Hany Khafre's Journal: September 9, Giza, Egypt


Between yesterday and today we completed baseline measurements for Cheops and Chephren. We'll finish Mycerinus tomorrow. Even given just the two big ones, it looks like we have enough data to pretty strongly discount the earthquake theory. If the cause of the collapse of the gallery had been in fact seismic, some shifting of the foundations is likely to have occurred, and our measurements today seem to make that possibility unlikely.

Which leads me to wonder why the hell anyone would have ever thought it was a earthquake in the first place. The seismic activity is trivial. Probably some asshole sitting on a collapsed freeway in LA thinking to himself "Gee, maybe this is what happened to the pyramids. Maybe I'll write a paper".

Sarah tried to explain to me her theory of the collapse, but sometimes it's hard to filter through all of her bullshit to figure out whether or not what she's saying has any useful substance. She seems to basically think it was a meteor impact in the vicinity. Most of the evidence for this (in terms of any sedimentation) would be faint, if present at all due to flooding of the Nile.