Books / Accounting Periods -------------------------- Implementation Proposal Linas Vepstas 7 April 2001 A top, unimplemented request for gnucash is the ability to 'close the books', that is, to add support for 'accounting periods'. Definition ---------- An accounting period or 'book' is a set of accounts and transactions that, once closed, must never be modified again. Books are usually closed once a quarter, or once a year. Generating a report from a closed book tells you how well you did for that year (or quarter). The provision against modifying a closed book helps ensure correctness, and discourages cheating. Note that the closing balances of a closed book must be carried forward as the opening balance in the next book. Requirements ------------ Must have good performance (large data files usually mean poor performance). Use the idea of 'books' to prevent file bloat. Must have access to historical data. Must be able to create bar-charts, graphs, reports of multi-year data (i.e. create reports spanning multiple books). Possible Solutions ------------------ Listed in order from worst to best: Plan F: ------- Simply 'delete' old transactions, and adjust the equity to make up for this. More specifically: Split one file into two, with only 'old' transactions in one, and only 'new' transactions in the other. I believe that this can be 'easily' coded by creating a second instance of a gnc-book structure in memory, copying all the account info into it, and using Query.c to copy in only the 'old' transactions. (and v.v. using Query.c to delete the old transactions in the other copy.) Then, look up the ending balance on all asset/liability accounts in the 'old' book, and create new transactions in the 'new' book that transfers that balance amount to an equity account. The transfer description is, of course, 'opening balance'. Balances of income/expense accounts are zeroed out. I believe this code would be easy to write in C or scheme. There may be a few bugs/difficulties lurking in gnc-book that might trip things up. Also, at a minimum, there needs to be a GUI dialog, asking for the date on which to close the books. (A fancy but optional GUI dialog/wizard might ask 'which equity account to transfer the opening balances, and what the description should say. This GUI is optional, since, after all, these can be tweaked by hand, and its only done once a year or once a quarter.) (An even fancier GUI would remember how often the books should close: 1,2,3,4 times a year, 12 times a year, whatever, and 'remind' you when that happens.) (Another 'fancy' feature might be to not allow user to close book until all 'old' transactions have been cleared/reconciled. But that might be a bit much for non-bank accounts). Pros & Cons of plan F: ---------------------- pro: simple. The simplest option. pro: truncated file loads much faster pro: old/irrelevant accounts can be safely deleted from newest file (while still being preserved in old files). con: impossible to generate 5 year reports, multi-year graphs. This would really hurt, esp, when tracking stocks/mutual funds/retirement accounts over a number of years. I think this last one is the Achilles heel, the torpedo in the rudder that sinks the boat. Plan D: ------- As above, but instead of deleting, add a kvp to each transaction stating '/book/closed-on=12.31.2000'. Then modify the default query for the registers so that the only displayed transactions are those that are *not* part of a closed book. Modify the Query GUI dialog to add 'book' as a query parameter. pro: easy access to historical record con: slow loads. con: dealing with opening balances, equity, is icky. con: can't delete/hide old/stale accounts. We move on.... Plan C: ------- As in plan F, but instead of creating two books, clone the account tree into two: 'old' and 'new'. The old and new accounts are identical, except that they get different guid's. Every account in the old tree gets a kvp in it: '/book/closed-on=12.31.2000'. We don't copy or delete any transactions; instead, we reclassify them: Old transactions are transfers between old accounts, new transactions are transfers between new accounts. The account summary needs to be modified to show only 'new' accounts by default. The transfer-from pop-down needs to be modified to show only 'new' accounts only, and never the old accounts. Transfers between closed and open accounts are never allowed (this is validated/forced in the engine). Opening balances are handled just as in plan 'F'. User can only view data in closed books, and not change it. If we allow books to be reopened re-opened, then the 'starting balance' equity transfers must be deleted. We can save 're-opening' for some future day. The 'starting balance equity transfers' must have a kvp pair in them: '/book/closing-balance-of-account-guid=0xdeadbeef'. This way, we know that this transaction is associated with the closure of the book on some specific account, and that way, we can find this transaction someday in the future, if we ever need to. Each new account needs to point back at the copy that is its 'old' self. (these don't have to be C pointers, they could be some suitably clever kvp: '/book/previous-guid=0xdeadbeef') This continuity is needed in order to be able to create reports that scan over multiple books. The Query.c interface needs to be modified so that it searches only new accounts, or it searches new accounts *and* their corresponding 'old' copies. (There are three ways to deal with this account continuity issue: \\ don't deal with it in query.c: force various GUI dialogs to explicitly formulate queries involving the /book/previous-guid string. but this gets messy in the GUI's. May lead to excess cut-n-paste of similar code between different GUI's. \\ 'hide' the distinction between 'old' and 'new' in query.c: the users of query.c need only to specify a boolean flag: search closed books: yes/no. However, this is conceptually ugly, and prevents query from doing low-level queries on specific books. \\ create query utility wrapper/pre-processor that takes a query, and then modifies it to search through closed books as well. This is the 'cleanest' solution. ?? \\ All these are delicate, and need a little more thought and exploration. Goal is to simplify queries, not burden the system with cryptic, complex code. ) I believe that if we can deal with the account-continuity issue in query.c or in a wrapper thereto, that there are no remaining issues with reporting. i.e., for any given report, we are either reporting data in closed books, or not. Different reports should have different defaults. e.g. income/expense pie chart never looks at old books. asset-value-over-time-bar-chart always looks at closed books. pro: safer than plan F, since we really can enforce the 'you aren't allowed to edit closed books' rule. pro: solves the old-account/new-account problem, since new accounts can be edited/deleted without damaging old account. pro: solves the historical reporting problem. con: queries are potentially slow, loading of file is potentially slow. But now we have enough info to propose the final solution: Plan A: ------- The kvp markup of plan C coupled to the multi-file solution of plan F. In initial startup of gnucash, only the 'current' book is loaded. If user asks for a report that requires data from old books, then we have to pause to load one or more of the older books. If the books are stored as separate files, then the 'current' book needs to somehow know the filenames of the old books. I recommend against storing the books as different sections of one file, for many reasons: % risk of corruption of old books % bloated file size % the single-file solution would need to invent a 'directory' so that the location of the old books in the file can be quickly found and lseek()'ed or mmap()'ed. But why invent a directory? Unix already provides directories! I recommend that every book get a unique guid. The current book would know the guid's if its closed book progeny. The filename would incorporate some compressed version of the guid (and/or the date of closure). Optional: every book gets not only a unique guid, and also stores some meta-information (as book-level kvp's): /book/name=some-user-supplied-name /book/notes=user-supplied-descriptive-comments /book/start-date=xxx /book/end-date=xxx /book/previous-book-guids=(list 0xa 0xb 0xc) /book/accounting-period=enum {none, week, month, quarter, trimester, year} I don't know if the latest XML format provides for top-level 'global' data: but in principle, a top-level kvp is enough? Pro's & Con's ------------- I am not aware of any con's to plan A at this point. Implementation Notes: --------------------- Plan F is the easiest to implement: a few days to a week; maybe two weeks if gnc-book.c needs serious overhaul. Plan C is mostly just as easy as F (writing out the kvp is near trivial). The hard part of plan C is the wrapper/utility to allow searches of current and/or old books. The wrapper could be delicate, and needs more thought. Also, add another week to deal with the GUI tab/button to search 'current book' or 'all books'. Plan A is only a little harder than Plan C: maybe another week or two on top of C (??) Open Issues ----------- *) Naming convention for the different books? Each book is really written out as a backend: although it could be a file, it could also be a database, and a naming convention is needed for that ... =========================== end of file ========================