Class browser.Document
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Class browser.Document


public class Document
extends Document
Class Document extends the generic html.Document class to use TagRef subclasses that contain information about formatting the document. This is the class which associates particular style changes with particular html tags. Many of the html tags are associated with a single TagRef subclass called StyleTagRef, which knows how to apply a style to the formatter when the formatter encounters that tag. But many other tags have their own special subclass of TagRef, and it's this class which associates those TagRef subclasses with the html tag.

This also handles creation, starting, stopping and destruction of hotjava applets.

See Also:
Applet, Style, Document
1.46, 20 Mar 1995
Jonathan Payne

If an html document is transformed into a DisplayItem (rather than being a normal text document) then this points to that DisplayItem and the other parts of the document are ignored

Document(URL, InputStream)
Creates a new Document with the specified URL and InputStream.
Document(URL, String)
Creates a new Document with the specified URL with its contents initialized by the specified String.

Add an applet to this document
Send destroy()s to all the Applets in our hashtable.
endTag(Tag, int)
Creates and returns a new TagRef for the specified html end tag.
Sets the URL that is associated with this document.
Send start()s to all the Applets in our hashtable.
startTag(Tag, int)
Creates and returns a new TagRef for the specified html start tag.
Send stop()s to all the Applets in our hashtable.
Returns the URL that is associated with this document.

  public DisplayItem displayItem
If an html document is transformed into a DisplayItem (rather than being a normal text document) then this points to that DisplayItem and the other parts of the document are ignored

  public Document(URL url,
                  InputStream is)
Creates a new Document with the specified URL and InputStream.


  public Document(URL u,
                  String s)
Creates a new Document with the specified URL with its contents initialized by the specified String. The document is a plain text document, which means it contains no html tags in it, exception for the <plaintext> tag at the very beginning.

  public String toString()
  public TagRef startTag(Tag t,
                         int offset)
Creates and returns a new TagRef for the specified html start tag.
startTag in class Document


  public TagRef endTag(Tag t,
                       int offset)
Creates and returns a new TagRef for the specified html end tag.
endTag in class Document


  public URL url()
Returns the URL that is associated with this document.


  public void setURL(URL u)
Sets the URL that is associated with this document.


  public synchronized void addApplet(AppletDisplayItem item)
Add an applet to this document


  public synchronized void startApplets()
Send start()s to all the Applets in our hashtable.


  public synchronized void stopApplets()
Send stop()s to all the Applets in our hashtable.


  public synchronized void destroyApplets()
Send destroy()s to all the Applets in our hashtable.

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