Hany Khafre's Journal: September 11, Giza, Egypt


After measuring the small pyramid today, I listened to one of the tourist spiels about the construction of the pyramids, just to see what kind of shit they were feeding to the masses.

They actually spent most of the presentation talking about how the stones were placed and the like, pointing out that the ancient Egyptians didn't have wheels or the like on which to say, roll the stones. They verbally painted a vivid picture of hundreds of farmers pushing 2.5 ton stones up mud covered ramps to their place on the pyramid.

Some American in the audience asked some dumb ass question like "Weren't they slaves that did the work?" and the guide politely pointed out that the Nile floods on a regular basis, leaving the farmers unable to work, and the pharoahs of the time had them work on the pyramids, and no they were not slaves.

Americans really piss me off. Slaves. Really. When the gallery collapsed, during construction, a lot of the workers were trapped inside. The tunnel to the lower foundation chamber had to have been cut as an egress for those workers. The effort seems a bit extreme to save a few slaves. People really should think a little more.