jhawk's quick guide to t-shirt sales. Written the morning of Wed, 27 Oct 1999 in quite a rush. FIND jhawk: Call +1 781 262 3180 to find me at work, or add net-tools beep jhawk if you can't find me there. Feel free to do this. STORAGE: t-shirts are currently living in the SIPB office, under the machine oliver.mit.edu; if you need to get them or need to return them please be respectful of people in the SIPB office and try not to make a big deal of it. Please be neat and polite, etc. The List of Shirts and an envelope with a small amount of change are in the XEROX paper box. ORGANIZATION: The open-topped XEROX box contains shirts that people have reserved. Please don't sell any of these to people who haven't reserved shirts, as we're out of some styles of shirts and those people who reserved them need to get what they asked for. One large cardboard box contains "cV only", the other contains the full "chuck Vest". Try not to mix them. Shirts of like sizes are folded together in batches of 10 or less, for easy of management. SALES: Shirts are $12/shirt. Pre-orders are $11/shirt. Display at least 2 shirts, front/back at your booth/table. When you sell a pre-ordered shirt, please check the person off on the list of preordered shirts. When you sell a non-preordered shirt, mark the shirt as sold by size/color/style on the bottom of said sheet. Please ignore cryptic notations that aren't discussed here, like the stuff on the back of the sheet. You may accept personal checks from anyone you know/trust personally. We are out of black "chuck Vest" shirts in sizes other than XL. We have no XXLs and they are all spoken for at this time. We have lots of white and you should try to sell them. If we're out of a style someone wants and they don't want another shirt instead, ask them if they'd be interested in reserving a shirt for our next run (if we choose to do one). Don't take any money, but get their name/email/size/color/style info. That's it for now.