The following can be used in both emergency and
non-emergency situations. A combination of all techniques is probably
safest and most effective .... No, rather, a true synthesis of these
techniques is the best: changing oneself into a truly caring, selfless
person who does the will of the Divine.
Have troubles following this section? Here's a troubleshooting
guide with some more suggestions.
Your defense will consist of a few key things:
The last two items can be summed up as praying for angels to be sent
to the attacker(s), and there removing dark matter and doing whatever
is best to help the person(s) attacking you. Ben's
Detachment 101 is a good overview. Plus, here's one of Ben's
stories about what happened when he was attacked by entities
attached to a troubled young man
Here's the more verbose section:
Appeal to the Highest Good | Elevate Yourself | Close Your
Vulnerabilities | Spirit Counseling | The Truth May Set You Free
Appeal to the Highest Good
Theory: There is a Loving God who wants the best for us, and who
also cares for lost spirits who are causing trouble. God's angels can
handle the rescue or removal of the lost spirits. Since there are
plenty of lying spirits who masquerade as good angels, make sure you
request help from only the highest Good you know (God). This is not a
guarantee of getting the right ones, but it's a first step.
Do not pray to angels; pray instead to God, or the highest good
that you know. You may or may not be able to see or talk to the
spirits that answer your prayer, and you may have to pray for quite a
while if you do not have help from other people. Why? Because it
seems it take a while for spirits to find and locate those they don't
Elevate Yourself
Theory: When you care about others, your spiritual body brightens.
This helps good spirits (who are bright themselves) to see you against
the generally grey background of this section of the universe.
Moreover, this attunes you to the positive side of the universe,
giving you more strength and aid. You may also literally "move" out
of a dangerous spiritual area and to someplace safer. Finally, some
dark entities avoid that kind of light.Close Your Vulnerabilities: Mental and Psychic Shielding
Theory: The mind is the key aspect of defense. A strong, active
mind is much harder to attack. Some imagery also helps repel attack,
like armor; other imagery helps in other ways.If You Can Channel... Counseling
Theory: Some people can talk with spirits and counsel them. This
is, however, dangerous, and not recommended. Never, ever debate an
evil spirit; the only real point in talking to one is if (1) it's
already attached to you or a loved one and (2) if you can remind it of
the truth. Channeling for evil spirits otherwise frequently leads to
an attack by that spirit --- sometimes at a level so subtle the victim
doesn't even notice!The Truth May Set You Free
Theory: There is much confusion about the spiritual/psychic world.
A little known fact is that some nasty thoughts in your head are not
your own. You can develop the strength to resist them, and it is
important you do so. Also, you MUST know that all that glitters is
not gold.
If Your Attacker Is One or More Living Human Beings
Sometimes psychic attacks come from living people. Someone (or group
of someones) who has a grudge, or is mentally ill, or who just enjoys
causing problems for others for fun, can cause psychic damage,
interfere with you, influence your thoughts, and perhaps even astral
project and harass you psychically (especially if they dabble in the
occult). It's not easy to tell the difference sometimes between an
incarnate and discarnate attacker. And in many cases, I believe
living people who do this are by the nature of what they do
going to wind up with like-minded discarnate attachees who help them!
All things considered, the only difference between an incarnate
vs. a discarnate attacker is that God's angels cannot directly escort
an incarnate spirit up to the Light -- because the soul is attached to
the body. Other than that, there is really no difference.
The first three are the same as described in the full
list of suggestions. Elevate your spirit. Cut dark lines or dark
energies that you perceive near you. Don't listen to negative
thoughts. Try returning holy and/or Scriptural images and thoughts
for every negative attack. Concentrate on thinking positively,
compassionately, and think upon God's blessings. Picture yourself
surrounded by light, but also remember the truest defense is a
healthy, vibrant soul in contact with God. Go visit places that feel
holy and safe to you, and talk with people who remind you of God.
and also
and lastly
Note: Ideally a person can be cleansed of dark influences and he or she will become a kinder, calmer person. However, some people are deeply troubled and, until they can change from within, will continue to pick up nasty entities like a magnet. If you are not able to help such a person and that person is causing you harm, you may wish to consider cutting connections and avoiding him or her, at least until they start to change for real.
When I say "Pray for your attacker (only if safe)" I mean the following. It is possible for negative energy to attack through a prayer connection. If you feel vulnerable and unprepared to deal with a powerful attack, think about the other person as little as possible. Instead, focus on God. When you are firmly focused on God's goodness and love, then you may ask God to bless the other person, or if you are able, briefly think of the other person and allow God's love to flow to that person. Do not mentally dwell on the troubled person without first focusing on God.
The last one I add in particular for the case of living human attackers because it may well be that you live among sharks. Do you live in a terrible neighborhood? Do you work among cut-throat, dishonest people? Do you regularly interact with troubled people? Have you run afoul of a group of negatively-oriented people who dabble in the occult? If you have a choice, if you can afford to leave at all, or if you are not specifically called to work with and help the negative people, and especially if you are being overwhelmed by these attacks, you may wish to consider leaving by any means possible. Pray over it with the loving God and try to find the best solution -- perhaps the key is not to leave, but to gather the right allies, or to beautify the neighborhood, or to get your friends to start a prayer vigil ... who knows! The fact is, even if you are a rescuer type, if you find you are overwhelmed in your environs, something needs to change.
Answer: It isn't always above, but it is for most people. If
it doesn't appear above, then that implies that one's orientation is a
bit skewed and should ideally be fixed. This has to do with our conception
of "Up" (see Ben's seminar). "Up" often means such things as
"build up," "help up," "improvement," "better," "greater." So, when
someone says "spiritually look up," it also means look up in terms
of spirit. What, spiritually, is purest, best, holiest, most
beautiful, greatest? What do we find when we seek eternal
improvement, betterment, building up, and the helping of each other?
God. And so when we look up spiritually, we should perceive
God's Light to be above.
Question: Why does God allow evil?
Answer: The most common theory is that it's a matter of free will.
God does not want us to be automata. Thus, the choice must exit.
Question: What is a psychic attack?
Answer: A psychic attack can be considered the non-physical
aspect of any attack (attempt to harm, hurt, deceive, coerce,
destroy). Someone looking at you with malice is one minor form of it.
A person who sucks away your energy through negative comments and
negative energy (like a black hole of resentment or envy or
neediness) is also engaging in a form of psychic attack. Someone
casting a powerful, complex curse on you is a more dangerous form ---
this sometimes leads to dark, destructive thought-constructs
(thought-forms) lodging in your body and causing you harm. Some
psychic attacks are the result of people who use their thoughts to
affect yours --- sort of like a forced telepathy. The other major
type of psychic attack are those by discarnate (body-less) entities,
like those commonly called demons. They can use the attacks listed
above, and they also may partially or completely enter your body and
muck with your mind. Sometimes they can even take over
("possession"). I am most concerned with getting rid of discarnate
attackers as well as curses, as these seem to be the most dangerous.
(Blessings, on the other hand, are gifts of good will and
energy, freely given, non-binding, non-demanding, constructive,
healing, helpful, and beneficial.)
Question: How do I know if I'm under psychic attack???
Answer: Good question. This is part of our jobs: to learn to
notice attacks. Some attacks masquerade as illness, and others as
mental illness. You should always discuss any severe symptoms with
a physician. Some subtle cues of psychic attack:
Don't Do These....
Other Resources
Question: Why is the Light above our heads? Why isn't it someplace
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