PRO Bar 5 Quick Instructions: (To read this in notepad, please utilize the WORD WRAP feature under EDIT -> Word WRAP If you are upgrading to the full version, please delete the demo version from your PALM before installing the new version. The main page of PRO Bar 5 has four buttons on the left and a selector on the right. You can use your palm hardware buttons to scroll up and down any selector list in this program. Any drink that is ADDED will appear in the category they have been added to. The instructions on how to add a drink are included below. All drinks are categorized by their MAIN ingrediant. The same drink may be added to different ingrediants. Any drink that is ADDED or DELETED are reflected if you use to main ingrediant selector. You can add your own personal drink by clicking on the NEW DRINK button. Clicking on the new drink button will take you to a blank data entry form. You MUST enter the drink name and the main ingrediant category. To add a category, click on the button LABELED CATEGORY and you will see a drop down list that will list all the available ingrediants that you can classify your drink by. IF you do not want to categorize the drinks based on these ingrediants, select the BLANK category. There are three buttons on the bottom of this page that are available to all the recipes. BACK, SAVE, DELETE. Save will save a new record or insert a new record. Back will take you to the previus page. Delete will delete the current record after asking for a confirmation. IF you click on the ADD TO FAVORITES BUTTON, this drink will be added to a favorites list that you can select from the main menu. Use this feature to keep a quick reference of your favorite drinks. On the main menu, clicking FAVORITES will take you to your favorites handy reference. If you click on the FIND button, the app will take you to a new screen that has a place to enter text. There is also a FIND button. To find a drink, you can either enter the entire drink name or just part of the name. For example, if you enter GI, you'll see the drinks 'Gibson','Gilroy', and others. Beaming: Beaming is allowed! Normally, you can't beam a databases. You can only beam the front end through the Palm's beam function. This app has the beam function built in. To beam the application to your friends, click on the menu button while your using the app. You then have the choice of beam application or beam database. First beam the application to another user, wait till that finishes, and then beam the database. Happy bartending!!