Version: 0.6.9

Guido Guenther

Table of Contents
Repository Layout and Terminology
Importing Sources
Importing already existing Debian packages
Importing a new upstream version
Converting an existing Git repository
Upstream sources on a branch
Upstream sources not on a branch
Starting a Debian package from scratch
When upstream uses GIT
No upstream tarballs
Upstream tarballs
Branch layout
Building packages from the Git repository
Using a separate build dir
Invoking external programs
Running lintian
Pushing into a remote repository
Running postexport hook
Working with patches
Releases and Snapshots
Customizing snapshot numbers
More on commit messages
Configuration files
Special use cases
Handling non-DFSG clean upstream sources
Importing NMUs
Using Pbuilder
Working on random packages
Command Reference
gbp -- Maintain Debian packages in Git
gbp-buildpackage -- Build Debian packages from a Git repository
gbp-import-dsc -- Import Debian packages into a Git repository
gbp-import-dscs -- Import multiple versions of a Debian source packages into a Git repository
gbp-import-orig -- Import an upstream source into a git repository
gbp-dch -- Generate the Debian changelog from git commit messages
gbp-clone -- Clone a repository from remote
gbp-pull -- Safely update a repository from remote
gbp-pq -- Manage quilt patches on patch queue branches in git
gbp-create-remote-repo -- Create remote repositories
gbp.conf -- Gbp configuration file