; Feng Shui character ; -*- outline -*- ; $Id: jian.txt,v 1.4 2000/10/16 15:49:41 yandros Exp $ Jian Xuesheng (Ji'an Xue'she_eng), wu jen monster hunter ninja mercenary * mechanics Jian uses the Magic Cop template, and is from 69AD. The template seems to be a bit confused; it is based in juncture `any', and includes weapon picks for all junctures, but the skill list seems to assume modern/supermodern guns. Accordingly, I swapped `Martial Arts' for `Guns' and bought a rank of `Guns' with my free points. Similarly, I translated 2 gun schticks into 2 Fu schticks (although one of them, signature weapon, could come from either). . * Stats Body 8 | Mov 8 Str 8 Con 8 Tgh 8 Chi 2 | For 2 Fu 2 Mag 8 Mind 5 | Cha 5 Int 5 Per 5 Wil 5 Reflexes 8 | Agl 8 Dex 8 Spd 8 . * Skills Martial Arts [Agl] +7 =13 Info/Occult [Int] +7 12 Police [Per] +3 8 Sorcery [Mag] +5 =12 Medicine [Mag] +4 12 Guns [Dex] +1 9 Intrusion [Agl] +2 11 . * Weapons katana (signature weapon) STR+4+3 = 15 shuriken 5 (keep?) . * Schticks Sorcery: Summoning {p97} Sorcery: Fertility {p94} Fu: Signature Weapon (Path of the Selective Master) {p81}/ Guns {p62} Fu: Prodigious Leap (Path of the Leaping Storm) {p87} OR Fu: Friend of Darkness (Path of the Shadow's Companion) {p78} . * Story [Note: although I much prefer these in first person, this particualr story works much better in third person.] Jian is a failure. At least, that's what he thinks of himself. Jian isn't the name his father gave him, of course; not that that matters. It is fitting that he should not use his father's name. Thus will his family be spared at least some measure of disgrace. By now, they must believe me dead; let them continue to think so. When I was still a boy, I was talented, yes, and proud. No more. For most of my childhood years I worked with Jian Xiongdi, a local hero. Deft of touch, keen of mind, and strong of heart, Jian Xiongdi was a true champion of the people in a way that I will never match. Distinguishing himself in the war (wars were not uncommon then), he returned to find our town beleagured by monsters. Living in the foothills as we did, stories of nearby monsters were older than anyone could remember, and there were certain parts of the mountains that living creatures did not visit, but nevr before had the village been threatened like this. Farms were attacked, fields were destoryed, and livestock was killed. Some of the farmers reported strange, shadowy or firey shapes, and some of the farmers were simply never seen nor heard from again. Something had to be done. Somebody had to do something. Jian was that somebody. We were never bothered by the monsters again. Also, we never heard from Jian Xiongdi again. After that, I took up with a different master, of a different sort. Xian Tze-Tzu was a noble, almost regal man, and a powerful sorcerer. The years I spent with him were tumultuous, filled with strange wonders and inhuman drudgery. I was servant, apprentice, and experiment -- Tze-Tzu was attempting something new, `monster slayer', and I was that attempt. It was an exciting time, learning sorcery, melding it to the swordwork that Jian had attempted to teach me. Sorcery was the least of the treasures I discovered at the side of Tze-Tzu, however. The greatest treasure was his neice, Suong Mei. Hers was a beauty that moved lesser men to bad poetry. Her smile moved my soul. I wonder if she ever knew that I existed. When she disappeared, there was no question that I would go after her. As it turns out, Xian wasn't trying to stop me, but rather to warn me. These weren't normal kidnappers, but some sort of supernatural agents, sent to teach Tze-Tzu a lesson. Tze-Tzu handed me a small bundle, and a rice-paper painting. I recognized it as a portrait of Suong Mei done in his own hand. As I bowed to recieve the gift, Tze-Tzu said: ``I think I shall never see you again. If you return with her, you have my blessing.'' What do you know, he's been right so far.... . ** quotes: Life is honed by, death, its opposite. We call this evolution. I am not where I was. . ** names She_ngsho^u novice Xue'tu' apprentice Xue'she_ng student di`di` brother (younger) Xio_ngdi`_ brother (elder) Xue'zhe^ scholar . ** party James, `Goat'. beggar in loose clothing Takashi Ran . 9/10 year old kid. japanese accent Ronny Jarret. Dark haired beauty in jeans, t-shirt, and STP cap .