This takes place around the first week in Feb. 2103, since then you've been in a training center just outside of New York. The current date is February 22, 2103 in game, same as the other characters. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- So, after nearly three weeks of training, meditation exercises, noetic, electro-magnetic, and quantum field theory and demonstrations, the day comes. You're sent to a doctor the day before your "dunking" and given probably the most thorough medical, physical and psychological workup you've ever seen. You're pretty sure that the company now knows more about you than you do. You're told not to eat anything solid the night before and are even provided several packets of nutritional shakes that you can take instead. You're told to report to the your office at exactly 10:00 am, your escort will pick you up there. The escort picks you and your training group up at the Tekne office and you enter a limo whose windows have been completely darkened. Every other time you've been taken to the chamber has been the same, windowless limo ride to a heliport hangar, entry into a windowless helo and then a 30 minute flight. Except this time, the ride takes close to any hour. Confused, but excited, you enter the complex from a hangar you've never seen before. The escort explains, "Don't worry, you're not seeing things, the Chamber has been moved to its new, improved vault. You enter an elevator that descends rapidly for close to 30 seconds. When it stops, you stalk through several connecting corridors, each with enough guards to convince you that Tekne must spend a fortune on health benefits and life insurance. The last blast door brings you to the Chamber itself. You're the first, and so the others are led off to wait their turn. You take the moment to take in the sights. Sitting in the center of the room, ringed by computers and equipment is a contraption that could only come out of someone's mad-scientist movie. A large glass and metal cylinder over 12 feet tall squats at the center of everyone's attention. The tube looks at once alive and made, metal and flesh. Its color is a metallic amber with tints of deep green and purple. The central tube sits empty, but you've been warned about the "goop". A technician walks over to you and asks that you strip and put on the robe he hands you. He points you at a privacy curtain. While you change, he talks you through what is about to happen. "You'll first be strapped in to some monitoring equipment, all attached to bare skin, which is why you're changing. But you'll be completely nude when you enter the Tank. No clothing in the chamber itself. You'll be given a breather, similar to what scuba divers use, since the chamber will be filling with a biofluid during your triggering. I'll explain more about that in a moment. "Once you're inside, the tank is filled and we'll ask that you give us a thumbs up if you're ready. When we start, you'll begin to feel a tingling and a stinging along your body. That's the nanites entering through the fluid. Don't worry, they're not permanent, they're just creating certain connections to your body. Finally, we'll inject you via a remote, usually in the leg, though if your arm is accessible we'll hit that. It will probably sooth you, may even knock you out temporarily. Once you do wake up though, you probably won't really feel all there anyways. "The soothing is so you won't panic when we pump the goop into your lungs. Now don't worry, I can see that look on your face, the fluid is similar to that Carbon-Flouride mix ultra deep sea divers use. It can be "breathed" just like air so you won't actually drown. "Finally, you'll begin to feel what the Doc has called the Prometheus affect. You'll feel a buzzing in your brain and you'll probably see flashes of light in your eyes. After that, ... well after that the Prometheus affect is a bit different for everyone. You may fall unconscious and dream, you may just hallucinate, you may sense absolutely nothing. Most people fall asleep and most of those report strange dreams or hallucinations. "After that, I expect you'll wake up in your bed, with a doctor or nurse checking up on you every few hours. You'll need some bed rest for the first few hours, almost as if you've had a bad flu. You'll spend the next few weeks at a training site where the surges you'll experience won't cause any equipment problems. "Didn't mention that to you? Well, don't worry, you'll spend most of the time training but you'll have full access to your other work, except for lab space, but there's plenty of that around, they ought to be able to fix you up. "So, any questions? Good, then let the dunking begin." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- A short while later you are in fact climbing into the chamber as it fills with a viscous green fluid. The breather snug around your mouth and nose, you still wonder if it will keep you from breathing the liquid. As it come up around your face you face a few moments of panic but fight those down. Even through the mask you can smell a strange pungent organic odor. As it covers your eyes, you blink away a few tears as the fluid stings them but your eyes seem to adjust quickly. Floating in the warm goo, you see the tech point to you and give you a questioning thumbs up. You don't even remember giving the response, but rather seem to feel only the strange colors and sights that begin to assault you. Only a dull prick seems to signal any needle entry and gets lost in the music. Around you lights and auras begin to bombard you, and you feel at once like you're missing a limb and as if you've suddenly found one that you've been missing. A strange humming builds around you, deep and solid even though you know that there is now sound. Around you can sense energies, their ebb and flow, the cycles of the various electric and quantum flows. You taste and smell rather than see the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum and then, ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ You're running along in a park. Behind you your mother is watching you, making sure you don't run into trouble. You turn to her after kicking the little soccer ball toward your friend and see a large bubble of light behind her. Lightning seems to crackle around it and in your childish panic you scream, running toward her... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ An angel sits on the rock near the ocean. Its been there for the last few nights, returning at dusk, leaving at dawn. You haven't dared approach it since you saw what it did to the other man who tried to interrupt its reverie. You can sense a sadness, a solitude from it that is almost overwhelming. The angel lifts its broad wings and a keening wail rises from it that strikes you and the others in the safehouse with dread and it vanishes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- You see a horde of soldiers rushing toward you. You duck into a side passage. The fighting has gotten intense. Nearby, a fellow electrokinet bags one of the bad guys with an arc of electricity several meters long. The smoking body hits the ground at about the same time as his killer's. The fighting intensifies near the Prometheus chamber. There's a crash and suddenly someone is lobbing some sort of packet over the defenders, through the shattered blast door. The package lands near the Tank, and then a deafening explosion knocks everyone to the floor... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ou're floating in the command center of some sort of space vessel. The controls all look new but not mint. Floating nearby you can see one of the Qin, their crystalline bodyshell hanging gracefully even in zero-g. Outside you can see the wreckage of many other ships. Yours has avoided their fate but only barely. Beyond, the enemy fleet and the massive mothership waits. It is no longer in a hurry. It knows that the defenders are broken. Your captain gives the word and with a wrench, the pilot takes your ship "beyond", and away from the lost fight. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Welcome back, feeling better? You've been out nearly an hour." You look up to see a nurse or a doctor smiling down on you. You look down and find that you've been cleaned up and placed in a bed. Nearby you see a doorway with a guard outside. "You'll be headed to the training campus in a few hours. Just lie back and relax. Don't over do it." He turns to look at a chart you take to be your own. With a sense of focus and strength unlike anything you've ever felt before you push yourself up and begin getting dressed. "I'm fine. Really." The doctor accepts your response and moves off to deal with another dunkee. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Changes: You'll need to read the chapter about Psi character creation to make all this make sense. You'll need to add 1 point each to your primary and secondary attribute groups (meaning that you generated your character from a 6/4/3 template and it is now a 7/5/3 template). You can not move points around, simply choose two attributes you want to change and add 1 point to them. Second, figure out your Psi (1/2*(Charisma + Stamina + Wits) + 1) Third, you have 4 Mode points to spend on your character's aptitudes. These can be distributed any way you want in the Electrokinesis modes (or in Auxiliary modes). Next, you can spend up to 13 experience points as if you were in character gen, i.e. use them as Freebie points, but you can only spend them on Psionic modes or Psi or Psi related merits (no flaws). Finally, mail me your changes and new attributes. Note, this takes care of any Novo or Ordo points spent already. (For you I believe it is Iota:1 and Chi:1). Joe