Hany Khafre's Journal: September 7, Giza, Egypt


We arrived at Giza today. We drove out from Cairo this afternoon. The pyramids lie just west of Cairo and it didn't take us long to reach them, but it's so damn hot out if felt like forever. I arrived a bit early so I had time to ride out a ways away and absorb the view. I rode out past the Sphinx and stopped and stared back at the pyramids. At the top of Chephren, I could see the little bit of the remaining limestone casing that once covered them whole. Later this week I'll be visiting the quarries. Sarah insists the stones can't have originated in local quarries due to the exact composition, which my thesis agrees with, but I don't think she quite believes my theory either. She has some, 'creative' theories of her own. Of course Everett, has some illusion that these 2.5 ton blocks were just cut out of the quarries with picks and then carried to the site. Right. And I got to Cairo by flapping my arms really hard.

The results of some of the stone composition analyses should be finished by the time we get back. From that we'll hopefully see that though there is sedimentation characteristic of local limestone but without some of the expected stress fractures and other effects that would be observed were the stones seperated from the quarry faces. Over the next week we'll hopefully be able to survey the quarry for waste products and due additional composition studies.