utility belt (SP45) leatherman wave Mini maglight sunglasses (anti-glare, ir, uv, televiewer 20x) pocket pack (UT27) pen light swiss army knife roll of duct tape sharpie handcuffs monocrys underwear (pd4, dr20) New Omicron Device subvocal mike incoming translator false tooth (obvious to dentist) outgoing translator 37lbs. towel (SP45) 6-in-1 ax binoculars filtration canteen (UT23) mess kit 15days mini-SCUBA biphase rope 30 (yds) & climbing gear small pack (med pouch) w/ 10 Revive 10 plastiskin pouches - pnumospray hypo 10 doses hypercoagulant 10 doses Juice - 25 vials of Symaride II (5 doses/vial, 5d6/dose) 10 Cocktail (pnumospray) glass night parry tool