Elven Magic by Robert S. Mullin Though the following items were all crafted by elves through the use of elven magic, the items themselves may be used by any character, regardless of class, race, or gender, provided they meet any special requirements noted in the item's description. These items are regarded as a branch of elven lore because of how they were made; special elven spells are required to enchant these devices (though the exact spells are not listed here). Only elves, or those beings with access to well-guarded elven lore, can create these magical items. Arrow of Return These arrows come in both sheaf and flight varieties, and typically number 1-6 when discovered. An arrow of return usually gains +3 to attack and damage rolls (see below), but its true power is reflected in its name. Each time an arrow of return is fired from a bow, it magically returns to the arrow's quiver, whether or not it hits the target. In the event that the arrow hits its intended target, the arrow loses one "plus" upon returning to the quiver. Thus, its magical bonus diminishes to +2 after the first successful hit, +1 after the second, and after hitting a third time, the arrow vanishes forever. An arrow of return does not lose any potence if the target is missed, though it will return to the quiver nevertheless. In any case, if such a missile is broken, its magic is lost. XP Value: 300 each Cloak of the Unicorn Creating a cloak of this sort requires a female elven priest and a wizard (or a multi-classed wizard/priest). The exact process, however, is unknown to all but the most powerful of such spellcasters. In addition to this, only good-aligned female elves, half-elves, or humans may use a cloak of the unicorn. It does not function for males or those of other races. If donned by any being of evil alignment, a cloak of the unicorn acts as a cloak of poisonousness in all ways (see the DMG for details). A unicorn cloak is cut from a yellowish-white material woven from a unicorn's mane. When worn by a woman of the appropriate race, the cloak produces an aura of sympathy (as the eighth-level wizard spell), which applies only to unicorns. In addition, the wearer can transform herself into a unicorn by act of will. The cloak-wearer may change into a unicorn as often as desired and may remain in the new form as long as is necessary. While in unicorn form, the wearer retains her own Hit Dice, hit points, saving throws, and Intelligence, but in all other ways she is a unicorn, and she may use all of the powers and abilities inherent to such creatures. Held or carried items are absorbed into the unicorn form, so all the wearer's magical items become temporarily inert (only the cloak's sympathy power remains in effect). If the wearer can wield spells or spell-like natural abilities in her true form, these abilities are rendered dormant for as long as the wearer remains in unicorn form. Psionics are unaffected by the transformation, as are natural abilities that are not directly linked to some spell or magical device (e.g. magic resistance, regeneration due to unusually high Constitution, spell immunities, etc.). While in unicorn form, the wearer is immune to all polymorphing or shapechanging magic and effects, regardless of the cloak-wearer's wishes. This includes "natural" shape-shifting abilities such as those possessed by druids and lycanthropes. The wearer can return to her own form with a mental command. Transformation from one form to another takes an entire round, but no System Shock roll is required. XP Value: 3,000 Faerie stone Also called elven gems, jewels of elvenkind, and similar names, faerie stones are highly prized among all creatures, not just sylvan ones. They are extremely difficult to manufacture and therefore are quite rare. A faerie stone is always made from a large, precious gemstone (usually an emerald or sapphire), cut in an ovoid shape that fits easily in the owner's palm. The jewels are always utterly flawless, with a value of no less than 5,000 gp. A faerie stone has several powers, as follows: * When held in the hand (in contact with the holder's flesh), the faerie stone conveys infravision to its user, out to a distance of 30'. If the holder already has infravision, its range is extended by a like distance. This vision remains in effect as long as the user holds the faerie stone in his bare hand. * Three times per day, the user can employ a limited form of telepathy to communicate with any intelligent creature(s) within 30 yards. This power does not allow the user to probe minds. This effect lasts for three turns per use. * Twice per day, the owner can command the faerie stone to release a volley of magic missiles as if cast by a 9th-level wizard (5 missiles of 1d4 +1 hp damage each at a range of up to 150 yards). * Once each day, the owner can invoke a cerulean sword, a shimmering blue blade of magical force (treat this as a faerie sword from the Elves of Evermeet accessory, cast by a 12th-level wizard; if EoE is unavailable, treat it as a Mordenkainen's sword). To use the cerulean sword, the faerie stone and the sword it projects must be held in the user's bare hand. XP Value: 5,000 Elven Hound A variation of the common onyx dog variety of figurine of wondrous power, this small statuette takes the form of a cooshee when activated (see the MM, page 241). The figurine may be activated no more than once per week, for no longer than six hours. The elven hound always has maximum hit points and an Intelligence of 8-10. It may speak to its owner in elvish. (If the owner cannot speak elvish, no communication is possible.) In all other ways, the elven hound functions as a normal cooshee, (as per the MM). This device conforms to the advantages and limitations common to all figurines of wondrous