Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages Class Hierarchy
Index of all Fields and Methods
- addAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String, NVPair[]).
Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Add's an authorization entry to the list.
- addAuthorization(String, String, String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Add's an authorization entry to the list.
- addBasicAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Add's an authorization entry for the "basic" authorization scheme to
the list.
- addBasicAuthorization(String, String, String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Add's an authorization entry for the "basic" authorization scheme to
the list.
- AuthorizationInfo(String, int, String, String, NVPair[]).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Creates a new info structure for the specified host and port with the
specified scheme, realm, params.
- AuthorizationInfo(String, int, String, String, String).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Creates a new info structure for the specified host and port with the
specified scheme, realm and "basic" cookie.
- AuthTypeNotImplementedException().
Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthTypeNotImplementedException
- Constructs an AuthTypeNotImplementedException with no detail message.
- AuthTypeNotImplementedException(String).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthTypeNotImplementedException
- Constructs an AuthTypeNotImplementedException class with the specified
detail message.
- base64Decode(byte[]).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method decodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding
specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
- base64Decode(String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method decodes the given string using the base64-encoding
specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
- base64Encode(byte[]).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method encodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding
specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
- base64Encode(String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method encodes the given string using the base64-encoding
specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
- chunkedDecode(InputStream).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- Decodes chunked data.
- chunkedEncode(byte[], NVPair[], boolean).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- Encodes data used the chunked encoding.
- Delete(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Requests that file be DELETEd from the server.
- Delete(String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Requests that file be DELETEd from the server.
- equals(Object).
Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Two AuthorizationInfos are considered equal if their Host, Port,
Scheme and Realm match.
- ExtensionMethod(String, String, byte[], NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- This is here to allow an arbitrary, non-standard request to be sent.
- Get(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- GET's the file.
- Get(String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- GET's the file with a query consisting of the specified form-data.
- Get(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- GET's the file with a query consisting of the specified form-data.
- Get(String, String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- GET's the file using the specified query string.
- Get(String, String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- GET's the file using the specified query string.
- getAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo).
Method in interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationHandler
- getAuthorization must return a structure containing either the
authorization string (for the "basic" scheme), the required
authorization parameters, or null if no info was given.
- getData().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- Reads all the response data into a byte array.
- getDefaultHeaders().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Gets the current list of default http headers.
- getEffectiveURL().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- get the final URL of the document.
- getHeader(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- retrieves the field for a given header.
- getHeaderAsDate(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- retrieves the field for a given header.
- getHeaderAsInt(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- retrieves the field for a given header.
- getHost().
Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Get the host.
- getInputStream().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read.
- getName().
Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
- get the name
- getParameter(String, String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- retrieves the value associated with the parameter param in
a given header string.
- getParams().
Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Get the authorization parameters.
- getPort().
Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Get the port.
- getRealm().
Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Get the realm.
- getReasonLine().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- give the reason line associated with the status code.
- getScheme().
Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Get the scheme.
- getServer().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- get the name and type of server.
- getStatusCode().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- give the status code for this request.
- getValue().
Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
- get the value
- getVersion().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- get the HTTP version used for the response.
- hashCode().
Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Produces a hash code based on Host, Scheme and Realm.
- Head(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Sends the HEAD request.
- Head(String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Sends the HEAD request.
- Head(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Sends the HEAD request.
- Head(String, String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Sends the HEAD request.
- Head(String, String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Sends the HEAD request.
- HTTPConnection(Applet).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Constructs a connection to the host from where the applet was loaded.
- HTTPConnection(String).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Constructs a connection to the specified host on port 80
- HTTPConnection(String, int).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Constructs a connection to the specified host on the specified port
- HTTPConnection(String, String, int).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Constructs a connection to the specified host on the specified port,
using the specified protocol (currently only "http" is supported).
- HTTPConnection(URL).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Constructs a connection to the host (port) as given in the url.
- listHeaders().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- returns an enumeration of all the headers available via getHeader().
- mpFormDataDecode(byte[], String, String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method decodes a multipart/form-data encoded string.
- mpFormDataEncode(NVPair[], NVPair[], NVPair[]).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method encodes name/value pairs and files into a byte array
using the multipart/form-data encoding.
- nv2query(NVPair[]).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- Turns an array of name/value pairs into the string
- NVPair(NVPair).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.NVPair
- Creates a copy of a given name/value pair.
- NVPair(String, String).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.NVPair
- Creates a new name/value pair and initializes it to the
specified name and value.
- Options(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Request OPTIONS from the server.
- Options(String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Request OPTIONS from the server.
- ParseException().
Constructor for class HTTPClient.ParseException
- Constructs an ParseException with no detail message.
- ParseException(String).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.ParseException
- Constructs an ParseException class with the specified detail message.
- Post(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- POST's to the specified file.
- Post(String, byte[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- POST's the raw data to the specified file.
- Post(String, byte[], NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- POST's the raw data to the specified file using the specified headers.
- Post(String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- POST's form-data to the specified file.
- Post(String, String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- POST's the data to the specified file.
- Post(String, String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- POST's the data to the specified file using the specified headers.
- ProtocolNotSupportedException().
Constructor for class HTTPClient.ProtocolNotSupportedException
- Constructs an ProtocolNotSupportedException with no detail message.
- ProtocolNotSupportedException(String).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.ProtocolNotSupportedException
- Constructs an ProtocolNotSupportedException class with the specified
detail message.
- Put(String, byte[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- PUT's the raw data into the specified file.
- Put(String, byte[], NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- PUT's the raw data into the specified file using the additional
- Put(String, String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- PUT's the data into the specified file.
- Put(String, String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- PUT's the data into the specified file using the additional headers
for the request.
- query2nv(String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- Turns a string of the form "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3"
into an array of name/value pairs.
- quotedPrintableDecode(String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method does a quoted-printable decoding of the given string
according to RFC-1521 (Section 5.1).
- quotedPrintableEncode(String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method does a quoted-printable encoding of the given string
according to RFC-1521 (Section 5.1).
- setAuthHandler(AuthorizationHandler).
Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Set's the authorization handler.
- setDefaultHeaders(NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Sets the default http headers to be sent with each request.
- setProxyServer(String, int).
Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Set's the default proxy server to use.
- setRawMode(boolean).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Sets/Resets raw mode.
- setSocksServer(String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Set's the SOCKS server to use.
- setSocksServer(String, int).
Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Set's the SOCKS server to use.
- setSocksServer(String, int, int).
Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Set's the SOCKS server to use.
- SocksException().
Constructor for class HTTPClient.SocksException
- Constructs a SocksException with no detail message.
- SocksException(String).
Constructor for class HTTPClient.SocksException
- Constructs a SocksException with the specified detail message.
- toString().
Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
- Constructs a string containing the authorization info.
- toString().
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
- produces a full list of headers and their values, one per line.
- toString().
Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
- produces a string containing the name and value of this instance.
- Trace(String).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Requests a TRACE.
- Trace(String, NVPair[]).
Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Requests a TRACE.
- URLDecode(String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method decodes the given urlencoded string.
- URLEncode(String).
Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
- This method urlencodes the given string.
- version.
Static variable in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
- Current version