First of all, please do NOT ask NetNews-related questions on OLC. It is possible that you will be connected to a consultant who knows something about NetNews, but it is more likely that a busy consultant will simply direct you to us. Athena consultants are not required to know anything about SIPB software, NetNews included. If you have a question or bug report about a particular Usenet program in the sipb locker, send mail to If you have a more general question about the Usenet, send mail to You can also call the SIPB office (3-7788) or visit us in W20-557 -- we're open nearly around the clock, every day, and we're always happy to answer questions!
NetNews is supported by the SIPB, not by Athena. Please don't hesitate to point out to us any problems or concerns you may have. This is for everyone to enjoy!