Calana `Cale' - Female Grey Elven bladesinger fighter/mage Argus - Mist Wolf familiar Hunts Iuz, Scarlet Brotherhood Minor Historian Trent - Male Human Paladin (Mayaheine) Electrum - bonded mount horse Extremely Paladin Champion of Nyrond Keep somehwere Diagonti - Male Half Elven Fire-Priest/Fire-Mage Flambe - Fire Falcon familiar Knowledge seeker Priest of Volcanos, Temper Temple in dwarven lands, near keep he built Fionna - Female Half Elven Fighter/Priest of Pelor healing priest strong fighter Pelor is greater deity; Mayaheine used to be a Paladin of his Daelen - Male Elven ranger/bard Sylvia - cat Political ties to Furyondy Archer