Matthew Gray

Discussion of AI Techniques for Creating Interactive Characters

The following is a conversation I had with a modified version of Eliza that I wrote a few years ago. Eliza's text is in italics and mine is in normal face.

Greetings, Matthew
Greetings, Eliza
How do you do... Please state your problem.
Everybody hates me.
Really, hates me?

Commentary: Almost all versions of Eliza I know have some trouble with pronouns.

I don't know what they think of you, but they hate me.
Don't you really know what they think of you?
Yes, they hate me.
I see, please continue on this topic.
People spit on me.
Well, Matthew, let's talk about that.
It's really gross, are you sure?
What does that suggest to you?
It suggests that people hate me.
I see.
Do you hate me?
Why do you think I hate you?
I don't know.
Why don't you know?
Because I'm stupid.
Do you enjoy being stupid?

Commentary: Eliza can't distinguish adjectives except special cases, so it's amusing when it asks you if you enjoy being something negative.

I don't think so.
Do you wish to be able to think so?
I don't know.
Does that trouble you?
You seem quite postitive.
Not really.
Are you saying "no" just to be negative?
I'm very confused now.
How long have you been very confused now?
Since you started confusing me.
You like to think I started confusing you, don't you?
No, it's probably my fault again.
Your fault again?

Commentary: This amused me, because of an imagined tone of voice.

Whenever something goes wrong, it's my fault.
I'm not sure I understand you fully, Matthew.
I'm a loser.
Do you really believe you are a loser?
I know I am a loser.
Would you want to be a loser?
You are being a bit negative.
You don't seem quite certain.
I'm never certain.
You wish I would tell you that you are never certain?
I don't know.
Don't you really know?
No, I don't.
Why don't you ?
Because I'm stupid.
What would it mean if you were stupid?
If I knew, I wouldn't be stupid.
You say you knew, I wouldn't be stupid?
I don't know if you are stupid...
Do you wish to be able to know if you are stupid?
I do know.
Can you elaborate on that?
I know that I am stupid.
Do you believe it is normal to be stupid?
Other people are smart.
Did you think they might not be smart?

Commentary: This almost actually sounds like an insightful comment.

I don't know.
Does that trouble you?
Everything troubles me.
Come come, Matthew, elucidate your thoughts.
I hate you.
Perhaps in your fantasy we hate each other.
I don't have fantasies.
Don't you really have fantasies?
Why not?
Because I am a moron.
Did you come to me because you are a moron?
Can you elaborate on that?

The "successful" exchanges are the ones where either:
A couple of amusing exchanges with Zippy:

VICTORIAN DOLLHOUSE you can find!! An make it SNAPPY!!
Why do you say a make it snappy?

Yow! I'm imagining a surfer van filled with soy sauce!
I don't understand.
Commentary: Now there's a human response :-)
I want to kill everyone here with a cute colorful Hydrogen Bomb!!
Are you sure that you might want to kill everyone?
[stuff deleted]
PEGGY FLEMING is stealing BASKET BALLS to feed the babies in VERMONT.
Earlier you said you would like to kill everyone?
I'm definitely not in Omaha!
Is it because of any hobbies you have that you say you are definitely not in omaha?

This MUST be a good party -- My RIB CAGE is being painfully pressed up against someone's MARTINI!!
Perhaps this has something to do with your sex life?