In fact, you are now seeing the world through seemingly hundreds of lenses, as if you were looking through those little faceted dragonfly glasses ---
Uh, oh.
You sense, more than hear or see, the mosaic in the wall opening like a door and then closing again. Something big and green and nasty seems to be rushing toward you!
From what you can tell, you are in the south end of a spaceous room, its high vaulted ceiling lit by bright, attractive lights. To the far north of the chamber are attractive glints of light. To the east of the room is a strange, tubelike structure, sort of an overgrown piece of macaroni. To the west of the room is a bright colored light. At the middle of the room, there seems to be something shiny in the floor.
As far as you can tell, all that distinguishes this part of the room is the chameleon mosaic on the wall, with its three colored buttons, in blue, red, and yellow.
try to push another button. Heck, any button!