From: ueli ( as example, a logon request. the result is something like that: --------------- 19980411101000 xxxxxx xxxxxx ENG GNUCash_OFX 0001 [...something more like a investement statement download request...] ---------------------------------------------------------- class hierarchy OFX ---> SIGNONMSGSRQV1 --> SONRQ -->DTCLIENT -->USERID -->USERPASS -->LANGUAGE -->APPID -->APPVER ---------------------------------------------------------- (copy from junk.C) class cfxSignonmsgsrsv1; class cfxSonrs; class cfxSignonmsgsrsv1 { public: cfxSignonmsgsrsv1 (void); // constructor virtual ~cfxSignonmsgsrsv1 (); // destructor // Sonrs *must* be present cfxSonrs *sonrs; nchtrnrs *pinchtrnrs; // Challengetrnrs may be a null pointer cfxChallengetrnrs *challengetrnrs; }; class cfxSonrs { public: cfxSonrs (void); // constructor virtual ~cfxSonrs (); // destructor // Status *must* be present cfxStatus *status; bfxDttm *dtserver; bfxStr *userkey; bfxDttm *tskeyexpire; bfxStr *language; bfxDttm *dtprofup; bfxDttm *dtacctup; // Fi may be a null pointer cfxFi *fi; bfxStr *sesscookie; }; class cfxOfx { public: // Signonmsgsrsv1 *must* be present cfxSignonmsgsrsv1 *signonmsgsrsv1; .. } ---------------------------------------------------------- some pseudo-code to produce a login request: { ofxrequest = new cfxOfx(); ofxreqeust->signonmsgsrsv1->sonrs->dtserver="199811111"; ... //all needed variables // ofx_request_type = login/investement statement // download/billings/creditcard if (ofxrequest->Valid(ofx_request_type)) { ofxrequest->ExportRequest(ofx_request_type); request = new HTTPRequest(); repuest->CreateHeader(); request->AddContent(ofxrequest->GetContent()); if (request->SendRequest()) { //now read in the result in a new ofxrequest structure ofxresponse = new cfxOfx(); //or not cfxOfx, cfxOfx i eventually only for request request->ParseResponse( ofxresponse ); } } }