From: Raj Shah To: "''" Date: Tue, 27 Jan 1998 20:29:20 -0500 The Kesselar Delician Victory-Class Spacecruiser Prototype The Kesselar is a modified Ignathi spacecruiser purchased by the = Cainlan as a proof-of-concept. The ship was placed in storage in the mountain and then salvaged by Tucker just before he died in order to prevent the Darkening from spreading to other worlds. Tucker brought the un-modified ship and its computer bank with him to the new timestream when he was brought out of stasis by the Delic II PC party. =20 Although considered one of the finest spaceships ever built by the Ignathi, the Kesselar underwent significant renovations during the time that it was docked in the Citadel's central hanger bay. All technical circuitry was overlaid with a magical conduit system and the main = energy source was tied together with a magical core. An organic mind was also tied into the ship's main computer core and a J'loer was immersed into the ship proper. What emerged was a marvel - a ship that could run on both physical and magical energy, possessing its own intelligence and able to make an manifestation of itself that can interact with the = crew. Ship Specifications The ship itself has the following specs: =B7 Hull - 20,000 cubic yards (cy) (base mass 7 tons) (HT 5,000) =B7 Armor - Sixteen layers of armor (Defense Factor 5) (added mass 49 tons) (HR 30, HP 40,0000) =B7 Shields -- 16 force generators (Defense Factor 5) (added mass 128 tons -64 cy, 128 MW energy drain) =B7 Streamlining - Winged (+1.75 tons) =B7 Compartmentalization - Total compartmentalization (+7 tons) All walls and doors are AC 4, 50 HP =B7 Stress Rating - 300% (+900 tons) =B7 Power Plant - Total Conversion MW output =3D 2000 MW (25 tons, -300 cy) (DR 10, HP 3,000)=20 =B7 Maneuver Drive - Reactionless Drive - 2G (TF =3D 3600 Tons) (180 tons, -720 cy, 360 MW) (DR 5, HP 3,000)=20 =B7 Stardrives - Warp Drive (WTF =3D 7200) ship can cross 4 parsecs in a day (362 tons, -720 cy, 720 MW) 4 units (DR 5, HP 2,000) =B7 Required Crew - 6 =B7 Crew Requirements - Bridge, Controls Stations (6 tons -150 cy) =B7 Computer - (TL 13 Complexity 6) =B7 Optical base system =B7 Software =B7 Astrogation (skill 9 or +4 to roll) =B7 Damage Control (+5 to roll ) =B7 Datalink=20 =B7 Electronics Repair (skill: 14 or +4 to roll) =B7 Environmental Analysis (skill: 11 or +3 to roll) =B7 Gunner (skill 9 or +5 to roll) =B7 Internal Security (skill 14 or +2 to Electronics Operations (Security Systems)) =B7 Interpreter (skill 14 - at start, only common in database at start - see Translation skill) =B7 Medical (+8 to Surgery, +4 to First Aid/Healing) =B7 News Daemon =B7 Optical Recognition =B7 Personality Simulation =B7 Routine Vehicle Operations (skill 12 in all Piloting/Driving) =B7 Targeting (+2 to Gunner rolls) =B7 Translation (Mental/Very Hard levels, see Ultra-Tech, p. 34) =B7 Intrusion and Security Programs =B7 Worm (+2 to any Computer Hacking roll) =B7 Security (All computer systems -8 to hacking roll) =B7 Defense (passive - skill 14, see Ultra-Tech, p. 34) =B7 DB systems - 200 Billion Terabytes (200 Trillion Gigs) of Space =B7 Virtual Reality Systems =B7 VR Manager (Complexity 6, Full VR) =B7 Virtual World ("lifelike imagery" 1 billion Gig) =B7 Luxury Accomodations for crew (6 people) plus 6 passengers -- (48 tons, -1200 cy) =B7 Life Support - Full lifesystem for 20 people (12 tons, -44 cy, -10 MW) =B7 Weapons Systems (DR 200, HP 10,000 each) =B7 5 Light Lasers - (10 tons, -10 cy, FP 5 each, 5 MW each) =B7 3 Medium Lasers - (15 tons, -15 cy, FP 20 each, 20 MW each) =B7 2 Heavy Lasers - ( 20 tons, -16 cy, FP 40 each, 40 MW each) =B7 2 Particle Beams - (30 tons, -20 cy, FP 50 each, 50 MW each) =B7 1 Heavy Particle Beam - (25 tons, -15 cy, FP 150, 150 MW) =B7 1 Disruption Beam - (40 tons, -25 cy, FP 