Dragon Bane Version 1.14 (c) 1998-2000 Palm Creations Thank you for trying out Dragon Bane, by Palm Creations! EXPLANATION OF DEMO VERSION: This demo is fully playable, except that only the first three levels are accessible until you purchase a license. After purchasing the license, you will be able to unlock this demo into the full version, and continue playing any saved games from where you left off. To purchase the full version, visit PilotGear H.Q. at: http://www.pilotgear.com and search for Dragon Bane When registering at PilotGear, you will be asked to provide your Pilot Username and your Registration Code -- both of which can be found by pressing License from the Dragon Bane menu. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Dragon Bane consists of four files that must all be installed before you can play. The files included with the Dragon Bane distribution are: * DrgBComm.pdb * DrgBAdv1.pdb * DrgBMaps.pdb * DrgBane.prc Save game files: There are six save game slots. Each save game you create will create a new pdb file (for example DrgBSav0.pdb) that will automatically be copied to your desktop computer each time you hotsync. This way, you can backup and restore save games on your computer in case you lose or overwrite them on your Pilot. Upgrading Dragon Bane: If you are upgrading Dragon Bane from a previously installed version, _do not_ delete any Dragon Bane files on your PalmPilot before installing the new version. This way, all your save game slots, and your license key, if you have entered it, will remain intact. DOCUMENTATION: Documentation is provided online in web-viewable HTML format. The latest documentation can be found on our website at: http://www.palmcreations.com/products/dragonbane/docs A link to online documentation transated to Japanese is also provided. HELP & HINTS: PilotGear HQ will provide full support for general installation related questions. Palm Creations will provide email support for game interface or other general questions. Neither Palm Creations, nor PilotGear will provide detailed information regarding solving puzzles, or other game play elements. If you get really stuck, we encourage you to look for help from other players online. For this purpose, Palm Creations has established, and occasionally will monitor an online Dragon Bane forum. See the Palm Creations webpage for details. CHANGES: 1.14 March 21, 2000 Display code fixed for OS3.3 devices (such as Visor) Display code fix to run on PalmIIIc Display code bug fix -- for a rare case where display would get garbled. 1.13 September 17, 1998 Fixed an introduced bug that would not allow you to heal players in the temple - only recharge spell points. Also changed to make character stats redraw after a heal or recharge in the temple. 1.12 September 15, 1998 Fixed a bug with revelation spell that would not allow you to move using the pen when the trap warning message poped up. Changed the interface in the shoppe to be easier to use. 1.11 August 5, 1998 Fixed a bug with dispell that could cause 255 monsters to appear. 1.1 August 3, 1998 Fixed problem that any level thief or sorcerer could cast trapzap. Fixed a secret teleport that put you in Lair4. Disallow monsters from inflicting insanity on your last sane character Added option to face away from buildings you exit Added left-handed user option (swaps tile graphic and menu) Adjusted play-balancing of dragons, and certain other monsters Improved monster AI in combat Indicate location of certain traps and treasures you have found on map Modified hints to a couple of puzzles Prints party gold on character menu, not stats screen 1.0 July 13, 1998 Initial Release FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS: Should any minor enhancements be necessary, Palm Creations may make unannounced free upgrades available on the Palm Creations website. In the unlikely event that a major fix is required, the new version and an announcement will be posted to various online PalmPilot software archives as well. The Dragon Bane engine was designed with expandability in mind. Look for other Dragon Bane-type adventures in the future. Palm Creations may also release free level-creation tools as well. Until we make such announcements, we will not provide any information on future Dragon Bane-related products or development tools. We would, however, be willing to cooperate with anyone interested in constructing Dragon Bane maps, faqs, websites, translations, web mirrors, or other information. DISCLAIMER: Conflicts: Although we do not know of any specific conflicts between Dragon Bane and other programs, it is possible that certain applications such as AppHack may exist. Please report any possible conflicts or bugs to info@palmcreations.com, and we will try to resolve them as soon as possible. Standard Disclaimer: THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. IN NO EVENT SHALL PALM CREATIONS OR ANY OTHER BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS).