The Commandments of Our Lady of the All-Night Tool

0x0: I am Athena thy Goddess. Thou shalt not have false gods before me.
0x1: Thou shalt not take the name of OLC in vain.
0x2: Thou shalt not eat at Lobdell.
0x3: Thou shalt keep holy the hour of Star Trek.
0x4: Honor thy professors, for they are the source of grades.
0x5: Thou shalt not decrease entropy.
0x6: Thou shalt not connect PWR to GND.
0x7: Thou shalt not sex toads.
0x8: Thou shalt not exceed the speed of light.
0x9: Keep holy the month of IAP for it is a time of rest.
0xB: Thou shalt not sleep.
0xC: Thou shalt consume caffeine.
0xD: Thou shalt not take pass/fail in vain.
0xE: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's HP.
0xF: Thou shalt not divide by zero.