Hany Khafre's Journal: September 20, Cairo, Egypt


We left the hotel a bit after 2am. When we got close, it was a sight to see. When driving in, we saw this guy standing on the side of the road, so Sarah pulled over and told me to get out. We got out and hunched down in the dark. We crawled about 40 feet away from the vehicle, slightly toward the guy by the side of the road. I had no idea what the fuck was going on, but Sarah kept telling me to shut up and keep down.

The guy walked toward our jeep, and I could see he was carrying some sort of large gun, like a machine gun or something, and wearing what looked like a military uniform, but I couldn't tell in the dark. All of a sudden, there were four more of them. I don't know where they showed up from, and they started fanning out with their guns leveled, like they were hunting us.

A helicopter appeared also out of nowhere, fanning a spotlight around. I looked up and realized it was a fucking American copter. Then, all of a sudden (again), the copter flew off and the thugs with guns disappeared.

Sarah, being who she is, proposed we move in closer to the site. We went back to the car, to find all four tires shot out.

I'll write more after lunch.