Lars Schmitt

24 year old human male S.W.A.T. (trainee) Blond hair and beard, trimmed short, 6'1", fair skinned, blue eyes, tall, large frame, medium build

faith: 0 | 0
willpower: 9 | 7
Humanity: 7 | 7
PSI: 10 | 10
Experience Points: 9 + more
healthy wounded (-3)
bruised mauled (-4)
hurt (-1) crippled (-5)
injured (-2) incapacitated(X)
Attributes adv: 4x current
Physical Social Mental
Strength: 3 Charisma: 2 Perception: 2
Dexterity: 5 Manipulation: 4 Intelligence: 2
Stamina: 3 Appearance: 2 Wits: 2
Abilities adv: 2x current
Talents Skills Knowledge
Alertness: 3 Drive: 1 Medicine: 1
Athletics: 3 Firearms: 5 Investigation: 1
Brawl: 2 Melee: 4 Linguistics: 1
Intimidation: 3 Security: 2 Military Sci: 1
Leadership: 2 Stealth: 3 Suvival spc: 1
Subterfuge: 2 Police Proc: 1
Dodge: 3 0G Movement: 2
0G Combat: 1
Gunnery Ship:1
Com/sens Spc:1
Heavy Weap: 1
* Advantages
  advancement: 1x current

** backgrounds
  Ally/mentor:      1

** Merits/flaws
  acute vision
  acute hearing
  fast learner  (3pt (wasted :) aptitude merit)

** Firearms
* Equipment
** kevlar jacket 
    armor rating: soak +4
    dex difficulty penalty: -3
** weapons
  Heckler&Koch MP5 (diff 6 dmg 5 rate 3/3B clip 30 rng 50) init+1 acc+1
  m16a1 (diff 7 dmg 7 rate 30/full clip 30 rng 150)               acc+1
  Uzi (diff 6 dmg 4 rng 50 rate 3/3B  clip 40)                    acc+1
 Colt 45 (diff 6 dmg 5 rate 3 clip 7 rng 35)                     acc+1
 Glock 17 (diff 6 dmg 4 rate 4 clip 19 rng 25)            init+1 acc+1
 Light Antitank Weapon  (diff 7 dmg 12 rng 200)           init-2 acc+1 

  knives (x2) (diff 4 dmg str+1)
  brass knuckles (dmg punch+1)
  baseball bat (diff 4 dmg str+2) (special: haymaker  169)
  broadsword (diff 6 dmg str+6)

*** Hong Kong
 2 inc, 2 smoke, 2 flashbang
 4 colt 45's
 2 kinfe

* Notes
** police
 Belame' Sanders - guy who changed the #s on the cellphone: academy
      class one up from ours, 2nd in class (behind Julie), SWAT team
 Jack Halligan - UN Internal Affairs Marshal
 Bill Waln - UN Internal Affairs
 Johnathon Hal - Otherworld mentor, buddy
 Two Eldridge - leader of the peers (commish)
 Laurence F. Bourne - Aerodyne VP
** german train
  Andreas Bourne, bank of london, 3, 200#
** ships
  HMS Prince Albert (strike carrier, local flagship) 
    Captain Mactaggart (may have been `involved' with Queen)
    12 fighters
  HMS Servitude     (missile) LaSalle, Trailan (sp?), scuttled
  HMS Falklands     (missile)
  HMS Venture       (destroyer)
  HMS Volaire
** Jupiter story
  Admiral Carrol ordered the Jupiter (under Captain Wells).
  ship attacked by monsters during trip.  

  Lars:  Lt. Bill Waln
  Scott: Captain Jim Scott
  Mara:  Nurse Laura Redfern
  Chris: Sailor Frank Jones
  Ed:    Sailor Ted WIlliam
  Lars2: Ensign Michael Waln
  Tor:	 Midshipman, Trond Lekven
  Pilot    Lt
  Engineer Warrant Officer
  Engineer Warrant Officer

  2 Jan 2101, called to Jupiter. (7 months, very little heavy thrust)
  `monster' found on board

*** Interrogation Crew
    Commander Nice
    Chief Carlstrom
** Mimas notes
   Dr. `Sa-thE-A'
   with Admiral McTaggart's group.  password: `William of Orange'

   Captain Halligan, guard captain of some rank
** Relentless Story
  Kinniard converted to our side
  Kin shows up (one external, one in Ed)
  Kin of the Relentless

  Paradise Station
  Infection(s) running around earth
  Where's MacTaggart?

  almost all infected people rounded up, disinfected
  MUADA removed from everyone
  Lars and Ed remain infected

* Family in Berlin

 Michael and Katrine Stamppe -- Dora and Kari are staying with them.

