Help Resources

Here are links to some of the pages on that may assist you in using our web site.

Creating your own home page
This page gives instructions for getting your own web home page on, and includes some pointers to information on creating your home page. (This is applicable only to MIT people.)
Using ~ URLs on
If you decided to create your home page in your Athena directory, there's another short URL format that looks like
Using the Comment gateway
If you would like to be able to receive email via a web form, you can use the comment gateway to receive messages.
Policies on Other Use of
If you need further information about facilities on beyond serving static web pages, some of your questions might be answered in this document.
Searching MIT Web Information
If you want to search through the content of MIT web pages, this search page might help out. It also lets you search through our faculty, staff, and student directories to find MIT e-mail addresses and telephone numbers.
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question for us, please check our list of answers to common questions about our web server.
Feedback to the webmasters
This page allows you to send e-mail to the webmasters, and also suggests some other e-mail addresses that are preferable for specific types of questions and comments.

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