Index of all Fields and Methods
All Packages  Class Hierarchy


Index of all Fields and Methods


addAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String, NVPair[]). Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Add's an authorization entry to the list.
addAuthorization(String, String, String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Add's an authorization entry to the list.
addBasicAuthorization(String, int, String, String, String). Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Add's an authorization entry for the "basic" authorization scheme to the list.
addBasicAuthorization(String, String, String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Add's an authorization entry for the "basic" authorization scheme to the list.
AuthorizationInfo(String, int, String, String, NVPair[]). Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Creates a new info structure for the specified host and port with the specified scheme, realm, params.
AuthorizationInfo(String, int, String, String, String). Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Creates a new info structure for the specified host and port with the specified scheme, realm and "basic" cookie.
AuthTypeNotImplementedException(). Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthTypeNotImplementedException
Constructs an AuthTypeNotImplementedException with no detail message.
AuthTypeNotImplementedException(String). Constructor for class HTTPClient.AuthTypeNotImplementedException
Constructs an AuthTypeNotImplementedException class with the specified detail message.


base64Decode(byte[]). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
base64Decode(String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes the given string using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
base64Encode(byte[]). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method encodes the given byte[] using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).
base64Encode(String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method encodes the given string using the base64-encoding specified in RFC-1521 (Section 5.2).


chunkedDecode(InputStream). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Decodes chunked data.
chunkedEncode(byte[], NVPair[], boolean). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Encodes data used the chunked encoding.


Delete(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Requests that file be DELETEd from the server.
Delete(String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Requests that file be DELETEd from the server.


equals(Object). Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Two AuthorizationInfos are considered equal if their Host, Port, Scheme and Realm match.
ExtensionMethod(String, String, byte[], NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
This is here to allow an arbitrary, non-standard request to be sent.


Get(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GET's the file.
Get(String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GET's the file with a query consisting of the specified form-data.
Get(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GET's the file with a query consisting of the specified form-data.
Get(String, String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GET's the file using the specified query string.
Get(String, String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
GET's the file using the specified query string.
getAuthorization(AuthorizationInfo). Method in interface HTTPClient.AuthorizationHandler
getAuthorization must return a structure containing either the authorization string (for the "basic" scheme), the required authorization parameters, or null if no info was given.
getData(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Reads all the response data into a byte array.
getDefaultHeaders(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Gets the current list of default http headers.
getEffectiveURL(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
get the final URL of the document.
getHeader(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHeaderAsDate(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHeaderAsInt(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
retrieves the field for a given header.
getHost(). Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the host.
getInputStream(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
Gets an input stream from which the returned data can be read.
getName(). Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
get the name
getParameter(String, String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
retrieves the value associated with the parameter param in a given header string.
getParams(). Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the authorization parameters.
getPort(). Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the port.
getRealm(). Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the realm.
getReasonLine(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
give the reason line associated with the status code.
getScheme(). Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Get the scheme.
getServer(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
get the name and type of server.
getStatusCode(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
give the status code for this request.
getValue(). Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
get the value
getVersion(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
get the HTTP version used for the response.


hashCode(). Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Produces a hash code based on Host, Scheme and Realm.
Head(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
Head(String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
Head(String, NVPair[], NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
Head(String, String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
Head(String, String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sends the HEAD request.
HTTPConnection(Applet). Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the host from where the applet was loaded.
HTTPConnection(String). Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the specified host on port 80
HTTPConnection(String, int). Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the specified host on the specified port
HTTPConnection(String, String, int). Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the specified host on the specified port, using the specified protocol (currently only "http" is supported).
HTTPConnection(URL). Constructor for class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Constructs a connection to the host (port) as given in the url.


listHeaders(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
returns an enumeration of all the headers available via getHeader().


mpFormDataDecode(byte[], String, String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes a multipart/form-data encoded string.
mpFormDataEncode(NVPair[], NVPair[], NVPair[]). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method encodes name/value pairs and files into a byte array using the multipart/form-data encoding.


nv2query(NVPair[]). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Turns an array of name/value pairs into the string "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3".
NVPair(NVPair). Constructor for class HTTPClient.NVPair
Creates a copy of a given name/value pair.
NVPair(String, String). Constructor for class HTTPClient.NVPair
Creates a new name/value pair and initializes it to the specified name and value.


Options(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Request OPTIONS from the server.
Options(String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Request OPTIONS from the server.


ParseException(). Constructor for class HTTPClient.ParseException
Constructs an ParseException with no detail message.
ParseException(String). Constructor for class HTTPClient.ParseException
Constructs an ParseException class with the specified detail message.
Post(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POST's to the specified file.
Post(String, byte[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POST's the raw data to the specified file.
Post(String, byte[], NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POST's the raw data to the specified file using the specified headers.
Post(String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POST's form-data to the specified file.
Post(String, String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POST's the data to the specified file.
Post(String, String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
POST's the data to the specified file using the specified headers.
ProtocolNotSupportedException(). Constructor for class HTTPClient.ProtocolNotSupportedException
Constructs an ProtocolNotSupportedException with no detail message.
ProtocolNotSupportedException(String). Constructor for class HTTPClient.ProtocolNotSupportedException
Constructs an ProtocolNotSupportedException class with the specified detail message.
Put(String, byte[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUT's the raw data into the specified file.
Put(String, byte[], NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUT's the raw data into the specified file using the additional headers.
Put(String, String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUT's the data into the specified file.
Put(String, String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
PUT's the data into the specified file using the additional headers for the request.


query2nv(String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
Turns a string of the form "name1=value1&name2=value2&name3=value3" into an array of name/value pairs.
quotedPrintableDecode(String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method does a quoted-printable decoding of the given string according to RFC-1521 (Section 5.1).
quotedPrintableEncode(String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method does a quoted-printable encoding of the given string according to RFC-1521 (Section 5.1).


setAuthHandler(AuthorizationHandler). Static method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Set's the authorization handler.
setDefaultHeaders(NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets the default http headers to be sent with each request.
setProxyServer(String, int). Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Set's the default proxy server to use.
setRawMode(boolean). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Sets/Resets raw mode.
setSocksServer(String). Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Set's the SOCKS server to use.
setSocksServer(String, int). Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Set's the SOCKS server to use.
setSocksServer(String, int, int). Static method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Set's the SOCKS server to use.
SocksException(). Constructor for class HTTPClient.SocksException
Constructs a SocksException with no detail message.
SocksException(String). Constructor for class HTTPClient.SocksException
Constructs a SocksException with the specified detail message.


toString(). Method in class HTTPClient.AuthorizationInfo
Constructs a string containing the authorization info.
toString(). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPResponse
produces a full list of headers and their values, one per line.
toString(). Method in class HTTPClient.NVPair
produces a string containing the name and value of this instance.
Trace(String). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Requests a TRACE.
Trace(String, NVPair[]). Method in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Requests a TRACE.


URLDecode(String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method decodes the given urlencoded string.
URLEncode(String). Static method in class HTTPClient.Codecs
This method urlencodes the given string.


version. Static variable in class HTTPClient.HTTPConnection
Current version