Here is Mike's description of Bertrand, Captain of the Baron's Guard. --- Bertrand Captain of the Baron's Guard. Fifty years old if a day, and all muscle. Bald as a billiard ball, with a gaze designed to strike fear into the heart of the most impudent recruit. Insists on proper deference to nobility; probably gets along with them better. Rumors among the draftees say that he eats babies for breakfast. The nobles recognize him as a capable, dependable captain who takes his duties in protecting the keep and town very seriously. The Guard A combination of castle guard and town police; they wear the Baron's livery and are nominally responsible for keeping peace and order in the Baron's capital and keep. It's made up of a mixture of volunteer and career soldiers, draftees from the nearby barony, and whatever mercenaries the Baron or his Captain may care to hire to augment its number. Generally, the draftees end up ranked lower than the career soldiers, and would be the first to go on the lines in an actual battle. This provokes some amount of resentment, but aside from extreme cases (like Greg) this doesn't usually amount to anything because of the Captain's rather harsh sense of discipline. However, despite this, the lower ranks are usually somewhat lax in their duties, provoking no end of annoyance for the Captain. The Forest The keep is surrounded by farmland on 3 sides, and oak-and-deciduous forest on the 4th. About half of this is paritioned off as the Baron's Wood, and the guard is sometimes called in to deal with poachers. Various brigand groups have also been known to take their shelter there. Rumors of elves living in the forest and abducting children abound, but nobody has ever proved this one way or the other. --- Here's what Mike didn't write. Some ten years ago, after several long tours along the southern borders of [sorry, kingdom name's not online], Bertrand started looking for someplace to retire. Someplace where he doesn't have to deal with so many layers of authority above him, where he'll have some autonomy, but where there is still someplace to pass the buck when things get political. Someplace where it won't get political quite as often as when commanding troops protecting the borders of various baronies. Something with occasional excitement to keep him on his toes, but without the constant skirmishes with the monsters across the border. ("non-human" = "monster". You've never met a monster you liked, except some of the dead ones roasted over a fire. This outlook is fairly typical of people living here, although only the ones with a lot of military background might possibly have had to try eating them.) You finally started looking after the incident with Baron Erudin. Somebody accused him of having one of his mages magically alter the personality of one of his prisoners. This was an extremely serious accusation - even if it were found baseless, his reputation would have been tarnished. Apparently there was enough suspicion that the King ordered the troops in. He knew you were coming (_politics_ again), and claimed innocence from atop a well-guarded wall. Your troops surrounded the keep and, while waiting for the royal so-called "experts" (mages), constructed the engines which would enable you to breach the walls. The experts arrived. At their direction, your men stormed the keep. Baron Erudin's men died or, eventually, surrendered. You don't know all of what the experts found. Some of the people in the dungeons weren't quite sane, but that's normal. However, the final verdict was well publicized. "Banned research and experimentation has been conducted by mages in Baron Erudin's employ." On their orders, you executed the one mage who survived the attack and your men razed the keep (the grapevine claims that Baron Erudin wept as the keep was destroyed). The Baron was taken, along with a couple sealed chests of "evidence", to the capitol by the royal experts and their guards. The Baron was executed, and the barony split up among its neighbors. Fairly quickly, you started hearing rumors that perhaps all was not as it seemed. They varied from speculation that the evidence was tampered with, to claims that some evidence disappeared, to claims that the evidence was conclusive and the Baron was guilty as sin. The whole thing stank of Politics, especially when you learned that the evidence was sealed away. When you started making retirement noises, friends of friends of people in your unit discovered that the Baron Montague [check name] was looking for a Captain for the local guard. You met him, and he seemed perfectly reasonable for a noble. His barony is in the middle of nowhere, in the northern portion of the kingdom. Ideal - you can bump political decisions to the Baron, and all he wants is for you to keep law, order, and a secure barony. Best of all, it's so far away that most of the hicks don't know about Baron Erudin. It was about as you expected. There's a forest nearby, with rumors of elves, but you've never seen any of the little buggers. Occasionally you have to take the Guard into it, to clear it of bandits. Can't be that many mosters in the forest, if the bandits live there, unless they're somehow in league. The Baron's youngest daughter, Lady Hyacinth, is a bit of a problem. Fortunately, most of it isn't your problem, it is the Baron's. She's a klutz who can't manage to do anything right, and absolutely terrorizes the servants. Your portion of the problem began when she started getting lost. The first time, you raised the Guard and started searching; you searched for the better part of a day before a pesant boy (completely on his own) brought her back. "If a 'Lady' is going to have a tryst, she should at least let someone discrete know so that I don't have to turn the keep upside down looking for her." The second time, when she came back with the same boy, you investigated the boy and brought it up with the Lord Montague. Upon hearing that the boy had no family, survived on odd jobs at a disreputable inn, and generally hung out with the unsavory people. The Lord's orders were that "if it were to happen again you should teach the boy a lesson." You thought a while about how to deal with this order. The implications of the order were clear -- Lord Montague did not want Lady Hyacinth stealing away to hang out with this riff-raff. You didn't blame him, either. The boy had a sharp tongue and no respect for authority. You decided upon an unofficial visit to the Six Fingers, followed by a forceful discussion outside which would result in the boy having enough bruises to make the point. Distasteful, but better than what would happen if Lord Montague officially took notice of the affair. As you were leaving the keep, seeing the guard snap to attention gave you an inspiration. A solution which would make the boy productive and useful, not give him enough time to sneak away with Hyacinth, should fix a few of his character flaws, and might eventually make him respectful enough.... Later that day, a boy named Gregory was forcibly removed from the Six Fingers Inn and inducted into the palace guard. You had to subject him to fairly harsh discipline, and he spent a disappointingly large amount of time in the cells for disobeying orders and running away. Lady Hyacinth disappeared again. Gregory, as a member of the guard, was turned out to help find her... and did. "Look, if I didn't find her, she'd've been lost, okay? Deal." Sometime around then, he seemed to start developing a sense of responsibility and, while still sharp-tongued and somewhat insubordinate, began spending less time in the cells. A couple months ago, Lady Hyacinth disappeared yet again. For the first time, she reappeared without Gregory -- and Gregory failed to return. Soon after that, Lord Montague managed to marry off his oldest daughter, and his wife elected to go to the capitol to attend a festival. Montague fell ill, and Hyacinth began to take charge (this seemed slightly out of character to you, but people change). --- For the PC, Bertrand is a 5th level fighter (he has the experience to be somebody important in the army, but he's a bit burned out) (note that this is approximately character retirement level, too. :> ). I'd expect strength around 17, average charisma. Reasonable int. 2 WP slots in bastard sword; frobbed for 2/round with it. I'll generate a character sheet, but if you'd rather feel free (I'll keep mine for later, in that case).