I wrote this up for my own game, and then neer worked it in -- depending on the gameplay and the DM, it could be very powerful or pretty weak. The idea's not incredibly original, but I think it would be very in-character, and it could provide a simple way around certain problems for the DM. _The Libram of Living Lore_ The Libram of Living Lore_ is a magical book of historical and legendary knowledge, designed for active use by bards, sages, and historians. The book holds an undetermined number of pages, which all appear to be blank on a quick perusal. If the index is consulted, however, a number of interesting, unusual entries may be found. The book is meant to be used actively, and will `encourage' owners to pass along the book should the possessor not actively adventure with it (by showing only extremely dull entries in the index). The book particularly likes to travel in the vicinty of epic deeds and stories, which it may utilize to fill its own pages. The veracity of the book is generally `good', but not `perfect', and seems often to reflect the belief of some owner (past or present) rather than `knowing' the truth.