power. XP Value: 300 Rod of Sylvan Prowess A relative of the famed rod of lordly might, this rod may be used only by characters of the warrior classes (rangers and woodsmen find it particularly useful). Like a rod of lordly might, a rod of sylvan prowess is made entirely of metal and thicker than other rods. A Strength of 16 is required to wield its 10 lb. weight properly (-1 penalty to attack rolls for each point of Strength below 16). Unlike a rod of lordly might, a rod of sylvan prowess does not possess spell-like functions or charges, though it does have the ability to transform itself from one type of weapon into another, if the proper button is depressed. This power functions as follows: * In its normal form, it appears as a normal length of metal. Though it does not possess the flanged ball common to a rod of lordly might, it is still equal to a mace +2 if used in combat. * If the first button is pressed, the rod warps and lengthens, becoming a long bow +1. The user must provide the arrows. * If the second button is pushed, a piercing blade springs from one end and the handle lengthens, creating a spear +3. The overall length of the weapon ranges from 6'-10', and if fully extended, it may be used as a light lance. * When the third button is depressed, the rod flattens out and shrinks to a length of 3' to form a long sword +4, elven blade (see below). In addition to its weapon functions, a rod of sylvan prowess has several mundane abilities. If the rod's fourth button is pressed, the tip of the rod assumes the form of a four-pronged grappling hook. If that button is pushed a second time, the grapple is launched from the rod, but remains attached via a steel chain with a length of up to 50', which may be climbed. This function eliminates the need of the usual rope and grapple combination. * When the rod is held perpendicular to the ground and its fifth button is pressed, a barbed spike protrudes from its tip and two short, six-inch bars fold out from its base, one on either side. If the button is pushed a second time, the spike is fired straight up, though it remains connected to the remainder of the rod by a length of steel cable (this inflicts 2d4 hp damage if the wielder rolls a successful attack roll against any target in the spike's way). The spike carries sufficient force to become embedded in solid stone, and the barbs keep it solidly anchored. The cable that connects the spike with the rod can reach a length of up to 50', but it immediately stops playing out length as soon as the spike is embedded. if a creature stands on the steel bars at the base of the rod and the fifth button is pressed a third time, the cable reels itself in, drawing the rod and its cargo up to the spike. (If the surface the spike is embedded in cannot support the creature standing on the crosspieces, the spike simply tears away from the surface.) Obviously, an overhead surface must exist for the spike to secure itself. * The sixth and final button returns the rod to its normal form, whether the rod is in a weapon mode or the grapple/spike applications. The functions of the rod are negated by a dispel magic spell; this counterspell also restores the rod to its normal form. XP Value: 4,000 Elven Blade Forged only in long and short sword varieties, elven blades are easily identifiable by the slight curve in their blade and their single edge. An elven blade is slender, roughly 1"-1 1/2" wide, 1/4" thick along its spine, and 30" long (20" for short swords). Including quillons, hilt, and pommel, such a weapon is approximately 3' long (2' feet for a short sword). An elven blade is not a scimitar or cutlass, nor should it be confused with one - such blades have a much more pronounced curve to their length and are more cumbersome. An elven blade most resembles the katana of Japan, but with a western-style hilt and cross-piece. Despite its apparent fragility, an elven blade is rigid, strong, and exceptionally balanced. Due to its unique design, an elven blade inflicts 1d10 (long sword) or 1d8 (short sword) hp damage, regardless of the target's size. Its primary use is as a slashing weapon, but it functions almost as well for thrusting and cleaving attacks. Elven blades are as rare and potentially valuable as elven chain mail, and as such they are not a common find - even in elven societies. Likewise, they should not be placed in a randomly-selected treasure hoard. Just as elven chain mail cannot be constructed by non- elves, only the elven races know the secrets of forging an elven blade. While elven blades are often nonmagical, magical blades do exist. Due to their exquisite craftsmanship, the experience point value for making a magical elven blade is 500 points more than the usual amount for a magical sword, as detailed in the DMG. Thus, a long sword +1, elven blade is worth 900 XP to its maker, instead of the usual 400, while a frostbrand, elven blade is worth 2,100 XP, instead of the normal 1,600. Tent of Elvenkind When collapsed for storage or transport, a tent of elvenkind is a drab, gray color, very much like any other disassembled tent. When erected, the tent assumes all of the qualities and characteristics of a cloak of elvenkind (as per the DMG). Thus, the tent is nearly invisible in most terrain. A tent of elvenkind is large enough (roughly 8-10 square feet of floor space) to hold five man-sized creatures in moderate comfort. It is squarish in shape and has a raised center (which allows rain water to run off). A 2' square area on three of its four "walls" can be rolled up to provide windows, while a 3'X 5' flap functions as a door on the fourth wall. It is held up by four corner poles (each 5' tall) and a thicker center pole (7' tall). The poles themselves may be anything from tree branches to metal rods, as