Final Fight 3 crashes with BRK instruction. - corrupt ROM. o FIXED: T2 - has problems with clip windows. o FIXED:Nhl97 crashes - sound APU problem ? o FIXED: Nhl97 now doesn't crash, instead the game won't start after the teams have been chosen. o FIXED: Shadow Run shows sprite-sprite priority problems. o FIXED: Super Bases Loaded 2 has an odd memory map: writes to $E00000 and reads from $E04000! (DSP1 chip) o FIXED: Return Of Double Dragon needs -FL -ss 1 -o. o FIXED: Tazmania is rewriting the colour palette just before the end of the frame. Shows up a a flashing screen. Uses software not DMA. o FIXED: Actraiser2 has screen flash/timing problems. Was rewriting H-DMA start addresses during a frame - real SNES seems to ignore these. o FIXED: Agmawo locks at start. corrupt ROM - looks to be only first part of a multi-part ROM on the CD. o FIXED: Alfred Chicken needs -FL. o FIXED:Zoop: Sound works initially but then stops during game. o FIXED:Lion King locks up with sound enabled... o FIXED: Killer Instinct shows corruption at top of screen during the actual fight. Seems to need sub-screen emulation turned on. o FIXED: NBAJam (not Tournament Edition) has an odd memory map - accesses code at $3Dxxxx. (corrupt ROM image). o FIXED: RPM racing uses mode 5 512x512. o FIXED: Biker Mice From Mars (sfbiker) needs -N and flipped layering '8'. o FIXED: Mario and Wario (sfmarwar.smc) needs a mouse. o FIXED: SF8752.smc has sprites problems when using tile-redraw code. o FIXED: NHL '97 does a JMP $4320 in bank $87 - $4320 is a register area in that bank. o FIXED: Chuck Rock has corrupted sprites on the title screen. o FIXED: War of the Gems crashes with a STP instruction - bug in asm version of CPU core - appears when status register spliting was added. Snap6. If IRQ pending after returning from an NMI then incorrect status pushed onto stack. o FIXED: Sunset riders has repeated background problems(?) - could be sub-screen addition/subtraction. Colour palette changes during game. o FIXED: Street Racer has corrupt sprites on the player select screen. o FIXED: Super Bases Loaded 1 uses Mode 5 (512x224) on intro. o FIXED: Bomberman 4 needs -FH. o FIXED: Captain Commando is interleaved. o FIXED: Crystal Bean locks at start and is interleaved. - corrupt ROM image. o FIXED: Ogre Battle has fixed colour subtract problems on the main screen. o FIXED: Pacman 2 has scrolling/H-DMA problems during the game. o FIXED: Power Drive (snk_powd.smc) uses 512x448 on intro. o FIXED: SKI PARADISE (skiparad.fig) uses mode 7 priority per pixel o FIXED: Madden 96 needs -FH and has new Antherox intro. o FIXED: College Slam (collslam.1 on CD) thinks non-standard controllers are connected. It writes $12 and $02 to $4016. o FIXED: Ranman1/2 Part 1 (ranma121.smc) crashes SPC700 at start up - looks like a 65c816 addressing mode/instruction bug! - corrupt ROM image. o FIXED: acc-elf.smc works on v0.1 but crashes with a STP instruction in v0.24. o FIXED: FLYING HERO BUGYURU flyhero.smc does not work and image is odd size so code doesn't detect header and remove it. o FIXED: Yaiba (lmk_yaib.smc) locks waiting for an interrupt to occur to no interrupts are enabled. o CORRUPT ROM: Rise of the Robots does a long DMA to V-RAM during in the NMI handler - it might require the DMA to automatically stop when H-DMA starts if the screen is not blanked. o FIXED: Andrew Agassi Tennis has missing sprites - only writes to low byte of sprite write address register. Writing to low byte must clear hi-byte as well. o FIXED: Bonkers locks sound enabled. SPC700 code expected KOFF DSP register to return value just written. o FIXED: Street Racer has odd size sprites and has missing tiles when displayed. o FIXED: ASM 65c816, Aladdin keeps warping to other side of screen on first level. o FIXED: Chrono Trigger uses mode 2 with width 64 for wavey 'Trigger' text. Text should scroll onto screen, it doesn't. It does if width 64 is disabled, but it starts on the screen first. - bug with not wrapping Quot variable with mode 2 width 64. o FIXED: CPUShutdown causes problems for ROMs that wait for h-blank using $4212 during the v-blank period - Reschedule doesn't enable HBLANK_START_EVENT during the v-blank period so the cycle skipping code doesn't wake up the CPU until h-blank end. o FIXED: Putty Squad seems to use wrong palette for each tile when mosaic effect is being used - could be only the ROM so far with 16x16 pixels tiles and mosaic effect. o FIXED: Mortal Kombat 1 restarts level when once the 'fight' message has disappeared. - 0.31 has problems. - 13-03-98 problems. - 1-4-98 problems. Problem with asm code only and intermittent. o FIXED: Clay fighter has problems with colour window when the game starts and the game locks up anyway. ... but still sound repeat problems. o FIXED: VAMPIRES KISS has corrupt, flashing OBJs and some v-ram problems, no problems in 0.41. Problem not dma, ppu, or