;; delic.txt ;; -*- outline -*- * Mikhail Nikolivich NG (heading towards chaotic) human male priest of God (8th) ** STR 17 | 16/18(52) -- 24/24 hit +6 dmg +12 mp 14440 d oor 19(17) bblg %95 weight 1235 hit +2 dmg +3 mp 305 door 13 bblg %25 weight 70 ** DEX 16 | 15/17 missile +0 react +2 def -3 ** CON 17 | 16/18 sshock 95% hp +4 res 100% ** INT 13 | 13/13 lang 3 ** WIS 18 | 19/17 bonus spells 3,2,2,1 fail 0 mdef +3 ** CHR 16 | 17/15 -- 18/15 hench 10 loyalty +6 react +7 hench 10 loyalty +6 react +6 * experience 113499 9th - 225,000 * Quick Numbers AC: -3=0 base-bracers-dex-ring shape change: 3 HP: 80 | 80 (+hp) * saving throws ** ppd 5 ** rsw 9 ** pp 8 ** b 11 ** s 10 dex: 3 bonus wis: 3 bonus staff: 2 to all ring: 1 to all bonus: 2 fire/electrical resistance (natural and magical) bonus: 4 to invocation/evocation (normal save v. non-save spells) next change: -1 to all at 10th level * magical equipment ** staff of devotion (use as heirarchy priest) short staff, approximately 4'8" long, almost 2" diameter, made of stained bronzewood and iron bands. This magical staff may only be used by priests (of any kit). Hierarchy priests (pragmatists, ethoists, and moralists) gain additional advantages. Any priest may use the following powers without draining any charges, three times a day, once per round: atonement bless create food & water cure light wounds avert evil eye purify food and drink The following powers use one each but may be used multiple times in one day, once per round, by any type of priest: cure serious wounds dispell magic enthrall neutralize poison remove curse the following powers use three charges each and may only be used by heirarchy priests (see above): flame strike holy word legend lore raise dead restoration in addition, the staff provides a +2 bonus to all saving throws of the individual who holds it. ** figurine of wondrous power onyx panther AC4, HD6+6, hp 45, mv 15, at 3, dmg d4/d4/d12, plus rear claw rake for 2d4/2d4 if both claws strike, SA move silently and hide shadows 95%, SD never surprised, used for 12 hours every other day. ** Cloak of Plenty This cloak of black wool, lined with deep purple satin, radiates an aura of alteration magic. It keeps its wearer warm and dry in any climate or weather. It gives a wearer a saving throw bonus of +4 against all forms of elemental attacks. The cloak is so comfortable as to permit the recovery of hit points while the wearer sleeps, as if he were resting in a confortable bed. The cloak has other properties. It grants _infravision_ to its wearer. There are 12 hidden pockets inside that open to an extradimensional space. They contain the following items, which the cloak refills daily one-half pound of cheese one-half pound of fresh cinnamon raisin bread (warm) one pound of spare ribs, four ears of steamed and buttered sweet corn one apple one orange one pear one-half pint honey one-half pound cracked walnuts one quart strawberries one quart cold apple cider one quart cool water one wilderness survival kit which contains scrap of parchment piece of graphite fish hook 25' fishing line on spool 1 gp Swiss army knife wooden whistle cloth pad 3 pieces sugar candy 3 pieces dried fruit Flint and Steel Lockpicks ** cestus+1 ** ring of human influence This ring has the effect of raising the wearer's Charisma to 18 on encouner reactions with humans and humanoids. The wearer can make a _suggestion_ to any human or humanoid (saving throw applies). The wearer can also _charm_ up to 21 levels/Hit Dice of human/humanoids (saving throws apply) just as if he were using the wizard spell, _charm person_. The two latter uses of the ring are applicable but once per day. ** Bracers of defence (AC 5) ** girdle of cloud giant strength confers STR of 23, ability to toss boulders as per DMG table ** ring of protection +1 ** bag of dust of dryness this special dust has many uses. If a pinch is cast into a cubic yard of water, the liquid is instantly