Norman Fiske Human male forensics/detective mage, originally assigned to Precinct I, where he worked primarily on anti-smuggling operations. His Lt. disliked mages in general and wanted to keep Fiske in his place, so there he languished for a good long while, until the Silver Stars Bombings and the massive reassignments that came after. He still lives in his relatively plain flat in Perrinville (Southern part of Precinct I). He was thinking about moving, but he's seen what happened with the `Cop House' recently, and he's not so sure. Combat: 5 Reaction: 3 Spell: 5 Karma: 8 Astral: 1 Init: 1 Spells: 3 Armor 3 Analyze Magic: (Magic 140) 3 Analyze Truth: (SR3 192) 3 Catalog: (Magic 141) 5 Decrease Willpower 3 Detect Magic: (SR3 193) 5 Heal: (SR3 193) 5 Mind Probe: (SR3 193) 3 Stunbolt: (SR3 191) Stats: (- (+ 216 35) (+ ; 60 ; Awakened Adept ; 12 ; Body 3 8 ; Quickness 2 8 ; Strength 2 20 ; Charisma 4 20 ; Intelligence 4 20 ; Willpower 5 ; Magic 7 ; 4 ; Athletics 2 4 ; pistol (thunderbolt) 2 5 ; biotech 2/3 (first aid) 4 ; Unarmed Combat 2 ; 14 ; Aura Reading 4 14 ; Sorcery 4 4 ; Negotiation 2 10 ; Interrogation 3/4 (Magic) 4 ; Etiquette 2 ; 6 ; Knowledge: magic 4 10 ; Knowledge: forensics 4 6 ; Knowledge: smuggling techniques 3 3 ; Knowledge: police procedure 2 ; 3 ; Knowledge: Combat Biking 3 4 ; Bike 2 ; ; Languages: Int *1.5 = 6 3 ; English 2 ; English R/W 1 3 ; Egyptian 2 ; Egyptian R/W 1 1 ; Latin 1 3 ; Latin R/W 2 )) Equipment: 850 ; Secure Jacket 2000 ; Pocket Secretary 13500 ; Scorpion (bike) Silver Whistle (Expendable spell focus, Force 3) Silver Whistle (Expendable spell focus, Force 3) Ring (Sustaining spell focus, Force 3) Ring (Sustaining spell focus, Force 3) Pendant (Power focus, force 1) Money from trip: +59k