Tindarkin `Tiddlywinks' Windweaver Tindarkin is a clever, good looking, somewhat charasmatic gnome with a few minor `quirks' - most notably, he's curious. To a fault. No, really; you might have thought that Casey liked to learn new things, but Casey knows when to stop. :-) In particular, Tindarkin, or `Tiddlywinks' (a childhood nickname that stuck a bit too much for Tindarkin's taste, but he's an affable sort, most of the time...) has developed a few, ah, unusual interests. Science. Drugs. maybe even psionics... I'm not sure how this `scientist' class is going to work out, Andy. I have a pretty good vision of the character, but I'm not sure where to go from there. As you might have guessed from his `family name', Tindarkin is from a line of strong mages - wizards, elementalists, etc, and so probably had some training in magic at some point, but either was or wasn't very good at it. Does a psi-active gnome scientist work? The way I invision this character he'd be `into' anything he could find someone to talk about, but his interests mostly develop along the lines he can pursue, which I see as magic, science, psionics, and drugs/herbalism. I imagine that he got into the last as a combination of magical research, scientific research, and efforts to `help along' his mental abilities. In play, I imagine his mage abilities as sort of an AD&D-style wild mage - his spells work most of the time, but there's always the chance that wierd things (TM) might happen... ..especially if he's been `experimenting' too much with his potions and powders. I'm not sure if the psi angle is doable or not - I'm really not familiar with the universe or the system. I would guess that he'd be doing it for research purposes, mostly, although I can see a few angles that he might pursue - healing (psi and/or herbal), boosting/faking/changing magic, perhaps a low-tech version of telemech? I also have this nice vision of him getting around via teke/tekeshields most of the time. It'd be really useful in helping him work on his current secret scientific project - the most advanced form of weaponry to ever grace the surface of the planet (NOT!). The dart gun. How's that again? Well, Tindarkin is *only* 2'2", so `longbow' was sort of out for him and his kind, even though the Palladium book mentions that gnomes are `often' Rangers. Crossbows work, but they're too clumsy and slow to do a job with any finese - what you really need is a delivery system that combines high accuracy and high rate of fire in a more convienient bundle. Sure, darts are small and do limited amounts of damage, but a clever being can surmount those problems (with appropriate herbs, powders, and potions, for instance... :-), and besides, you've got to start somewhere. :-) So, where I am: I have a concept that needs some fleshing out. Tindarkin is a researcher, almost a Scholar, but that OCC isn't familiar to me and doesn't seem to fit so well from the description. He does get into combat sometimes, mostly to try out his new inventions (unless he needs to keep them very secret instead of just sort-of secret). He uses darts and is reasonably good with a knife and a short staff (which isn't so short to him :-), although he doesn't tend to use them in combat as much as in `normal day to day actions'. He spends most of his time researching magic, psionics, and science. He also spends a good bit of the time slightly high. :-) I rolled some stats and aptitudes but haven't yet assigned them all. I have a reasonably good idea which skills and such he's going to want (wp dart, knife, maybe short staff; herbalism, poison use, poison id, maybe some magic stuff, maybe some healing stuff, whatever the science things are) but I need an OCC before I can proceed too much farther. Here are the rolls I have: (~yandros/project/rpg/Tindarkin/rolls) aptitudes: 6, 5, 3 3 15 IQ 2 10 ME 3 14 MA 2 12 PS 4 23 PP 4 23 PE 4 19 PB 2 10 Spd you know, having `average' be `4.5' is pretty nice :-) The assignments there aren't final, as I'm not entirely sure what's most appropriate for the character - I know too little about the system. :-/ It seems like I'm going to want to pump up my IQ with one of the extra die, but I'm not sure what all would be best suited where.