XPotts Michael Creutz creutz@wind.phy.bnl.gov March 1994 WHAT IT IS: This is an Xwindow program to illustrate a Monte Carlo simulation of the Potts model. This grew from my earlier program XIsing. If you have trouble understanding what is going on here, look at XIsing first. This program allows dynamical observation of the Potts system under a simple microcanonical Monte Carlo algorithms. The system is a two dimensional array of spins, each of which is represented by one of q possible states. The states are represented by various colors displayed on the screen. The energy is determined by nearest neighbor pairs as well as the value of an applied field. If two neighbors are the same, then the energy has one value, and if they differ, it is higher by one unit. The applied field acts only on color 0, which is red, and gives it a slightly different energy. The source is freely distributable. COMPILING: The program should run on anything supporting Xwindows with color. If you find an exception, please let me know. It will not run on a monochrome system. To compile, "cc -O xpotts.c -lm -lX11" should work. If not, possibly the X11 includes are not being found. Then you need to compile with a -I option to where they are and possibly change the -lX11 to help the linker. Remember, as with any Xwindow program, you need to have "xhost" and "DISPLAY" set up properly. WHAT THE SCREEN SHOWS: The spins are displayed in a box surrounded by various gadgets to control the evolution. Every 20 sweeps, various quantities are calculated and displayed to the right of the lattice. These include the inverse temperature, beta, the applied field h, the system energy E, and the magnitization as defined from state 0. The normalization is such that at h=0 the energy E runs from 1 to 0 as beta runs from 0 to infinity. At beta=0, the magnetization M runs from 0 to 1 as h runs from zero to infinity. The critical value for beta at h=0 is exactly known to be log(1+sqrt(q)). This value is displayed on the screen below the measured quantities. One set of four buttons, labeled "conserve E," "heat," "cool," and "free E" are for adjusting the temperature. Normal running is with the energy conserved, but to heat or cool the system press the appropriate button. The "free E" button is similar to the heater; the difference is that the heat button will not stop at infinite temperature but will continue to negative beta. Another set of buttons controls the magnetization, defined as the number of sites with spins having value 0. A conventional simulation would have this unconstrained, and is represented by the "free M" button. Constraining M is the way this program implements a magnetic field. The basic algorithm is a microcanonical approach described in some detail in my paper Phys. Rev. Letters 50, 1411 (1983). A set of "demons" circulates around the lattice trying to flip spins. Each carries a sack of energy. Any energy change associated with a spin flip is compensated by a change in this sack. If the demon's sack cannot accommodate the change, the flip is rejected. For the control of the magnitization, a second sack contains a limited supply of state 0 spins from which any changes to of from such state must be taken. The behavior under this algorithm is quite close to that of a conventional Metropolis et al. simulation. This program is substantially slower than XIsing, which did all computations in parallel using multi-spin coding. The "quit" button and the "pause" "run" toggle are self explanatory. The number of states allowed per site, q, can be adjusted via the box just below them. The allowed range is from 2 to 255, although only 18 different colors are used. As q is decreased, the highest spins are replaced by the next value down. The program can be run with one or two arguments. The first argument is the initial value of q, which defaults to 8. The second is used to make the display bigger. Its value is the size of the blocks of pixels used. The best way to see what this argument does is to try it, i.e. enter xpotts 2 4 to get the Ising model with big blocks. It defaults to 1, but can be as large as 4. The larger sizes slow things down a lot on a SUN, but may work better on other machines. SUGGESTED EXPERIMENTS: The system starts at infinite temperature with the cooler on. At large q, including the default of 8, there is a first order transition. Note how as the system cools, blocks of fixed color appear. The high temperature phase appears in more random regions between them. As it cools, the system tends to spend a lot of time near the critical temperature as the transition to the nucleating low temperature phase releases latent heat. If you switch to the conserve E mode before the low temperature phase has completely taken over, the system will be phase separated and the temperature should fluctuate around the critical value. With the magnetism buttons you can use the spin zero magnetized state dominated to compress the other phases. Note how this raises the temperature at constant energy. Releasing the magnetic pressure, you can watch the other states bounce back. At q<=4 the transition is second order; observe how the fluctuations in the domains are much larger near the critical temperature. The case q=5 is supposed to be first order with a small latent heat. Can you tell? The heat button allows one to go to negative temperature. Going down to q=2 gives the Ising model. It is hard to see, but in this case leaving the heat button on will lead to antiferromagnetic domains in a checkerboard pattern. Note how resiliant this state is to an applied field. At higher q the negative temperature system has lots of degeneracy and looks like a mess. Turning on the increase M button will favor color zero. At low temperature alternate use of this and the decrease M button allows one to pass through a first order transition from one magnitization state to another. Leaving on the decrease M button will freeze out color zero, giving the model effectively at q-1. Try this for the q=3 model and watch the Ising model appear.