MITSFS - The world's largest public open-shelf collection of science fiction is the MITSFS Library.


Dues are tied to the cost of books (our main expense), with a one-year membership costing less than two paperbacks. Current rates are listed to the right.

Membership is not restricted to MIT students, but if you're not in the Boston area you're pretty much just making a donation, which admittedly is fine with us.


  • $5 for three months
  • $10 for one year
  • $20 for four years
  • $300 for life (yours)
  • $3000 for life (ours)

  • $5 for three months
  • $15 for one year
  • $45 for four years
  • $300 for life (yours)
  • $3000 for life (ours)