How to install gnucash on SuSE ============================== (written 2000-01-07 by Peter Pointner ) (last changed 2001-06-13 by Herbert Thoma ( Notes: - This is only one way to get GnuCash running on SuSE. I did test that, but there might be errors anyway, and of course you do all at your own risk. If you find errors, you might report them to the gnucash mailing list ( - This is for SuSE 6.3, 6.4, 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 (Intel). Earlier SuSE distributions lack some required packages. Later SuSE distributions didn't exist at the time of writing. NOTE: You can install new packages to older versions of SuSE from CD or or - This howto is primarily intended for compiling from source. If you install the rpm, you don't need the various dev packages and you don't need g-wrap. (However, you won't see this howto until you installed the GnuCash rpm succesfully ;-).) - The current stable version is gnucash-1.6.x, the current development version is gnucash-1.7.x, the development version needs the latest GNOME libraries to build, especially gnprint >= 0.23, gdk_pix >= 0.8 and gtkhtml-0.8, which are not included with current SuSE distibutions. The easiest way to get the latest GNOME is to do "lynx -source | sh" as root. SuSE 7.2 comes with all required gnome packages, but you should get a newer revision of Guppi, if you want to use all features of graphical reports, see below. Let's go: * Make sure you have a running system, including X. For my tests I started with a default installation and removed some packages to save diskspace. * Install the following packages (the list is valid for SuSE 7.2): + from series d guile gettext libxml libxmld and optionally autoconf automake libtool (You must install libtool if you have autoconf/automake installed!) + from series x xdevel + from series xdev glade glib-devel gtk gtk-devel libglade libglade-devel + from series gnm Guppi bonobo bonobo-devel gal gconf gdk-pixbuf gdk-pixbuf-devel gnome-core gnome-core-devel gnome-libs gnome-libs-devel gnome-print gnome-print-devel gtkhtml gtkhtml-devel libghttp libghttp-devel libunicode oaf oaf-devel + from series gra imlib imlibdev + from series sgm docb* jade* sgmltools * Download slib from and install it by unpacking it to /usr/share/guile (this will create a sub-directory slib): cd /usr/share/guile su root -c "unzip -L /tmp/slib2c7" * Download g-wrap from For the 1.6.x version you need g-wrap-1.1.5.tar.gz or newer unpack and untar, then ./configure, make, su, make install * Download Guppi from You need Guppi-0.35.5 or newer, if you want to use all features of the reports unpack and untar, then ./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome, make, su, make install * Download GnuCash stable version: development version: and unpack it tar xzf gnucash-1.y.x.tar.gz * Alternatively get GnuCash from cvs cvs -d login (password guest) cvs -d checkout gnucash (this will get you the latest development version) * The lib directory contains packages that are needed to build GnuCash but are not widely available yet. Read the file lib/README for details. * Make symbolic link for every file in /opt/gnome/share/aclocal to /usr/share/aclocal (or tell me how to modify the automake setup so that it looks in /opt/gnome/share/aclocal for input ;-)) * Configure, build and install gnucash. Installation must probably be done as root, the files go to various places in /usr/local. cd gnucash-1.y.x ./configure make su root -c "make install" * You may need to run GnuCash once as root, because guile needs to set up some things for slib. Alternatively you can try as root: guile -c '(use-modules (ice-9 slib)) (require 'new-catalog)' * If want to send a patch, you need the makepatch perl module, which can be found at: unpack and untar, then perl Makefile.PL, make, su, make install