South end of the Room
You are in the south end of a spaceous room, its high vaulted ceiling
lit by harsh lights. To the far north of the chamber is a strange
translucent door. To the east of the room is a strange, tubelike
structure, sort of an overgrown piece of macaroni. To the west of the
room is a neon sign; at the middle of the room, there seems to be some
sort of big thing in the floor.
As far as you can tell, all that distinguishes this part of the room
is the panel on the wall and its three colored buttons, in blue, red,
and yellow. Unfortunately, you have the bad feeling you can't
possibly reach them, much less press any of them.
go to the middle of the room.
go to the east of the room.
go to the west of the room.
Exit back to my homepage.