cpuexec. - Problem was H-DMA was being started inside v-blank period. o FIXED: VAMPIRES KISS has tile glitches on bg#2 during game - not present in 0.41. H-DMA? o FIXED: Contra 3 has clip window problems resulting in black screen, only OBJs can be seen when game first starts. o FIXED: YUUYUU TOKUBETUHEN (yuyut.smc) has missing OBJs when screen is split - it enables both clip windows on OBJ and sets the combination mode to AND but both clip windows only overlap a few pixels so the OBJs are not displayed. - bug in window code, needed to flip the logic window combination mode because the window area add already been flipped. o FIXED: XOR window clip code is producing bands that overlap. o FIXED: TOKIMEKI MEMORIAL (tokmemor.smc) displays corrupted sprites - every other group of four pixels is missing. o FIXED: Lufia I locks is shutdown is enabled. Asm only. o FIXED: The SPC700 in Universal Solider locks if shutdown is enabled. Asm only. o FIXED: Disabling the Multi Player 5 switches controller 1 to a mouse ! o FIXED: Top Gear 3000 - DSP1? game, though ROM header doesn't mention it. Bug in ROM header detection code. o FIXED: Lost Vikings II locks after title screen - works in 0.24. o FIXED: Daffy duck has lots of scrolling glitches on background parallax effects - timing problems? Missing NMI - ROM kept turning NMI enable flag on and off. o FIXED: Firemen locks at start waiting for SPC700. Human game, needs -ratio 3. o FIXED: Battle Toads: Battlemanics crashes during intro - ROM's NMI handler does not switch index registers to 16-bit before pushing them onto the stack, but always switches them to 16-bit mode when restoring them. NMI timing problem. o FIXED: Contra 3 has missing fire effects when bomber plane drops bombs - use freeze-game to see. - Colour window is fully clipping the sub-screen and the fire effects are only on the sub-screen. - colour window invert bug. o FIXED: Illusion of Gaia uses sub-screen subtraction with half flag during game select. Also, uses colour window to cut a hole in the main-screen, should the sub-screen be visible at this point? Only two backgrounds are being displayed, one on the main-screen and one on the sub-screen and the sub-screen is not being added to the background only the background on the main-screen. o FIXED: Empire Strikes Back needs -ratio 5 to work. o FIXED: llusion of Gaia menu on the first screen should be on a dark background. ZSNES gets it correct. o FIXED: Commodore 64 emulator doesn't work with asm CPU core - works fine with C code. o FIXED: Chrono Trigger: crash bug in clipping code - use snapshot F6 and press 's'. Corrupts stack causing crash. o FIXED: Toy Story only updates screen every-other frame and woody flashes continuously. (Woody flashing is due to hacked ROM) Toy Story requires NMI to happen immediately after a WAI instruction. o FIXED: Tales of Phantasia executes across a 0x8000 boundary and either side of the boundary are at different offsets into the ROM. Causes a crash. o FIXED: Itchy & Scratchy has sprite corruption on the one of the title screens. Problem appeared between v0.4 and v0.41. o FIXED: King of the Rally has missing music on the car-feature selection screen. Works in v1.00. Requires DP+X addresses to wrap in zero page. o FIXED: (again) Lufia I locks when shutdown is enabled, waiting for SPC700. made the SPC700 wake up if the 65c816 reads from the one of the 4 comm ports. The SPC700 used to only wake up when the 65c816 wrote to the ports. o FIXED: Sparkster has lots of sound repeat problems. o FIXED:Adventures of Batman & Robin (bat.smc) has really slow music on title screen with SPC700 shutdown enabled. o FIXED: Return of the Jedi has lots of sound problems. o FIXED: Mighty Max and Addams Family 2 are very slow with sound enabled. o FIXED: Yoshi's Island might show there's an 'off-by-one' bug in the clip window code when it pops up a message box. - bug with clip window 2 'outside area' setup code - window 1 code was correct. o FIXED: YS 5 - text boxes should contain a smooth colour change; they don't. - Colour addition/subtraction code and halve the result shouldn't halve the result if its only the fixed colour. o FIXED: Modes 2 & 4 are broken - horizontal offset per tile rendering is incorrect. Multiple tiles have to rendered in the same tile box. o FIXED: Yoshi's Island PAL - ZSNES freeze state. Level 6 boss. Mode 2 offset per tile problem. - tile offset data has to take into account horizontal offset of background layer. o FIXED: Taekwon-Do locks up at start. - Human game - needs special SPC700 timing. o FIXED: Lots of missing sound effects in Home Alone 2. - Just needs ENVX and sync-sound emulation turned on. o Missing sound effects in Earth Worm Jim 2. - Spools sound data using H-DMA in real-time. o Toy Story has garbled sound output just before game starts. DOS port only. o Tazmania has ticking on the sound during the initial title music. o