Advantages: [150 points] Alertness +3 [15 points] Combat Reflexes [15 points] High Pain Threshold [10 points] Strong Will +5 [20 points] Toughness DR 1 [10 points], Very Fit [15 points] Zeroed [10 points] (p. CI 32). Patron [105 points] (powerful, provides valuable equip., has access to knowledge and technology beyond normal. appears on roll of 15 or less) Secret [-30] Extremely Hazardous Duty [-20] min one point Acting-14 (M/A) Animal Handling-13 (M/H) Anthropology-13 (M/H) Area Knowledge (Earth)-16 (M/E) Boxing-15 (P/A) Climbing-14 (P/A) Driving (Automobile)-15 (P/A) Driving (Tracked)-15 (P/A) Electronics (Computers)-13 (M/H) Gunner (Machine Gun)-18 (P/A) Guns (Pistol)-18 (P/E) Guns (Rifle)-18 (P/E) Judo-15 (P/H) Karate-15 (P/H) Mind Block-15 (M/A) Naturalist-13 (M/H) Piloting (Helicopter)-15 (P/A) Piloting (Light Airplane)-15 (P/A) Psychology-13 (M/H) Wrestling-15 (P/A) any two foreign languages at 13. (must fluent English) every graduating cadet must have the following skills at level 12 or higher, and must have at least half at point in each (which will often give a level much higher than 12): Armory (Hand Weapons) (M/A) Armory (Rifles and Handguns) (M/A) Artificial Intelligence (M/H) Astronomy (M/H) Bard (M/A) Bicycling (P/E) Boating (P/A) Botany (M/H) Bow (P/H) Chemistry (M/H) Chess (M/E) Computer Operation (M/E) Computer Programming (M/H) Crossbow (P/E) Dancing (P/A) Demolition (M/A) Ecology (M/H) Electronics Operation (Communications) (M/A) Engineer (Electrical) (M/H) Engineer (Mechanical) (M/H) Fencing (P/A) Gambling (M/A) Geology (M/H) Guns (Flamethrower) (P/E) Knife (P/E) Leadership (M/A) Literature (M/H) Mathematics (M/H) Mechanic (Automobile) (M/A) Mechanic (Helicopter) (M/A) Motorcycle (Medium and Heavy) (P/E) Orienteering (M/A) Parachuting (P/E) Philosophy (M/H) Physician (M/H) Physics (M/H) Physiology (M/VH) Poetry (M/A) Powerboat (P/A) Running (P/H) Savior-Faire (M/E) Scuba (M/A) Shortsword (P/A) Sign Language (AMESLAN) (M/A) Skating (P/H) Skiing (P/H) Spear (P/A) Stealth (P/A) Streetwise (M/A) Swimming (P/E) Tactics (M/H) Telegraphy (M/E) Throwing (P/E) Writing (M/A) Zoology (M/H) Rugby (P/A) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Combat Department Note that defaults may be used to meet these requirments! must take specs in History (Military History) History (Martial-Arts History) Physics (Ballistics) (enough to get unspec at 15) Psychology (Combat Psychology) 12+ Armory (additional spec) Armory (additional spec) Camouflage Diplomacy Engineer (Bombs and Traps) Engineer (Combat Engineering) Engineer (Nuclear Weapons) Explosive Ordnance Disposal Fast-Draw (Pistol) Forward Observer Garotte Hiking Meditation (the M/VH version) NBC Warfare Nuclear Physics Professional Skill (Machinist) Speed-Load (Clip Loading) Strategy Traps 15+ Mathematics 16+ First Aid Tactics 17+ in: Boxing Judo Karate Wrestling 20+ Guns (Pistol) Guns (Rifle)