200, 200 MW) forward line of fire only =B7 Missiles =B7 40 Light Antimatter Missiles - (.2 tons, -10 cy, FP 200 each) =B7 20 Medium Antimatter Missiles - (.4 tons, -20 cy, FP 500 each) =B7 10 Heavy Antimatter Missiles - (10 tons, -40 cy, FP 1000 each) =B7 Sensor Systems=20 =B7 Sensor System - (5 tons, -5 cy) =B7 Advanced extreme-range gravscanner with rangefinder (scan 31, DR 3, HT 125, electronics)=20 =B7 Advanced extreme-range thermograph (scan 29, DR 3, HT 20, electronics)=20 =B7 Early-warning radar with rangefinder (scan 34, DR 3, HT 125, electronics)=20 =B7 Advanced long-range multiscanner (scan 23, DR 3, HT 30, electronics)=20 =B7 Early-warning air-search radar with rangefinder (scan 37/31, DR 3, HT 125, electronics) =B7 ALLTV (+8). =B7 Stealth Suite - TL 13, Level 5 suite (6.4 tons, -16 cy, 16 MW) =B7 Heavy deceptive jammer (jam 16, DR 3, HT 25, electronics)=20 =B7 Heavy area jammer (jam 16, DR 3, HT 25, electronics) =B7 Terrain-following radar =B7 Communications Suite =B7 FTL Radio =B7 Gravity and Contragravity Systems =B7 Artificial Gravity - 70 units (70 tons, -70 cy, 70 MW) =B7 Pressor/Tractor Beams - 2 2000 ton units (40 tons, -80 cy, 20 MW each) =B7 Contragravity - Grav Compensators (2.8 tons, -2.8cy, 2.8 MW). Protects for up to 2 G of accelerations =B7 Accessories =B7 Airlocks=20 =B7 Port-side primary airlock - Large airlock 12 adults (2 tons, -24 cy) =B7 Port-side secondary airlock - Standard airlock 6 adults (1 ton, -8 cy) =B7 Starboard-side primary airlock -- Large airlock 12 adults (2 tons, -24 cy) =B7 Starboard-side secondary airlock - Standard airlock 6 adults (1 ton, -8 cy) =B7 Dorsal-side emergency airlock - One man airlock (.5 ton, -2 cy) =B7 Ventral-side airlock - One man airlock (.5 ton, -2 cy) =B7 Energy Passage Tubes - One on each primary airlock (2 tons, 4 MW) =B7 Retractable Landing Gear - (30 tons, -300 cy) =B7 Hangar Deck - (1 ton, -2000 cy) =B7 Other Accessories -- automatic fire suppression,=20 =B7 Final Specifications=20 =B7 Tonnage: 1800 Tons =B7 Used Volume: 6518 cy =B7 Free Volume: 13482 cy =B7 Total DF =3D 15 =B7 Total PF =3D 50 =B7 TL =3D 13 Magical Modifications The Kesselar has received one major modification. The Conversion power source has been tied into a magical converter that enables it to charge a set of magical batteries laid throughout the ship. These batteries can hold an additional 2000 MW of energy, so the ship can run entirely on physical energy or magical energy or a combination of both. This reserve energy can be diverted to weapons, increasing their damage (a weapon can be overcharged by 10% safely, increasing its firepower by 10%), the drive systems (again, a 10% overcharge can be safely applied) or used as a separate power source to power other energy uses. The Bridge The Bridge of the Kesselar has six consoles: =B7 Helm - Control of the ship's sub-light engines and directional systems =B7 Astrogation - Control over the Hyperdrive and Hyperspace navigational systems =B7 Weapons - Control over the ship's various weapons systems =B7 Sensors - Control over the ship's sensors and stealth systems as well as the tractor/pressor beams =B7 Comm - Control over the ship's communications systems =B7 Science - Control over the ship's internal sensors, and access to the ship's computer databanks. =20 Each of the consoles can divert high level control of its functionality to another console. However, no one console has the ability to control more than three consoles at any time. The Ship With a hull size of 20,000 cy, the Kesselar officially qualifies as a destroyer, if it were classified as a military ship. However, the Kesselar's outward appearance is that of a freighter. Of the ship's 6 warp units, only three are actually visible during normal operation. After the jump to hyperspace, the remaining 