transformed to nothingness, and the dust pinch becomes a marble-sized pellet, floating or resting where it was cast. If this pellet is hurled down, it breaks and releases the same volume of water. When the dust is sprinkled over an area (such as with a wave of the arm0, it dries up as much as 15 cubic feet of water. The dust affects only water (whether fresh, salt, brackish, or alkaline0, not other liquids. if the dust is employed against a water elemental or similar creature, the creature must save vs. spell or be destroyed. A successful save still inflicts, 5d6 points of damage upon the water-creature. a pouch of this dust contains d6+4 pinches. ** portable hole * weapons THAC0 (13) weapon str skl m THAC0 dmg str skl m damage ** right fist 13 +5 +3 | 4 d3 +11 +3 | d3+14 ** left fist 13 +5 +3 | 4 d3 +11 +3 | d3+14 ** kick 13 +5 | 8 d8 +11 | d8+11 ** cestus 13 +5 +3 +1 | 4 d6 +11 +3 +1 | d6+15 ** boulder 935 * spell selection ** first (3+3) | 2 - alarm - analyze balance - bless/curse - blessed watchfulness - chromatic orb - clw - combine - command - copy - det evil - det poison - detect magic - dictation - dispell fatigue - fire burst - invis to undead - know age - know time - light/darkness - magic missile - magical stone - orison - purify food/drink - sacred gaurdian - shield - tenser's floating disc - wall of fog ** second (3+2) | - aid - augury - chant - cmw - det charm - find traps - flaming sphere - hesitation - ice knife - iron vigil - know alignment - mystic transfer - nap - restore strength - sanctify - silence 15" radius - slow poison - spiritual hammer - stinking cloud - web - wyvern watch ** third (3+2) | 1 - accelrate healing - animate dead - augmentation - choose future - con light/dark - cure blind/deaf - cure disease - det spirits - dispel magic - extradim det - feign death - fireball - glyph of warding - hold poison - invisible mail - lance of disruption - lightning bolt - locate object - melf's minute meteors - negative plane prot - prayer - remove curse - remove paralysis - repair injury - speak w/ dead - unearthly choir - unfailing premonition - wall of water ** fourth (2+1) | - abjure - csw - det lie - dig - dim anchor - divination - divination enhancement - fire shield - focus - fortify - ice storm - mordenkainen's celerity - mordenkainen's force missiles - neutralize poison - omniscient eye - otiluke's dispelling screen - otiluke's resilient sphere - recitation - shout - suspended animation - thunder staff - tongues - unfailing endurance - uplift - wall of fire - wall of ice - wind breath * Spells available ** healing (major) *** first clw *** second cmw slow poison *** third cure blind/deaf cure disease hold poison repair injury *** fourth csw fortify neutralize poison *** fifth ccw *** sixth heal *** seventh regenerate ** all (major) *** first bless/curse combine detect magic orison purify food/drink *** second chant mystic transfer sanctify *** third dispel magic remove curse *** fourth focus tongues uplift *** fifth atonement commune meld quest true seeing *** sixth speak w/monsters *** seventh gate ** time (minor) *** first know age know time *** second hesitation nap *** third accelrate healing choose future unfailing premonition ** combat (major) *** first command magical stone *** second aid spiritual hammer *** third prayer unearthly choir *** fourth recitation *** fifth flame strike righteous wrath of the faithful *** sixth spiritual wrath word of recall *** seventh holy word ** guardian (major) *** first blessed watchfulness light/darkness sacred gaurdian *** second iron vigil silence 15"" radius wyvern watch *** third con light glyph of warding *** fourth abjure dim anchor *** fifth dispel evil unceasing vigilance of the Holy Sentinel *** sixth blade barrier forbiddance *** seventh symbol 7 ** divination (major) *** first analyze balance det evil det poison *** second augury det charm find traps *** third det spirits extradim det locate object