XSand by Michael Creutz creutz@wind.phy.bnl.gov This program simulates the sandpile automaton of Bak, Tang, and Wiesenfeld. This is a simple model originally presented to illustrate the concept of self organized criticality. This program generated the pictures on page 46 of Briggs' book "Fractals -- The Patterns of Chaos." Additonal pictures from this program will appear in an upcoming second volume of the Springer Verlag book "Fractals and Disordered Systems." The updating rule is extremely simple. On each cell of a 192 by 188 lattice is an integer amount of sand between 0 to 7, inclusive. If this value exceeds 3, that cell is regarded as "unstable" and for the next time step it takes four of its grains of sand and places one on each of its neighbors. The updating is simultaneous for all cells. The total amount of sand is conserved except at the boundary. The basic idea of self organized criticality is that after lots of random addition of sand followed by relaxation, the system will automatically enter a critical state where the size of an avalanche created by additional sand addition is unpredictable without actually running the process. The sizes of the ensuing avalanches statistically have a power law distribution without any characteristic scale. Feel free to distribute these files to anyone interested. GADGETS The screen opened by the program has lots of gadgets, etc. They are: Pause: Does the obvious. Fill: Fills the lattice with the current pen color (height). Tracer: When this is active those sites which "tumble" by being stable are flagged and colored "cornflower blue" when they become stable. In this way you can trace where an avalanch has gone. Clear Trace: This clears the flagged sites to their normal color. Double: This doubles all heights modulo 8. This is a convenient way to quickly add lots of sand. Auto-D: When this is active, the system will automatically double in height whenever all sites become stable. A color bar. This shows the colors by which the various heights are shown. These squares are also gadgets, and by clicking on one of them the corresponding color becomes the current pen color, shown in the small box near the color bar. If the left mouse button is pressed while over the lattice, you can sketch with this color. To start an avalanch, just select a color larger than 3. The save button saves the current configuration as "xsand.gif," a standard gif file that you can print or manipulate with any graphics program that likes gif files. The restore gadget will reload a previously stored configuration. Note that for the save feature to work you need write permission on the directory from which you are running. The other gadgets let you change the boundary conditions. The program starts with open boundaries and sand is lost for any tumbling on the edge. Periodic boundaries connect the left and right sides as well as the top and bottom. In this case sand is never lost and it may be that avalanches never end. Sandy boundaries represent an infinite source of sand just outside the lattice. Every step a grain is tossed on each edge site and two on each corner site. Try the flow boundary condition to see what it does. SOME EXPERIMENTS 1. With the mouse, scribble some sand randomly on the system. Then repeatedly hit the "d" key to fill the lattice with a random mess. Wait a few minutes until the system stabilizes and activity ceases. Now you should be in the critical ensemble. Make the active color 4, and click the mouse over the lattice. This will start an avalanch, which unpredictably might be large or small. After a few avalanches, turn on the trace button and make some more. Now you can follow where the avalanche has passed. Note that the avalanche regions always wind up simply connected, with no untumbled islands left over. This is a theorem, and is true for any state in the critical ensemble, but not an arbitrary state. Select height 0 or 1 for the pen, scribble over a small region, and then go back to making some more avalanches. Now it should be easy to make islands, because by removing some sand you have left the critical ensemble. 2. Select height 0 and clear the system. Then make the boundaries sandy until the system fills up and nothing changes any more. Switch back to open boundaries to let the excess sand run off. Try doubling the final state and letting it relax back. Note that it returns exactly to itself. This state is the unique one in the critical ensemble with this property. Indeed, group theoretically this state represents the identity. 3. Clear the system. Run one or two steps with sandy boundaries, and then go back to open boundaries. Toggle the autodouble button on and watch the show. This also yields the identity state. 4. Fill the system with height 2. Now draw a picture with height 3. Put the boundaries sandy for a few moments, and then open them up again. Note how the picture is restored after the avalanche ends. This is a property of any state in the critical ensemble. Indeed, this is a way to test that a state is critical. Try drawing some more with height 0 or 1. Depending on the picture, the above experiment may or may not mess up your picture. 5. Fill the system with height 2 and go to periodic boundaries. Sketch a bit with height 4. At some point the avalanches will no longer stop. The resulting dynamics can be hypnotic. REFERENCES P. Bak, C. Tang and K. Wiesenfeld, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 381 (1987). D. Dhar, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1613 (1990). M. Creutz, Computers in Physics 5, 198 (1991).