Hany Khafre's Journal: September 29, Home
Well, I've been back for a week. The university is now saying that
Everett is on indefinite sabbatical, so I'm going to have to wait to
beat the shit out of him.
Sarah and I both recieved carefully worded, but threatening letters
from the president of the university asking us not to talk about the
events at Giza. Sarah seemed to agree, and I was rather pissed at
her. She pointed out that we could go talk about it after my thesis
was completed. I didn't quite see the merit in this.
Then, Sarah showed me her vacation pictures. Included was a roll of
pictures of heiroglyphics on sheafs of parchment from the quarry
chamber. She's working on a translation. I don't quite know what
Sarah has in mind, but it has potential to be almost as satisfying as
beating Everett's head in with a 2.5 ton rock.