Special Interest
Engineering, Technology, and Science
- The MIT Electronic Research
Society makes ride films, builds Animatrons, makes sculpture
by 3-d scanning and printing. If it's weird, they like it. They
help run the MIT Flea Market.
- The
High Power Rocket Society is an a unofficial group which is
working on resurrecting the old Rocket Society, with a slant
toward High Power Rocketry.
- The Robotics and Electronics
Cooperative is a group of students who design, build, and play
with robotics and other electronic circuits and devices.
- The MIT
Solar Electric Vehicle Team is a student team that
designs, builds, and races solar and electric vehicles around the
country and around the world.
Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
provides opportunities for students to get involved in the
science, enginnering, education and policy aspects of our future
in space.
- The
Tech Model Railroad Club (TMRC) caters to model
railroaders, railfans, and hackers alike. Our activities involve
all aspects of model railroading, including the application of
computer technology and timetable passenger and card-order
freight operation.
- The MIT
Radio Society, W1MX, is America's oldest college amateur
radio club.
Military Science
Role Play
- The MIT
Assassins' Guild runs a number of real-time, real-space,
live-action role-playing games each year.
- The Strategic Games
Society plays a variety of wargames, role-playing games, and
general strategy games. You name it, we'll play it.
Society, Culture, and Technology
- The
Ethics Center for Engineering and Science is a prototype of a
web ethics center for engineering and sciences. It contains many
resources for learning about ethical problems, including
scenarios and cases.
- The MIT Chapter
of Student Pugwash USA is an educational, student-run organization
that "builds a commitment among young people to integrate social
concerns into their lives through science and technology."
- The Technology and
Culture Forum at MIT provides an innovative and flexible
public forum for discussion of the mutual aspects of technological
advance and social change, with due consideration of their ethical
- The MIT
Anime Club provides regular showings of Anime and an
online library of Anime-related text and scanned pictures to its
members and the MIT community.
The Society for Creative Anachronism is an organization whose
members enjoy researching and recreating aspects of medieval history.
- The MIT Societo
por Esperanto is an organization for people who want to learn
Esperanto, improve their knowledge of the language, and inform others
about its benefits.
- The Extropians are
members of the MIT community who are passionate about a future
where reasoned discourse, technological progress, economic
bounty, political liberty, and artistic beauty dominate.
- The MIT Juggling
Club has weekly informal meetings where we do juggling and related
skills. No MIT affiliation required.
- The MIT S.A.V.E.
is a group of students at MIT who are concerned about the environment.
MITSFS, the MIT Science Fiction Society, has the largest
open-shelf collection of science fiction in the world.
- The MIT
Vegetarian Support Group is a very informal organization
interested in vegetarian issues. Membership is free,
noncommittal and comes with NO requirements (being vegetarian is
not a prerequisite).