Garan Crynforge Dwarven Fighter/Cleric of Moradin 7/8 Male, 4'4", 135 lbs, 77 yrs., long white hair and beard, grey eyes. ``Garan is a dwarven fighter-cleric of Moradin, the God of Dwarves, and he looks like it.'' Ability Scores and Effects------------------------------------------------- | STR 18/100 | hit damage max press open doors bb/lg weight | | | +3 +6 480 16(6) 40% 335 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DEX 16 | missle reaction def | | | +1 +1 -2 | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CON 17(18) | System shock HP adj ressurection poision regen | | g dwarvenkind | 97%(99%) +3 (+4) 98%(100%) '() '() | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | INT 17 | lang spell learn Max per illusion | | | 6 8th 75% 14 '() | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WIS 18 | spell failure magic def bonus immunity | | | 0% +4 4,3,2,2,1,1 '() | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | CHR 12 (11/14) | loyalty henchmen reaction | | g dwarvenkind | (0/+1) (4/6) (0/+2) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saving Throws----------------------------------- Experience----------------- | para/poison/death | 7 | +2/+5/+2 | 5/0/5 | | Bonus: 10% | | rod/staff/wand | 11 | +5 +2 | 4 | | curr: 140,560 / 137,536 | | petri/poly | 10 | +2/+2 | 8/8 | | next: 250,000 / 225,000 | | breath | 12 | +2 | 10 | -------------------------- | spells | 12 | +5 +2 | 5 | ----------------------------------------------- Armor----------------------------------------------------------- ------ | Plate +2 base - dex - armor - magic - spec = AC | HP | | med shield +1 10 - 2 - 9 - 3 - 3 = -7 | 82 | | ring prot +2 | | --------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Racial Abilities-------------------- SPECIAL ABILITIES--- | infravision 60' | | Turn Undead | | det sloping passage 1-5/d6 | | Duration increase | | det new construction 1-5/d6 | | Det Evil | | det slid/shift wall/room 1-4/d6 | | Wizardly-priest | | det stonework traps/pits 1-3/d6 | ------------------- | det depth underground 1-3/d6 | | change magic item failure 20% | ----------------------------------- Proficiencies--------------------------------------- | Axes, Picks, Hammers | | Shield and Weapon | | Ambidexterity | | Shield (medium) | --------------------------------------------------- | # A stat mod tot | --------------------------------------------------- | Healing | 4 | 5 | +5 | 3 | 14 | | Herbalism | 3 | 6 | +5 | | 11 | | Religon | 2 | 6 | +5 | 3 | 14 | | Reading & Writing | 2 | 8 | +4 | | 12 | | Armorer | 5 | 5 | +5 | | 10 | | Weaponsmith | 5 | 5 | +4 | 4 | 13 | --------------------------------------------------- Items 5 Borovian holy symbols 9 vials of holy water 4 flasks of holy water 1 `King James Version Holy Bible' gold holy symbol of Mordain (hammer & anvil) silver holy symbol of Mordain (hammer & anvil) platinum holy symbol of Mordain (hammer & anvil) 2 small bags of flour bottle of perfume bottle of ink small metal mirror bell cloth (canvas) needle chalk fishhooks flint and steel 2 flasks greek fire 2 small sacks large belt-pouch 2 small blet pouch whistle soap 4 candles cloak change of clothes armorer/weaponsmith tools (hammers, tongs, etc) Dwarven Thrower (warhammer) battle axe 4 throwing axes 2 daggers 2 elixir of health 6 potion of healing 1 potion of extra healing ring of fire resistance (Karthlis) Deck of Illusions scroll (Heal, C.S.W.) scroll (heal, C.S.W., Remove Curse) Manual of gainful excersize book, ``Strahd's Guide to Lycanthropy'' rod of summoning Insects (27) rations for 14 days 25 goodberries travelling spellbook (see spellbook-1.txt)