Revolt in 2100 & Methusala's Children - Cover Revolt in 2100 &
Methuselah's Childeren

by Robert A. Heinlein

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Release Date: 1/99
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The Menace From Earth

ISBN:0671-57802-2, $6.99 US
Release Date: 2/99
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She was beautiful
She was smart
She was irresistible

She was after my boyfriend!

Black on Black - Cover

Glory Road - Cover

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First time in trade paperback. "A triumph!" --Chicago Tribune

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Both editions feature the original ending and Heinlein's preferred ending. The mass-market paperback includes the winning essay in our pick-the-ending contest and other material never before published.

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First edition. A great writer explains how we can reclaim our American heritage of freedom and representative government. With an introduction and notes by Jerry Pournelle.

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Hugh Farnham and his family survive a nuclear holocaust only to be hurled into a future "utopia" founded upon slavery. Possibly Heinlein's most controversial novel.

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