
Why is it dangerous to listen to those who do not serve God or "the Light"?

This comes back to, What does it mean to be lost? What does it really mean for a spirit to be fallen? And what are the dangers of it? (And why do spirits lie to us like this?) I keep asking myself these questions. I don't know all the answers, but here are some....

What does it meant to fall, anyway?

I currently think it really means that one becomes less caring of others, and more centered on Me, Myself, and I.

Self-absorption, pride, greed, and so on are hallmarks of someone who has fallen; so are, I think, such things as anger and sadness and apathy. At one end of the spiritual spectrum are those who love all, and at the other are those who love none. To fall is to go from the caring side to the uncaring side.

What's so bad about reincarnation?

There's the risk of getting trapped in the reincarnation cycle, of getting stuck.

Haunted houses' ghosts are a famous example of those who are stuck in the cycle, but there are (many psychics report) a lot more "ghosts" wandering around that we don't see. Physical life and the confusion of death have deprived them of their memory of who they are, and what is out there. They forget that they have died, or they are addicted to something on Earth, or they feel compelled to relive an experience, or they forget that they can go home to God. Other spirits don't get stuck, but they keep reincarnating over and over, and over, and many tend to slip downward (fall). Sometimes, they are encouraged to reincarnate by spirits that wish to take advantage of them. Also, some people say that we are generally most effective and most helpful not as incarnate beings (in a physical body), but as discarnate workers for God.

What's so bad about falling away from God?

There's a strong tendency for falling into darker and darker realms, and to hurt others in the process.

Once one begins to fall, it's easy to keep going. Think of the downward spiral of an alcoholic or a criminal. Without self-discipline and caring for others, it's all too easy to slide into worse and worse states, down into hate, self-pity, greed, arrogance, depression, rage, grief, and helplessness.

What's so bad about being dark?

The darker you are, the more you tend to hurt others and yourself.

If you've ever been irritated by someone who is arrogant, condescending, mean, hurtful, cold, won't listen, steals things, etc., you know why you don't like darkness in other people! A person who is angry, irritable, impatient, addicted, violent, lacking in self-control, or other such negative traits, is far more likely to harm others (mentally or physically) than someone who is self-controlled, patient, and caring. Think also of the grief of those who care about the person, as they watch what happens.

What's so bad about dark spirits?

Dark spirits drag people down into darkness with them -- that's what the "darkness" does. Dark influence is a powerful, destructive, and yet subtle thing, and it winds up hurting others, too.

It is all too easy to become the victim of dark spirits. Most people (over 75%, according to one source) are carrying around spirit-hitchhikers and don't even know it. Good spirits almost never hitch onto people; thus spirits who do are usually destructive or confused. The effect of such hitchhikers is almost always bad: a darkening of one's mood, addictions (food, sex, whatever), irritability, overblown ego, and so on -- things that hurt EVERYONE, not just the "host." Such spirits darken the host. Worse, most people can't tell they are carrying such things and don't notice the effects. Even those with psychic abilities often can't find all the hitchhikers attached to themselves. Dark ones lie. They do not keep bargains, even though they'll try to force you to keep your end of a bargain.

What makes dark spirits dangerous?

They have many tricks to help "push" people down the path of darkness. Spiritual fighting is hard to do alone, and the consequences of losing can be dire.

Discarnate spirits (those not in a body) have an advantage, because they have telepathy, some knowledge of both past and future, and because they can do things that you've probably never even heard of. They're difficult to detect, and you can't often tell what they're doing. Among the risks of losing to them are: possession (having your mind or body taken over), coming under their influence (which likely will result in dark moods and the resulting actions), physical discomfort (if they attach to your body), and possibly even physical death (whether through psychic influence or suicide). Another possible, worse problem that a friend of mine has observered, is to lose so much of one's energy to attackers that one becomes completely apathetic. Someone who is truly apathetic neither acts nor reacts --- and thus becomes inert. To be inert and unchanging is death --- death of a soul. The person being attacked may not even be aware that his or her energy is being drained away like that, aside from internal bad feelings that result from symptoms such as hypocrisy.

What's so bad about "loving our neighbors" minus the "love God" part? Why do we need God?

Acting without God's guidance can sometimes lead to more harm than good, even with good intentions. Plus, you'll be doing a lot of things alone even if you don't have to.

Sometimes we do things that we think are good, but which have a negative effect down the road. Guidance from God can help avoid such mistakes. More than that, it can help us overcome, through inspiration, obstacles that might otherwise have been insurmountable. Also, help from God would mean that you don't have to do everything alone, and it's well-known that good teamwork is more effective than solo work. However, given that many people have trouble tuning to God, and often wind up listening to liars by accident, sometimes it's better to go at it alone than to rely on guidance that may not be divine.

What's so bad about being gray --- "Do whatever you want unless it hurts others"?

We tend to become devoted to selfish goals, and do not help others, and then we start slipping.

I don't think it's really "bad" to be neutral, to not actively hurt, while not actively caring; however, think of how much better the Earth might be if people cared more about each other and spent less effort trying to build up their own pleasures and wealth. Is it good to ignore people who need help? If we make no effort to become more caring, we tend to lose track of how much we might be hurting others through the careless things we do or say, or through ignorance. Much like the Path of a Warrior (Bu-Do), the Path of Caring teaches much wisdom and insight along the way.

Why do spirits lie to us and claim to be angels, if they aren't?

We become the vehicles for other spirits to reach what they desire.

It's said that some spirits ride humans the same way humans ride horses. This is why some spirits lie to us; they want to use us. If we worship them or look to them for guidance, we give them an ego boost and power. If they attach to us throughout our lives, they can experience the pleasures of life without having to reincarnate themselves (and remember it's hard to tell if something is attached or not). If they can get us to believe what they tell us (sometimes they use attachees to invade our minds), then we will become their loyal servants and will spread their word. Also consider: In a world where evil that truly hates the Light exists, said evil would try to turn as many away from the Light as possible, would it not? Here's an analogy that seems apt.

What's so great about being "good"? Isn't that what sissies do?

"Being good" is far more difficult and rigorous and rewarding than one might imagine. It's the tougher road to take!

C.S. Lewis once pointed out that it takes active effort to become a better person to make one understand one's vices best. Sliding down into "sin" doesn't teach us anything --- except how easy it is. Becoming more caring, self-disciplined, patient, and joyous is an arduous process! Stephen Covey also points out that to be able to truly care about others, one must know oneself and be strong, self-disciplined, and centered --- and anyone who has really tried self-discipline and centering knows how hard it is. This is not a path for the weak; it is a path that demands learning, effort, sweat, discipline, and trying over and over again. What reward is there? Sharing in others' joy and relief, knowing that one has reduced suffering or somehow improved the spiritual world; knowing that one has helped. Learning, becoming stronger, and moving closer to the bright, caring source of spiritual light. Oh yes, and the important one: it's fun.

Spirituality Stuff