GnuCash Network Login --------------------- A quick sketch of how network login works when using the xml-web backend for communicating with a gnucash server. 1) User enters in a URL Location via GUI dialogue. Location is assumed to be plain html, and is displayed with gnc_html_show_url() in its own window. 2) The displayed page is presumably some kind of login page. It is not gnucash specific, and is entirely up to the webmaster or sysadmin to provide, modify, etc. the login & authentication information. The user types in name, passord, whatever. 3) The authentication mechanism issues a guid which will be used to identify the session. The guid is placed in a cookie labelled "gnc-server-sesion-guid=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" Because a cookie can be snoopedand then used to steal a session, the only secure way of doing this is to use SSL. 4) The cookie is used to identify the session to the gnc-server.