3 units can be uncovered = and activated. Likewise, most of the ship's weapon turrets are hidden within the armor plating of the hull and will not be detected unless they are revealed or a thorough sensor sweep of the entire ship is = done. The interior of the ship is compromised of 4 decks. The rear of decks = 3 and 4 are taken up by engineering and the massive sub-light and warp engines. The hangar and the forward sensor array occupy the rest of deck 4. A highly guarded passageway leads from the ground through deck 4 and into deck 3. The front half of deck 3 is devoted to secure quarters for passengers. These quarters have a number of sensors and monitoring devices. However, they are sumptuously furnished. =20 =B7 6 Bedrooms - Fully appointed 20 ft. x 20 ft. bedrooms, with private baths =B7 Central Meeting/Dining Room - With food replicators and a nice long meeting table that can seat twenty easily =20 The second deck is entirely given over to the crew of the ship. At the nose of the ship is a 30 ft. x 30 ft. conference room with floor to ceiling glass windows around the room. The crew quarters are each 30 = ft x 40 ft, with private baths. Also on the deck are a library, 3 50 ft x 50 ft labs, a full technical lab (with science scanners and toolkits), = a full medical station and even a generic shrine. At the front of the top deck is the bridge, with its six console and 32 ft. holographic projection screen. Just behind the bridge are the armory and secure storage areas. Finally, the rear half of the top = deck is a large open training area with a number of holographic projectors. Also on board: =B7 Medium Shuttle "Spacelifter" (TL 11) The NAT "Spacelifter" is a medium-sized commercial shuttle. Vehicles like this one can be found on every spaceport or in the = hangars of tramp merchanters who can't rely on local facilities. The 500 cy craft transports up to 80 tons and 40 passengers to and from orbit. = With a full load, the shuttle can operate on worlds up to 1.2 G. With the listed load, this rises to 1.35 G. A full load gives 2.4 G (2.7 G with the listed load). Food and air last for 176/persons days. Sensors are a radar (320 miles) and ALLTV. The durasteel armor can resist infantry weapons. For a TL11 craft, the shuttle is surprisingly primitive, to make maintenance easier. It requires 0.5 man-hours of maintenance for every hour of flight. (DF 6, FP 0, TL 11)=20 =B7 Structure: 13,500 cf cheap medium body (HT 6,000), max. load 270 tons, very good streamlining, sealed body, four retractable wheels (HT 250/500), vertol lift system. =B7 Propulsion: Two 270 ton reactionless engines (DR 5, HT 800). =B7 Power: 55 MW "large" fusion plant (DR 5, HT 175) and 1 MWh rechargeable cells (DR 5, HT 6). =B7 Accomodation: 4 standard seats and 40 roomy seats. Vision: Slits. =B7 Crew Requirements: Pilot, co-pilot, 2*flight attendant (optional). =B7 Accessories: Crashwebs, compact fire entinguisher (2 units), 4*44 man-days life support, radiation shielding, medium radar (scan 28, DR 3, HT 4, electronics), ALLTV (+8), two airlocks, two cargo ramps, four minicomps (C6, DR 3, HT 4, electronics), dual controls, galley (7 units), two secure long-distance radios (DR 3, HT 4, electronics), two transponders, searchlight (DR 5, HT 8, exposed equipment), neutrino communicator, heavy tractor beam (DR 5, HT 75, equipment). Programs: Computer navigation, database (3.25 GB maps), datalink, sensor = operation (C6, skill 20 or +9), routine vehicle operation (C6, skill 19). =20 =B7 Cargo: 4,000 cf (and 856.7 cf access space). =B7 Armor: 1800 points cheap armor, F6/400 B6/200 R6/300 L6/300 T6/200 U6/400. =B7 Statistics: Cost $5,000,000, design mass 135 tons, max. payload 135 tons, max. cargo 80 tons, current load 65 tons, loaded mass 200 tons, size modifier +7, radar signature +7, IR signature +11, acoustic signature +7 (ground) or +3 (air). =B7 Ground Performance: Speed factor 26, top speed 357.5 mph, acceleration 13.75 mph/s, deceleration 10 mph/s, MR 0.25, SR 6. =B7 Water Performance: None. =B7 Air Performance: Speed factor 72, top speed 846 mph, acceleration 23.5 mph/s, deceleration 10 mph/s, MR 2, SR 4, ceiling unlimited. =B7 2 "Colibri" Airbikes (TL 11) The K-Star "Colibri" is part two of the TL11 scout kit (look = for the other K-Star products). The airbike can carry one or two scouts = over all kinds of terrain on terrestrial planets up to 2 G (with slightly decreased payload). The power lasts for four hours unless the ladar is = working (it cuts a few minutes). The improved durasteel armor might stop fragments or archaic weapons. A ladar (16 miles) is the only sensor. It might look like the speederbikes from _Return_of_the_Jedi_. =B7 Structure: 10 cf cheap XH body (HT90), max. load 0.45 tons, good streamlining, sealed body, two skids (DR 4, HT15), flotation hull (flotation 550 lbs.), vertol lift. =B7 Propulsion: 0.5t reactionless engine (DR 5, HT 12). =B7 Power: 200 KWh rechargeable cell (DR 5, HT 4). =B7 Accomodation: Two external seats. =B7 Accessories: Cheap mini ladar (scan 21, DR 3, HT 2, electronics), dumb midget comp (C4, DR 3, HT 2, electronics), secure tactical radio, transponder. Programs: Computer navigation, database (own tech readout), datalink, sensor operation (skill 16 or +5). =B7 Cargo: 1 cf (and 0.54 cf wasted space). =B7 Armor: 110 points standard armor, F4/20 B4/15 L4/20 R4/20 T4/15 U4/20. =B7 Statistics: Cost $10,000, design mass 180 lbs., max. payload 720 lbs., max. cargo 90 lbs., current load 240 lbs., loaded mass 0.21 tons, size modifier 0, radar signature 0, IR signature 0, acoustic signature 0. =B7 Ground Performance: Speed factor 20, top speed 265 mph, acceleration 13.25 mph/s, deceleration 5 mph/s, MR 0.25, SR 3. =B7 Water Performance: Speed factor 2, top speed 26.5, acceleration 6.625 mph/s, deceleration 13.3125 mph/s, MR 0.75, SR 4, draft 15". =B7 Air Performance: Speed factor 39, top speed 429 mph, acceleration 22 mph/s, deceleration 10 mph/s, MR 2.5, SR 2, ceiling unlimited. Light Interceptor (1) DF 10 (2 armor, 2 shields, 6 stealth) Space Mass Power Thrust Firepower=09 200 - =09 Hull 0.04 - =09 Armor 2 - =09 Force Fields 2 4 4 - Streamlining 0.01 - =09 Compartmentalization 0 0 0 - Power Plant 4.25 4.25 - [factor] grams can last 5 years Maneuver Drives 160 40 80 800 =09 StarDrives 0 0 0 =09 Crew and Passengers 1.5 0.5 =09 Life Support 0.1 0.1 2 days of life support Weapons =09 Heavy Particle Beams 5 7.5 50 50 Railgun 8 4 8 12 Lt Antimatter Missiles (4) 1 0.2 0 200 Optional Not needed in all flights=09 Sensors and Comm. 5 5 1 Stealth 6 2.4 6 Gravity and ContraGrav 0 0 0 Grav Compensators 1 1 0.2 Can protect up to 200 tons of mass and cancels 4 G of accel.=09 Accessories =09 Computer - - - Landing Gear 0 1.3 0 193.85 72.3 149.2 Stress Rating 0.75 126.525 Max Accel: 6.322861095 Heavy Interceptor (1) DF: 12 (4 armor, 6 shields, 2 stealth) Space Mass Power Thrust Firepower=09 200 - =09 Hull 0.04 - =09 Armor 32 - =09 Force Fields 8 16 16 - Streamlining 0.01 - =09 Compartmentalization 0 0 0 - Power Plant 7.25 7.25 - [factor] grams can last 5 years Maneuver Drives 140 35 70 700 =09 StarDrives 0 0 0 =09 Crew and Passengers 1.5 0.5 =09 Life Support 0.1 0.1 2 days of life support Weapons =09 Heavy Particle Beams 20 30 200 200 Railgun 4 2 4 6 Lt Antimatter Missiles (4) 1 0.2 0 200 Optional Not needed in all flights=09 Sensors and Comm. 5 5 1 Stealth 2 0.8 2 Gravity and ContraGrav 0 0 0 Grav Compensators 1 1 0.2 Can protect up to 200 tons of mass and cancels 4 G of accel.=09 Accessories =09 Computer - - - Landing Gear 0 2 0 189.85 131.9 293.2 Stress Rating 0.5 197.85 Max Accel: 3.538033864