Interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationHandler
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Interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationHandler

public interface AuthorizationHandler
extends Object
This is the interface that an Authorization handler must implement.
0.2 (bug fix 2) 23/03/1997
Ronald Tschalär

Method Index

 o getAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo)
getAuthorization must return a structure containing either the authorization string (for the "basic" scheme), the required authorization parameters, or null if no info was given.


 o getAuthorization
  public abstract AuthorizationInfo getAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo challenge) throws AuthTypeNotImplementedException
getAuthorization must return a structure containing either the authorization string (for the "basic" scheme), the required authorization parameters, or null if no info was given.
challenge - the parsed challenge from the server; the host, port, scheme, realm and params are set to the values given by the server in the challenge.
a structure containing the necessary authorization info, or null. The necessary info includes the host, port, scheme and realm as given in the challenge parameter, plus either the cookie or any necessary params.
Throws: AuthTypeNotImplementedException
if the authorization scheme in the challenge cannot be handled.

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