* meeting with Aeon

  Irene Mullen, assistant to Nevile Archer
  Aeon foundation, stayed behind the scenes for the last hundred years
  or so.  Founded during Great War (191x).  Best minds of the
  generation came together to attempt a peaceful end to the war.  Made
  up of people on both sides.  Since then, more of a charitable
  foundation (sponsors Red Cross).  Foundation now funds Aeon
  Corporation, which works to benefit society.

  3 divisions, used to be 4 (`The Director' used to run the 4th):

    Information Gathering 
    Administrative Arm (Archer, Mullen)
    * Scientific Research (had Ops group) - `outside' threats, folded in
  Pay: very good for nonprofit, strong benefits 

  HQ in Chicago, but world-wide.  Global employment is ~50k,
  associates is ~500k.
 Is there a splinter of 4th division? yes

 Do governments know? Believe that most governments know, but don't
  Associate Dir. Frank Walters, in Proteus (Ops).
  Neptuen is Admin, Triton is Intel.

  alternate id's
 COMA-357, light neurotoxin dev'd by US military.  Can be used to
  render people unconscious, sluggish, or, in very large doses, dead.

 There is an antidote that can be used beforehand, but must be used
  shortly (1-2 hours) beforehand.

 Tor and Lars accept offer to work for Aeon.
 Sent to Hong Kong to investigate `wierd' murders.

  Sent along with normal equipment, two bio grenades with pre-apply
  antidote, and two prototype laser pistols, 13 charges each, use with

 Cover ID: Karl Glock

 At site of first victim, run into 3 others: Jenwa, Yin Shay(sp), and
  Roberto.  Try to stop, they start shooting, then calm down.
  `disappear' my gun, and eventually our cop-guide shows up.
  Eventually, each group goes their own way.
  Lars (Karl) and Tor (Bjorn) in Hong Kong.  Go to investigate second
    crime scene.  In run-down area, but well-kept.  Lots of high-quality
    equipment (computer, music, radio). Thought to be organizer for local
    drug ring.  Tor finds funky computer board in computer equipment;
    takes. Lars tries to `see invisible' and sees `outline' on the wall
    of a person, hands/arms shielding face, with concentric waves
    radiating out/converging in.

 Secretly, Mifune and cohort go to Lars&Tor's hotel, break in, rifle
    through stuff.

 Third crime scene: shack on top of building.  Outline of half of a body,
    with large blood stain.  Search around, find small scrap of note in
    fire, with visible part ``nt Marie'', in block hand-printing.  On way
    out, we see someone from the other side.  Small chase ensues; Tor
    goes into ambush, gets trapped, disappears (talks to mage).  I
    contact AD, fill in, go back to hotel.  Tor reappears, meets at
    hotel.  We wait in hotel for agents from Aeon, get isntead met by
    Mifune, Hector, and ???.  We talk to them about crimes, about Bolade,
    etc.  They leave, and then we lose our memories.  We notice, and Lars
    writes himself a note ``being mind controlled'.  Aeon agents arrive
    (Mark, Kyle, ???), Lars finds note and gives note to Mark.  Mark and
    Lars contact AD, get ordered back to Chicago.  En route, meet with
    Bolade, who 'ports us to Africa.  She gives us the psi schpiel, and
    we sign up.  We're making plans to go back to Aeon when we get the
    call from the AD that we're needed back in Hong Kong, so we go, meet
    replacement agents, and prepare to capture/kill the psi serial
   Fight in warehouse.  Turns out ot be female commando-type teleporter.  Very
   nasty.  We knock her down, she dices Lars' insides, and then we get her.  
   Hector/Ivan shows up, helps us leaves, bamfs with the prisoner.

   We get debriefed, and then some.  Checking news afterwards, we find out that
   L. Bourne has pulled off separating Mars Aerdodyne into Metadyne Aerospace,
   and is licensing an extremely small fusion reactor to the UN.

   The Prince has made a third attack, on a US Military base shortly outside of Las
   Vegas.  US is not happy.

   We're confined to quarters waiting for results of brainwashing test.
  colt .45, 2 banji 44, 9mm pistol
  assault rifle
  reuseable LAW with 2 extra rockets