Date: Wed, 22 Nov 89 03:38 EST From: Dean Hickerson Subject: Description of block pusher To: rwg@YUKON.SCRC.SYMBOLICS.COM, dba@ANDREW.CMU.EDU, rcs@LA.TIS.COM, acw@YUKON.SCRC.SYMBOLICS.COM Here's the promised description of block pusher. It's fairly detailed and includes some things which you've all seen before; I put them in so I can send it to Wainwright, Trevorrow, and others who haven't been following our discussion. The block pusher consists of a stationary pattern made of guns, eaters, and glider streams, and a block some distance to the SE. The pattern fires a group of 5 gliders at the block; when they hit, the block is moved farther SE and a glider is sent back NW. When this glider reaches the stationary part, another glider group is sent toward the block. Since the round trip time keeps increasing, points along the gliders's flight paths never become periodic. The collision which moves the block is shown below. The gliders are labelled A, B, C, D, and E. Gliders A and B move the block 7 units west and 4 units south. Gliders C and D turn it into a boat. Glider E turns it back into a block, 5 units SE of its original position, and sends back a NW glider. (I'd known the glider+boat -> block+glider reaction for several years. I found the gliders+block -> boat reaction after just a few minutes of experimenting. Putting these together results in pushing the block, but also moves it off the diagonal. I then tried hundreds of collisions between 2 gliders and a block until I found one which moved the block back to the correct diagonal; I was hoping for a combination which moved it 15 or 23 units, but 5 was the best I found. My search was by no means complete, so it's possible that there's a group of only 4 (or maybe even 3 or 2) gliders which does the job.) e.e............................... .ee............................... .e................................ .................................. .................................. .....d............................ ......d........................... ....ddd........................... .................................. .................................. ..........c....................... ...........c..........b........... .........ccc...........b.......... .....................bbb.......... .................................. .................................. .................................. ............................a..... .............................a..oo The stationary part of block pusher lies along a NW-SE diagonal, and consists of 3 pieces. At the NW end is the shotgun, which produces a 5 glider group every 120 generations. Next there's the suppressor, which shoots gliders at the shotgun's output, destroying the groups. Finally, there's the catcher, which waits for a glider to come from the block and then deletes one of the suppressor's gliders, thereby allowing one glider group to escape toward the block. The shotgun builds the groups's gliders in the order A, E, D, C, B. Gliders A are produced by a p120 gun aimed SE. Gliders E are produced by a p120 gun aimed SW; they hit a queen bee shuttle which reflects them 90 degrees to SE, as shown here: o......... ooo.....o. ...o...o.. .......... ......o... ......o... .....o.... .......... .......... ..oo...oo. ..o.....o. .......... ...o...o.. .......... .......... .......... .......... ..oo...... ...o...... ooo....... o......... Next, gliders D are produced by a LW spaceship gun aimed north and a glider gun aimed SW; they collide as shown here: .o.... .o.o.. .oo... ...... ...... ooo... o..o.. o..... o..... .o.o.. Gliders C and B are produced in the same way, except that for B the LW spaceship gun is aimed west and the glider gun is aimed NE. Each LW spaceship gun is made from 2 glider guns whose gliders collide in the vicinity of a pentadecathlon. (Thanks to Bill for providing both the 90 degree turn and the LW synthesis.) ..............o.o... ...............oo... ...............o.... .................... .................... .................... .................oo. .................o.o .o..oo....oo..o..o.. .o..oo....oo..o..... Altogether, the shotgun consists of 11 p120 glider guns, one shuttle, and 3 PDs. The suppressor is essentially a p120 glider gun whose output annihilates the glider groups. (Actually I used a p30 gun, 3/4th of whose gliders get deleted by a glider stream from the catcher.) The annihilation is done like this: e.e............................... .ee............................... .e................................ .................................. .................................. .....d............................ ......d........................... ....ddd........................... .................................. .................................. ..........c....................... ...........c..........b........... .........ccc...........b.......... .....................bbb.......... .................................. .................................. .................................. ............................a..... .............................a.... .................................. ...............................o.o ...............................oo. ................................o. Finding a way to delete a group with just one glider wasn't really necessary, but made the catcher's circuitry much simpler. Fortunately, the gliders+block reaction shown earlier occurs in 3 stages, so there's some flexibility in the spacing of the glider group. Hence there are more ways to crash a glider into a group than if its geometry were fixed, so the chance that one of them would cause annihilation was increased. It only took a couple hours of experimenting to find the one shown above. The catcher's job is to detect a glider coming from the block. There are two difficulties. First, the phase of the return glider is only known mod 40: If the block is 5 units farther away, the round trip time is increased by 40. That's why I chose p120 logic; there are only 3 possibilities for the return glider's phase. Second, the return glider's flight path overlaps that of the glider groups, so whatever detects the glider must not interfere with the groups. Fortunately, a NE glider can slip between gliders B and C. (If this hadn't been possible, it would have been necessary to either use slower guns, thereby increasing the number of possible return glider phases, or to add circuitry to turn off the detectors when a glider group goes by.) Here's a circuit diagram of the catcher: Shotgun Suppressor \ / \ /\ \ E / \ \ \/ \ \ /\ \ \ E / \ \ \ \/ \ \ \ /\ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \ / \ \ \ \/ \ \ \ \ /\ \ \ \ / G5 /\ \ \ / / G4 /\ \/ / / G3 /\ / / / \ / / G2 \ / / \/ / /\ / / \ / G1 \ / \/ /\ / \ G0 . . . \ \ Block "G" is a gun, "E" is an eater. Guns G0-G2 have period 120, while G3-G5 and the suppressor have period 30. Wherever gliders meet, they both vanish. Normally, during a 120 generation cycle, one of the 4 gliders produced by G3 is deleted by one from G0; hence 3 of the 4 from the suppressor are deleted. There's also one missing from each of G4 and G5, so the suppressor's remaining glider gets through to hit the shotgun's output. But when a glider comes from the block, one glider is deleted from either G0, G1, or G2, so an extra one escapes from either G3, G4, or G5, the usual escapee from the suppressor is deleted, and a glider group escapes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It should be possible to modify this construction to give a pattern whose population grows like C sqrt(t) for some C: Reposition G3 so its output hits the output of G0 in a ternary reaction, replace the suppressor by a p120 gun, and add two p120 guns and an eater as shown: E Suppressor \/ /\ G7 / \ \ . \ /\ . \ / \ . \/ \ /\ . / \ . G6 /\ . / G3 . . . / G0 The G3 stream's data, after its collision with the G0 stream, will be 0011/1111 in a 120 generation cycle; the first bits occur normally, the others when a return glider has deleted one from G0. G6 produces 0100 and hits the stream from G3 in a vanish reaction, so it becomes 0100/0000. This then hits the output of G7 (0100) in a vanish reaction, so a glider escapes from G7 only if a return glider has deleted one from G0. Meanwhile, the G3 stream after its collision with the G6 stream is 0011/1011; the first of these bits is used to release or delete the suppressor's output. Eventually, the population will be dominated by the outputs from G7 and will grow like C sqrt(t).