the fabric of the tent radiates all of its magic. As a result, lost or broken poles can be replaced as desired. The tent's fabric is entirely waterproof, but it is no more durable than a normal tent (though bonuses to saving throws still apply due to its enchantment). XP Value: 1,000 Wand of Faerie Spheres A wand of faerie spheres is a multi-functional device that may be used by wizards and priests only, including specialized wizards, druids, and specialty priests. Like all wands, a wand of faerie spheres may have up to 100 charges when found, and it functions at the 6th level of ability. When the wand's magic is invoked, it discharges a faerie sphere (a tiny, marble-sized globe of colored light), which races out to a distance of 50 yards, always striking its target unless a wall of force, anti-magic shell, or similar barrier spell intervenes. The wand can produce seven different faerie spheres, which the wielder can choose from, each with a different effect. Each of the first six faerie spheres has a different color, those being red, yellow, green, blue, orange, and violet, respectively. The seventh is multicolored. Each faerie sphere has its own word of activation (a total of seven command words). The individual effects are as follows: Blue: When it strikes a target, this faerie sphere expands, forming a globe of blue light centered on the victim. The globe acts as a stationary, spherical wall of force that lasts for 2-5 turns. It is just large enough to contain the target (regardless of size), and, unless other creatures are close to the victim (e.g., carried, engaged in combat, etc.), only the target is confined. Unlike a normal wall of force, the globe releases an electrical shock when touched. This charge inflicts 10 hp damage, 5 hp damage if a saving throw vs. wand is successful. The shock harms creatures outside the sphere as well as those within. In addition, the globe absorbs all electrical attacks directed at it, extending its duration by 1 round per damage die. All other attack forms have the same effect they would against a wall of force. This power requires 2 charges. Green: When this faerie sphere makes contact with its target, it immediately grows in size, encapsulating the subject in a 10' radius globe of emerald light (if the target is larger than this, the globe grows proportionately). The subject may move normally, but the sphere moves with the victim, regardless of the target's means of locomotion. The globe of green light creates a mobile wild magic area, and any spells or spell-like effects cast within or through the sphere induce a wild surge (see the Tome of Magic, pages 4-8, for details of wild magic and wild surges). The effects of the wild surge occur within the sphere itself, and only creatures within the sphere are affected. The effect lasts for 1 turn, and no saving throw is allowed. Use of this power drains 2 charges. Orange: When it strikes its target, this faerie sphere explodes in a 6d6 fireball. A successful save vs. wand reduces this damage by half. Regardless of the saving throw, however, a circular wall of fire springs up, centering on the fireball's point of impact. This power requires 2 charges from the wand. Red: This faerie sphere instantly ages all organic material held or carried by the target, making it crumble to dust. Each item type receives a saving throw of 10 to avoid the effect; roll one saving throw for all paper products, one for leather items, one for cloth, one for wood, and so forth. if the saving throw for leather fails, all leather items carried by the victim crumble, but if the saving throw succeeds, none of the target's leather items are harmed. Magical materials receive normal bonuses to the saving throw, of course. Examination of the dust from destroyed items reveal that it has been totally desiccated. This effect uses 1 charge. Violet: A creature struck by a violet faerie sphere is affected by a faerie fire spell. In addition, the target creature must make a saving throw vs. wand or be subject to a heat metal spell. This faerie sphere drains 1 charge from the wand. Yellow: When this faerie sphere strikes the target, it bursts in a flash of blinding yellow light, and the victim must make a saving throw vs. wand. If the saving throw fails, the target is blinded for 2d4 +2 rounds, during which time the victim suffers a -4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving throws, and armor class. If the saving throw is successful, however, the subject is partially blinded for 1d4 +1 rounds, suffering a -2 penalty to armor class, saving throws, and attack rolls. Creatures that do not require sight to function are unaffected. Likewise, creatures that shield their eyes before impact are partially blinded if the saving throw fails, or completely unaffected if the saving throw succeeds. This faerie sphere drains 1 charge. Chromatic: The final ability of a wand of faerie spheres is the most powerful and the most costly. By expending 10 charges, the wand's wielder can shoot a multicolored faerie sphere at a target within 50 yards. On impact, the sphere's victim is affected as if he had touched a prismatic sphere. This faerie sphere does not create a prismatic sphere - rather, the bursting chromatic sphere brings the effects of that spell into being just long enough to summon a flash of brightness that affects the target, after which the spell effects immediately disperse. If the wand lacks sufficient charges to invoke this power (i.e., 9 charges or less), the faerie sphere does not appear, but the charges are still expended, draining the wand of all magic. A wand of faerie spheres can be recharged by a wizard or priest with access to the proper elven lore, and the ability to cast the spells that the spheres duplicate. XP Value: 5,000