Who wrote "Mary Had a Little Lamb?" Most nursery rhymes in the English-speaking world originated in Britain before 1800 and are anonymous. "London Bridge is falling down," for example, comes from the Middle Ages. Not so for "Mary Had a Little Lamb," which was written in the United States in 1830. The author, Sarah Josepha Hale, published it in "Juvenile Miscellany," a children's magazine she edited. Hale based it on the true story of a pet lamb that followed its owner to school. Thomas Edison made the verse the first words ever recorded when he spoke them into his new invention, the phonograph, in 1877. As if these accomplishments were not enough, Hale, who also edited "Ladies Magazine," finally saw her decades-long editorial campaign for a national Thanksgiving holiday bear fruit when Abraham Lincoln officially proclaimed it in 1863. (Source: EXTRAORDINARY ORIGINS OF EVERYDAY THINGS)