speak w/ dead *** fourth det lie divination omniscient eye *** fifth consequence magic font *** sixth find the path stone tell *** seventh divine inspiration ** invocation/evocation (major) *** first alarm copy chromatic orb dictation fire burst magic missle shield tenser's floating disc wall of fog *** second flaming sphere ice knife stinking cloud web *** third augmentation fireball invisible mail lance of disruption lightning bolt melf's minute meteors wall of water *** fourth dig divination enhancement fire shield ice storm mordenkainen's celerity mordenkainen's force missiles otiluke's dispelling screen otiluke's resilient sphere shout thunder staff wall of fire wall of ice wind breath *** fifth bigby's interposing hand cloudkill cone of cold dream leomund's lamentable belaborment sending tenser's desctructive resonance wall of force wall of iron wall of stone *** sixth augmentation II bigby's forceful hand chain lightning contingency death fog dimensional blade gaurds and wards otiluke's freezing sphere tenser's transformation ** necromancy (major) *** first dispell fatigue invis to undead *** second aid restore strength *** third animate dead feign death negative plane prot remove paralysis speak w/ dead *** fourth suspended animation unfailing endurance *** fifth raise dead 5 *** seventh restoration resurection * Priest abilities list: 5 major all 10 major healing 10 major necromancy (9th) 5 minor time (3rd) 10 major combat 5 major gaurdian 10 major divination (Mikhail) 20 warrior priest 25 wizardly magic (invocation/evocation) 10 immunity to magic (invocation/evocation) 10 Hit Point Bonus 15 Shape Change 20 Combat Bonus 15 Unarmed Combat 7 fire/electrical resistance 10 lay on hands -15 Weapon Restriction -15 Armor Restriction -5 Awkward Casting -5 Delay lay on hands to 11th level -2 Delay fire/electrical resistance to 5th level -3 Delay major necromancy to 7th level (Mikhail; normally 9th) -3 Delay Shape Change to 7th level -2 Delay Wizardly Priest (inv/evo) to 5th level -2 Delay Immuity to Magic to 5th level ----- 130 * rod 1 clw 5/day 2 slow/day 23 rounds * flight at will - fly at will, speed 24, class a o cleanlyness 3 haste/day 23round duration (cast on self, no age) * add 20% to magic resistance * can be used as horseman's mace +1 - influence creatures from plane of air o you will refuse to knowingly break any law unless you can knowing find that will prevent you from being prosecuted or punished 4 gust of wind 5/day `justitia' * can be used as horseman's mace +2 - control winds 2/day o deliberately never tell a lie 5 true seeing 1/day, 20 rnds `ecce' * shapechange 1/day * can be used as quarterstaff +3 - weather summoning - charm elemental air creatures (once per creature per day) o LN, cannot have strong emotions (gets confused) * stuff in `caravan-serai' boatload of gems - 41500K * stuff in vampire chest 357 pp 16358 gp 10gp gem 90gp gem ** scale 3-20-a ** full plate 3-20-b ** wizard scroll - Alskal shout ** leather 3-20-c * ** waterford crystal ball 3-20-d ** leather 3-20-e ** purse 3-20-f ** rod 3-20-g ** plate 3-20-h ** Belcar's armor ** Belcar's longsword * Bank 14237 pp bank 17944 gp bank ~59 pieces of art (total value 48-49K) bank (minus basil share) * notes on Lothar's practices, etc. * personages ** Lord Cavius Agronimous, Warden of Beleme ** Sir, Ovulous ** Bishop Dwight Yokam ** Lothar the Shiv ** Rankle the Black of Werchan * Gerti's info ** amulet of dragon warding, created by heroine, stolen by bandit brothers split it into three pieces. three pieces split up and scattered. The Shard of Righting, Shell's Head, has junk store run by `Old Cud'. Get it and return here for more info. ** Nectos the Undying lich. stopped by Gerti and others. mostly destroyed, but not quite. shard of shielding taken by person who killed him. Raised by Nectos, became lt to nectos, buried in the Crypt of Belcar the Brave with the Shard. * amulet bracers AC 0 ring of spell turning