SuperScope 6 has a repeating gun-fire sound on the initial aim screen. Channel volume is set to gain mode. o Stargate sometimes has a slight click sound at the end of each rapid soft beep when the start button is pressed on the title page. Channel 6 is the problem, has attack rate of 10ms, decay 1200ms, infinate sustain and a sustain level of 5. o The Lion King: under sound test, continue long song contains some odd sounding notes. Is a particular type of sample not being decoded correctly? o Clicks on the title music of Madden 98. o DOREMI Fantasy milon uses decay exponential volume envelope on the notes at the end of the title music - they seem to take too long to decay. o NHL STANLEY CUP locks at start waiting for the SPC700 - works with sound disabled. o The sound on Speedy Gonzales sounds out of tune - seems to vary the frequency a lot - first low byte then the high byte. o Stargate has sound clicks on channels 5 and 6 on title page. o FIXED: Bugs Bunny has junk snow characters on bg #1. - initialisation problem/timing problem. If you wait until the joypad screen is displayed, then start the game, it works! Was doing junk H-DMA into V-RAM write registers. o DOS port can't load some ROMs from CD. NLKE has same problem. Allegro? ZSNES loads most of them fine. o RPM Racing doesn't display correctly when interpolation and 16-bit screen mode. X11 port. Works when full-screen X. o Airwolf hacker intro is very corrupt - corrupt ROM? o Super Bases Loaded uses Mode 5 and the background offset mode. o Look into passing mask into StartHDMA so the routine only resets DMA channels with the bit set in the bit mask. o JanjYu Gakuen 2 looks at bit 6 of $4211 - might need to show source of IRQ - $40 for V-IRQ and $20 for H-IRQ? o Priority on snestest.smc Character Test is incorrect. o Shien The Blade Chase tests bit 0 of $4200 until it goes 0 - reading $4200 must reflect joypad reading status. o Sailor Moon has colour window problems during intro of game. o Sailor Moon R screen flashes black during game. -h 102 fixes. o Tile corruption on Super Pang on 3rd level+ - only on DOS port. o Gun force uses background #2 to display horizontal bullets fired from player, but they are displayed offset from the main firing them. o Wile E's Revenge has missing music, and very quite sound. Also displays rotated mode 7 character picture during titles. o Top Gear 3000 sits in a loop waiting for the H-DMA line count register to reach a particular value - it never does because its not emulated yet! o Eye of the Beholder has strange mouse pointer movement problems when SNES mouse emulation is enabled. o Mode 5 graphics on snestest.smc Controller Test are corrupt - offset per tile not implemented. NO - H-512 mode not implemented! o Robocop v Terminator: screen flashes like Alien vs Predator. o RPM racing (hi-res. interlace) displays blank screen with 8-bit renderer. o Secret of the Evermore: strange sprite animation problem during end sequence. See freeze file 1. o Return of the Jedi - watch intro. Flight through Death Star is badly corrupt. (mode 7). o WORMS has vertical offset problems on BG1 when displaying life bar at top of screen. - check on real SNES. o Theme Park world map screen has text offset problems - mode 2. - check Jap copy and/or on real SNES. o Chrono Trigger, snapshot chrono.012, locks up waiting for sound CPU. - Fix by increasing %'age cycles per line ~105. o Super Play Action Football has corrupt title pages - uses mode 5 hi-res. o Secret of the Evermore: lock up problem during dialog. See freeze file 2 & 3. - Fix by increasing %'age of cycles per line ~101. o Sound clicking during music of Metal Morph. o Dirt Trax FX has multiple polygon fill bugs when using the ZSNES Super FX code and sprite bugs when using the C code version. o Secret Of the Mana displays on graphics and locks up on 1.34+; OK on 1.33a. - Could be scanline timing changes... o Live a Live locks up. o Flashback - 3 Lanugage version keys off then on all 8 sound channels repeatedly while the menu is being displayed (select button) during gameplay. o Alien 3 - junk line displayed after intro has played - bg #3 is showing junk tiles but is being mostly clipped by graphics window. o All Japan Pro Wrestling performs an extra long DMA (20480 bytes) at scanline 223 and relies on the real SNES to terminate the DMA when video refresh DMA starts at scanline 1. This doesn't happen on Snes9x and V-RAM gets junked. o Jikkyo Power Pro Wresling sprites glitches on the second demo wrestling match. Settings %'age cycles per scanline to 103 fixes problem. o Shijou Saikyou no Quiz Ou Kettei Sen Super glitches on the mode 7 intro screen. o SHOUGI MARJONG intro theme music sound slighty off key. o Ogre Battle (US) - Junk line/graphics displayed on first few screens. o Aladdin: first boss starts attacking and never stops (sometimes). o Armored Trooper Votoms reports DSP-1 RAM error.