1. The official name of the organization, hereby stated, is "Central American Club of MIT". The organization will also be known as the MIT CA-CLUB.


  1. To promote and elighten all interested members of the MIT community about the social, cultural, and general interests of the Central American people.

  2. To foster greater unity and cooperation between Central Americans in MIT.


  1. Ordinary Members

    1. Members of the MIT community, born in either Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, or Panama, who wish to be involved with the Club.

    2. Members of the MIT community, who are children of Central Americans (one or both parents).

    3. Spuses and children of the aforsaid members.

  2. Associate Members

    1. Members of the MIT community who wish to be involved with the Club and who do not apply to be Ordinary Members.

  3. Linked Members

    1. Members of other Central American clubs in the area.

    2. Other Central Americans in the area, not linked with any Central American club, who wish to participate in the club.

  4. Voting

    1. Only Ordinary Members and Associate Members have voting power.

    2. Only Ordinary Members and Associate Members can run for Executive Committee positions.


  1. There will be at least one meeting of the Executive Committee (see next section) every two months.

  2. There will be at least one General Club meeting every month.

  3. Other Executive Committee/General Club meetings may be called by any member of the Executive Board. This meetings will take place at most 15 days after the calling.

  4. Meetings will take place if and only if a quorum of 50% of the Executive Board is present and/or 40% of General Club members are present for the Executive Board and/or General Club meetings respectively.

  5. General Club members can attend Executive Board meetings if they wish so.

  6. Any decision concerning the Club should be evaluated and approved by the Executive Board before being implemented. Once approved General Club voting takes place (if no emergency meeting is called this voting will take place during the General Club meeting). Emergency voting meetings can ammend a clause if at least 40% of the Executive Board and 30% of the General Club members are present, and if 50% plus one member approve it.

  7. A clause is approved if and only if 50% plus one member of the Club votes in favor.


  1. Executive Board Positions and Duties

    1. The Executive Board will be formed by a total of ten officials. Seven of this officials will form the Continental Representatives, the other three will be General Officials, as will aslo be the Continental Representatives.

    2. Only Ordinary Members and Associate Members can run for positions of the Executive Board.

      1. Continental Representatives is the group of officials, one from each country of Central America whose chore is to represent each country individually. This officials will be elected by the country's subgroup if there is more than one representative. If there only is one representative, then he/she will hold the position if he/she wants to. Otherwise the position will not be held and the number of Executive Board Positions will be diminished by one for each empty position. The officials will be:

        1. Guatemalan Representative

        2. El Salvador Representative

        3. Honduras Representative

        4. Belize Representative

        5. Costa Rica Representative

        6. Nicaragua Representative

        7. Panama Representative

      2. General Officials:

        1. President

          1. Presides Executive Committe

          2. Will be the contact to the Club (ASA contact)

          3. Helps other representatives in chores

        2. 1st. Vice-President

          1. Substitutes President in case of absence

          2. Assists President in duties

          3. Helps other representatives in chores

        3. 2nd. Vice-President

          1. Substitutes 1st Vice-President in case of absence

          2. Substitutes President in case of Vice-President and President absence

          3. Assists 1st Vice-Presient in Duties

          4. Helps other representatives in chores

        4. Treasurer

          1. Administers monetary funding

          2. Helps other representatives in chores

        5. Secretary

          1. Keeps logs of meetings and Club members

          2. Is in charg of communications with the members

          3. Helps other representatives in chores

        6. Activity Secretary

          1. Plans and organizes activities

          2. Help other representatives in chores

        7. Voting Representatives (4)

          1. Help other representatives in chores

    3. Officer's Period

      1. The officers will hold their positions for one academic year, unless they are voted off their positions (by the Executive Committe), or they quit. In either case, a general election will be called to fill the empty position.

    4. Dual Positions

      1. Officers can hold more than one position. If so, for each position more that a representative holds there will be one less of the Voting Representatives.

      2. The president and the treasurer cannot be the same member.


  1. Elections will be held at the end of each academic year in the middle or end of the academic spring semester (look in other parts of the constitution for more details on elections, voting, and position elegibility).

  2. The Executive Committe can call for emergency elections if necessary (look in other parts of the constitution for more details on emergency voting meetings).


  1. Officers will be removed if they miss 3 Executive Board meetings or if they are voted off by the Executive Board committe. In such cases new elections should be called to fill the now empty position (look in other parts of the constitution for more details on removal and replacement of officers).


  1. Constitution changes will be done if voted for and approved by the Executive Committe and the General Club members.

  2. The time of implementation of the new change should be decided in the voting.


  1. 5 or 50% (whichever is greater) of the members of the Club should be MIT students.


    The Central American Club agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities (ASA), and its executive committe. This constitution, amendments to it, and the by-laws of this organization shall be subject to review by the A.S.A. Executive Committee to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.

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